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File metadata and controls

56 lines (43 loc) · 1.94 KB

Server Implementation

The back-end of DEVils-Scrum-Tool is created with Spring Boot, using Gradle as build tool and Hibernate to connect with the PostgreSQL database. Java 11 is required. Open a new bash instance to run server:

Testing - Demo with In-Memory Database

Build and Run Server with an Embedded H2 In-Memory Database

./gradlew bootRun --args=''

Up and Running!

Check it on http://localhost:8765/api/hello (Message: "Greetings from Spring Boot!")

Default imported users on test-profile for login (email / password)

- abcd@ef   / abcd1234!
- abcd@efg  / abcd1234!
- abcd@efgh / abcd1234!

Development - Local installation steps

Install locally a PostgreSQL Database

  1. Install postgresql
  2. Create a new database with name scrumtool: psql> CREATE DATABASE scrumtool;
  3. Then log in (may need root privileges): sudo -u postgres psql -d scrumtool
  4. Import the database (./src/main/resources/schema.sql) psql> \i /absolute/path/to/schema.sql

Build and Run Server

./gradlew bootRun --args=''

Build (without time-consuming tests)

./gradlew build -x test

Spring Boot Integration Testing (AssertJ & Mockito)

./gradlew test

Format the code

./gradlew spotlessApply

Other Deployment options


  1. Install docker-compose
  2. Build server and database images together with docker-compose docker-compose up --no-start
  3. Start the server and database containers docker-compose start
  4. Stop them with docker-compose stop

Heroku (for production)

  1. Login to heroku and create a new project
  2. Add postgresql add-on: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
  3. On ./src/main/resources/ apply originRequestUrl as
  4. Git add, commit and push to heroku master
  5. Import schema to database: heroku pg:psql YOUR-HEROKU-DATABASE-NAME < ./src/main/resources/schema.sql