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Developer Guide

So you want to contribute code to the OpenSearch Ruby client? Excellent! We're glad you're here. Here's what you need to do.

Getting Started

Git Clone OpenSearch Ruby Repo

Fork opensearch-project/opensearch-ruby and clone locally, e.g. git clone[your username]/opensearch-ruby.git.

Install Prerequisites

  • Install ruby to continue with the development.
  • Install bundler to manage dependencies.
  • Install all dependencies using bundle install.
  • Install Docker, required for running integration tests for the repo.

Running Tests

Tests configurations are grouped into rake tasks in test namespace. Integration tests require a running OpenSearch cluster:

export CLUSTER_VERSION=latest
export PORT=9200

To run all tests:

rake test:all

Unit Tests

Run all unit tests:

rake test:unit

Run unit tests of a specific module:

rake test:api:unit
rake test:transport:unit
rake test:dsl:unit
rake test:client:unit

Integration Tests

To run integration tests for the ruby client, start an OpenSearch cluster using docker:

Run all integration tests:

rake test:integration:all

run integration tests of a specific module:

rake test:api:integration
rake test:transport:integration
rake test:dsl:integration
rake test:client:integration


Use Rubocop to auto-lint Ruby code.

rubocop -a
rubocop --auto-gen-config

Generate API Actions

the generate_api workflow runs every Sunday at 00:00 UTC to generate API actions from the latest OpenSearch REST API, and creates a PR with the changes. You can also run the workflow locally to generate API actions:

bundle exec rake download_spec
bundle exec rake generate_api

Create a Request Signer

The OpenSearch ruby client supports request signing as an authentication mechanism. When instantiating a client, you can pass a request signer object to sign requests. The request signer object implements the sign_request method that returns a hash representing the signed headers. This method must accept the following parameters:

  • method (String): The HTTP method of the request. (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • host (String): The host of the request. (e.g. localhost)
  • path (String): The path of the request. (e.g. _search, _cluster/health)
  • port (Integer): The port of the request. (e.g. 9200)
  • url (String): The full URL of the request. (e.g. 'https://localhost:9200/_search?q=example')
  • params (Hash): The query parameters of the request. (e.g. { 'q' => 'example' })
  • headers (Hash): The headers of the request. (e.g. { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
  • body (String | Hash | NilClass): The body of the request. (e.g. { query: { match_all: {}})
  • logger (Logger | NilClass): The logger object to log messages. (e.g.

Note that you can ignore any of the parameters if they are not needed for the signing process. The following is a simple example of a request signer implementation:

class MyRequestSigner
  def initialize(public_key, private_key)
    @public_key = public_key
    @private_key = private_key

  def sign_request(method:, host:, path:, port:, url:, params:, headers:, body:, logger:)
    logger&.info("Signing request: #{method} #{url}")
    signed_headers = headers.merge({
      'X-Date' =>'%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'),
      'X-public_key' => @public_key,
      'X-Hash' => OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', @private_key, body.to_s)
    logger&.debug("Signed headers: #{signed_headers}")

Submitting Changes


Transport Layer Architecture

  • {OpenSearch::Transport::Client} is composed of {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport}

  • {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport} is composed of {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Connections}, and an instance of logger, tracer, serializer and sniffer.

  • Logger and tracer can be any object conforming to Ruby logging interface, i.e. an instance of Logger, log4r, logging, etc.

  • The {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Serializer::Base} implementations handle converting data for OpenSearch (e.g. to JSON). You can implement your own serializer.

  • {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Sniffer} allows to discover nodes in the cluster and use them as connections.

  • {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Collection} is composed of {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Connection} instances and a selector instance.

  • {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Connection} contains the connection attributes such as hostname and port, as well as the concrete persistent "session" connected to a specific node.

  • The {OpenSearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Base} implementations allow to choose connections from the pool, e.g. in a round-robin or random fashion. You can implement your own selector strategy.