Resource Types:
Instrumentation is the spec for OpenTelemetry instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apiVersion | string | | true |
kind | string | Instrumentation | true |
metadata | object | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. | true |
spec | object |
InstrumentationSpec defines the desired state of OpenTelemetry SDK and instrumentation. |
false |
status | object |
InstrumentationStatus defines status of the instrumentation. |
false |
InstrumentationSpec defines the desired state of OpenTelemetry SDK and instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apacheHttpd | object |
ApacheHttpd defines configuration for Apache HTTPD auto-instrumentation. |
false |
defaults | object |
Defaults defines default values for the instrumentation. |
false |
dotnet | object |
DotNet defines configuration for DotNet auto-instrumentation. |
false |
env | []object |
Env defines common env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
exporter | object |
Exporter defines exporter configuration. |
false |
go | object |
Go defines configuration for Go auto-instrumentation.
When using Go auto-instrumentation you must provide a value for the OTEL_GO_AUTO_TARGET_EXE env var via the
Instrumentation env vars or via the pod annotation.
Failure to set this value causes instrumentation injection to abort, leaving the original pod unchanged. |
false |
java | object |
Java defines configuration for java auto-instrumentation. |
false |
nginx | object |
Nginx defines configuration for Nginx auto-instrumentation. |
false |
nodejs | object |
NodeJS defines configuration for nodejs auto-instrumentation. |
false |
propagators | []enum |
Propagators defines inter-process context propagation configuration.
Values in this list will be set in the OTEL_PROPAGATORS env var.
Enum=tracecontext;baggage;b3;b3multi;jaeger;xray;ottrace;none |
false |
python | object |
Python defines configuration for python auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resource | object |
Resource defines the configuration for the resource attributes, as defined by the OpenTelemetry specification. |
false |
sampler | object |
Sampler defines sampling configuration. |
false |
ApacheHttpd defines configuration for Apache HTTPD auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attrs | []object |
Attrs defines Apache HTTPD agent specific attributes. The precedence is:
`agent default attributes` > `instrument spec attributes` .
Attributes are documented at |
false |
configPath | string |
Location of Apache HTTPD server configuration.
Needed only if different from default "/usr/local/apache2/conf" |
false |
env | []object |
Env defines Apache HTTPD specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with Apache SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
version | string |
Apache HTTPD server version. One of 2.4 or 2.2. Default is 2.4 |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
Defaults defines default values for the instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
useLabelsForResourceAttributes | boolean |
UseLabelsForResourceAttributes defines whether to use common labels for resource attributes:
- `` becomes ``
- `` becomes `service.version`
- `` becomes `service.namespace` |
false |
DotNet defines configuration for DotNet auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
env | []object |
Env defines DotNet specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with DotNet SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Exporter defines exporter configuration.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
endpoint | string |
Endpoint is address of the collector with OTLP endpoint.
If the endpoint defines https:// scheme TLS has to be specified. |
false |
tls | object |
TLS defines certificates for TLS.
TLS needs to be enabled by specifying https:// scheme in the Endpoint. |
false |
TLS defines certificates for TLS. TLS needs to be enabled by specifying https:// scheme in the Endpoint.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ca_file | string |
CA defines the key of certificate (e.g. ca.crt) in the configmap map, secret or absolute path to a certificate.
The absolute path can be used when certificate is already present on the workload filesystem e.g.
/var/run/secrets/ |
false |
cert_file | string |
Cert defines the key (e.g. tls.crt) of the client certificate in the secret or absolute path to a certificate.
The absolute path can be used when certificate is already present on the workload filesystem. |
false |
configMapName | string |
ConfigMapName defines configmap name with CA certificate. If it is not defined CA certificate will be
used from the secret defined in SecretName. |
false |
key_file | string |
Key defines a key (e.g. tls.key) of the private key in the secret or absolute path to a certificate.
The absolute path can be used when certificate is already present on the workload filesystem. |
false |
secretName | string |
SecretName defines secret name that will be used to configure TLS on the exporter.
It is user responsibility to create the secret in the namespace of the workload.
The secret must contain client certificate (Cert) and private key (Key).
The CA certificate might be defined in the secret or in the config map. |
false |
Go defines configuration for Go auto-instrumentation. When using Go auto-instrumentation you must provide a value for the OTEL_GO_AUTO_TARGET_EXE env var via the Instrumentation env vars or via the pod annotation. Failure to set this value causes instrumentation injection to abort, leaving the original pod unchanged.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
env | []object |
Env defines Go specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with Go SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
Java defines configuration for java auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
env | []object |
Env defines java specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
extensions | []object |
Extensions defines java specific extensions.
All extensions are copied to a single directory; if a JAR with the same name exists, it will be overwritten. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with javaagent auto-instrumentation JAR. |
false |
resources | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
dir | string |
Dir is a directory with extensions auto-instrumentation JAR. |
true |
image | string |
Image is a container image with extensions auto-instrumentation JAR. |
true |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
Nginx defines configuration for Nginx auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attrs | []object |
Attrs defines Nginx agent specific attributes. The precedence order is:
`agent default attributes` > `instrument spec attributes` .
Attributes are documented at |
false |
configFile | string |
Location of Nginx configuration file.
Needed only if different from default "/etx/nginx/nginx.conf" |
false |
env | []object |
Env defines Nginx specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with Nginx SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
NodeJS defines configuration for nodejs auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
env | []object |
Env defines nodejs specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with NodeJS SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
Python defines configuration for python auto-instrumentation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
env | []object |
Env defines python specific env vars. There are four layers for env vars' definitions and
the precedence order is: `original container env vars` > `language specific env vars` > `common env vars` > `instrument spec configs' vars`.
If the former var had been defined, then the other vars would be ignored. |
false |
image | string |
Image is a container image with Python SDK and auto-instrumentation. |
false |
resourceRequirements | object |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements. |
false |
volumeClaimTemplate | object |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation.
If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit |
false |
volumeLimitSize | int or string |
VolumeSizeLimit defines size limit for volume used for auto-instrumentation.
The default size is 200Mi. |
false |
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name of the environment variable. Must be a C_IDENTIFIER. |
true |
value | string |
Variable references |
false |
valueFrom | object |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty. |
false |
Source for the environment variable's value. Cannot be used if value is not empty.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
configMapKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap. |
false |
fieldRef | object |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels['']`, `metadata.annotations['']`,
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs. |
false |
resourceFieldRef | object |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests
(limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported. |
false |
secretKeyRef | object |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace |
false |
Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key to select. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the ConfigMap or its key must be defined |
false |
Selects a field of the pod: supports, metadata.namespace, metadata.labels['<KEY>']
, metadata.annotations['<KEY>']
spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fieldPath | string |
Path of the field to select in the specified API version. |
true |
apiVersion | string |
Version of the schema the FieldPath is written in terms of, defaults to "v1". |
false |
Selects a resource of the container: only resources limits and requests (limits.cpu, limits.memory, limits.ephemeral-storage, requests.cpu, requests.memory and requests.ephemeral-storage) are currently supported.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
resource | string |
Required: resource to select |
true |
containerName | string |
Container name: required for volumes, optional for env vars |
false |
divisor | int or string |
Specifies the output format of the exposed resources, defaults to "1" |
false |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. |
true |
name | string |
Name of the referent.
This field is effectively required, but due to backwards compatibility is
allowed to be empty. Instances of this type with an empty value here are
almost certainly wrong.
More info: Default: |
false |
optional | boolean |
Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined |
false |
Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
claims | []object |
Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims,
that are used by this container.
This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers. |
false |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string |
Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of
the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available
inside a container. |
true |
request | string |
Request is the name chosen for a request in the referenced claim.
If empty, everything from the claim is made available, otherwise
only the result of this request. |
false |
VolumeClaimTemplate defines a ephemeral volume used for auto-instrumentation. If omitted, an emptyDir is used with size limit VolumeSizeLimit
Name | Type | Description | Required |
spec | object |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
are also valid here. |
true |
metadata | object |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
validation. |
false |
The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim are also valid here.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
accessModes | []string |
accessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
More info: |
false |
dataSource | object |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
* An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
* An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)
If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source,
it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source.
When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef,
and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified.
If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource. |
false |
dataSourceRef | object |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty
volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non
core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object.
When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of
the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic
This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such
if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards
compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef,
both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same
value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty.
When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef,
dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty.
There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
* While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef
allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects. |
false |
resources | object |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have.
If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements
that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the
status field of the claim.
More info: |
false |
selector | object |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding. |
false |
storageClassName | string |
storageClassName is the name of the StorageClass required by the claim.
More info: |
false |
volumeAttributesClassName | string |
volumeAttributesClassName may be used to set the VolumeAttributesClass used by this claim.
If specified, the CSI driver will create or update the volume with the attributes defined
in the corresponding VolumeAttributesClass. This has a different purpose than storageClassName,
it can be changed after the claim is created. An empty string value means that no VolumeAttributesClass
will be applied to the claim but it's not allowed to reset this field to empty string once it is set.
If unspecified and the PersistentVolumeClaim is unbound, the default VolumeAttributesClass
will be set by the persistentvolume controller if it exists.
If the resource referred to by volumeAttributesClass does not exist, this PersistentVolumeClaim will be
set to a Pending state, as reflected by the modifyVolumeStatus field, until such as a resource
More info:
(Beta) Using this field requires the VolumeAttributesClass feature gate to be enabled (off by default). |
false |
volumeMode | string |
volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec. |
false |
volumeName | string |
volumeName is the binding reference to the PersistentVolume backing this claim. |
false |
dataSource field can be used to specify either:
- An existing VolumeSnapshot object (
- An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef:
- While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
kind | string |
Kind is the type of resource being referenced |
true |
name | string |
Name is the name of resource being referenced |
true |
apiGroup | string |
APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced.
If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group.
For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required. |
false |
namespace | string |
Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced
Note that when a namespace is specified, a object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details.
(Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. |
false |
resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. If RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature is enabled users are allowed to specify resource requirements that are lower than previous value but must still be higher than capacity recorded in the status field of the claim. More info:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
limits | map[string]int or string |
Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
More info: |
false |
requests | map[string]int or string |
Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
More info: |
false |
selector is a label query over volumes to consider for binding.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
matchExpressions | []object |
matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
matchLabels | map[string]string |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. |
false |
A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string |
key is the label key that the selector applies to. |
true |
operator | string |
operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. |
true |
values | []string |
values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
merge patch. |
false |
May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during validation.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
annotations | map[string]string |
false |
finalizers | []string |
false |
labels | map[string]string |
false |
name | string |
false |
namespace | string |
false |
Resource defines the configuration for the resource attributes, as defined by the OpenTelemetry specification.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
addK8sUIDAttributes | boolean |
AddK8sUIDAttributes defines whether K8s UID attributes should be collected (e.g. k8s.deployment.uid). |
false |
resourceAttributes | map[string]string |
Attributes defines attributes that are added to the resource.
For example environment: dev |
false |
Sampler defines sampling configuration.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
argument | string |
Argument defines sampler argument.
The value depends on the sampler type.
For instance for parentbased_traceidratio sampler type it is a number in range [0..1] e.g. 0.25.
The value will be set in the OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG env var. |
false |
type | enum |
Type defines sampler type.
The value will be set in the OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER env var.
The value can be for instance parentbased_always_on, parentbased_always_off, parentbased_traceidratio... Enum: always_on, always_off, traceidratio, parentbased_always_on, parentbased_always_off, parentbased_traceidratio, jaeger_remote, xray |
false |