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Developer Guide

So you want to contribute code to this project? Excellent! We're glad you're here. Here's what you need to do.

Run test framework

1. Set up repo

  1. Install node and python. Tested with node v18.15.0 and python v3.9.13.

  2. Clone repo and install dependencies

    git clone -b assistant-tests
    cd assistant-tests
    npm i

2. Set up environment variables

The test framework expects an OpenSearch endpoint with models and agents created. See .env.sample for a list of available configurations and their default values.

You can set environment variables using a .env file or other standard ways.

3. Run tests

# run all tests
npm run test

# run a specific test suite
npm run test -- src/tests/api/cat.test.ts

# run tests with parallel execution (default max concurrency is 1)
npm run test -- src/tests/api/cat.test.ts --maxConcurrency=5

4. See results

Results are stored in the ./results/ directory.

Onboarding a new skill

1. Create test cases

Each test case should contain these fields:

  • id: string id or name of the test case. used for reproducing results for each test case
  • clusterStateId: optional string id to identify a cluster state. test runner can use this id to setup the data/indices needed before test starts
  • question: user's question `` Additionally for automatic score evaluation, there should be an expected output defined. For example, for QA related tools (e.g. cat index), each test case should also contain an expectedAnswer. For the PPL tool, each test case should contain a `gold_query`. The test cases can contain other arbitrary fields needed, such as `index` for each PPL test case.
export interface TestSpec {
  id: string;
  clusterStateId?: string;
  question: string;
export interface QASpec extends TestSpec {
  expectedAnswer: string;
interface PPLSpec extends TestSpec {
  gold_query: string;
  index: string;

The test cases will be stored as .jsonl files in the src/tests/<skill-name>/specs directory, for example src/tests/query/specs/olly_ppl_eval.jsonl.

For a tool or a skill, 20 to 50 test cases should be a good start. Here are some notes:

  • The test cases should have enough variety. Using the PPL tool as an example, it means that the expected query should have variety in syntax and semantic meaning, and the indices used should be different from each other.
  • The test cases can be written by hand, or generated using self-instruct, or any other methods.
  • The expected results should be manually approved by human.

The testing framework supports time substitution for test cases that may ask questions related to relative time. Time values can be substituted with natural language time descriptors wrapped in the following: ${{}}, similar to Mustache template syntax. For example, search_alerts_tests.jsonl contains the following test.

{"id":"B_aIDTWPmk0VnO1bfFfNk","clusterStateId":"alerting","question":"Have any alerts been acknowledged in the last 3 days?","expectedAnswer":"Yes, 1 alert has been acknowledged in the last 3 days. The alert with ID GThUkYsB6jqYe1T0UOF3 was acknowledged on ${{three days, five hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds ago}}."}

The test runner substitutes the enclosed string ${{three days, five hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds ago}} for a Date() object relative to the time that the test is run, or a little over three days prior in this case. The relative time description must be grammatically correct with an Oxford comma or in xd xh xm xs format. The natural language parser is flaky otherwise.

2. Add the test runner

The test runner will be responsible for running and evaluating each test case for a list of spec files. There are two main parts need to be defined for each runner, the cluster state setup and the evaluation function. Optionally it can decide how to construct the input to send to API.

2.1. Setting up the cluster state

Many skills need some data in the cluster to work, for example the alerting tool needs some config documents in the alerting indices. The documents should be deterministic so that the outputs are predictable. Test runner can define standard jest hooks that receives the clusterStateId and do the necessary work to setup the cluster. Since most of the time it would be adding indices to the cluster, there is a helper utility function to create indices by group OpenSearchTestIndices.create(group). Each directory under data/indices represents an index group, the structure is:

└── data
    └── indices
        └── index_group_1
            ├── index_1
            │   ├── documents.ndjson
            │   └── mappings.json
            └── index_2
                ├── documents.ndjson
                └── mappings.json

Mustache template substitution for timestamp fields can also be inputted here. The syntax for index fields follows the syntax for test cases: replace the desired time value with a natural language description of a relative time, wrapped in Mustache template brackets. An example can be seen here.

"start_time":{{three days, six hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds ago}}

When the cluster state setup is completed, the field start_time will contain an epoch timestamp of about three days prior to the time that the test is run. The relative time description must be grammatically correct with an Oxford comma or in xd xh xm xs format. The natural language parser is flaky otherwise.

Test cases and cluster state setup must be consistent! In this situation, since the cluster's alert with ID GThUkYsB6jqYe1T0UOF3 starts on three days, six hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds ago, the test case corresponding to it must also use the same substitution: ${{three days, six hours, 21 minutes, and 37 seconds ago}}.

2.2. Evaluation function

The test runner should also define how the score is calculated between the actual and expected output. This can be done by implementing the evaluate function.

public abstract evaluate(received: ProviderResponse, spec: T): Promise<TestResult>;


export interface ProviderResponse {
  error?: string;
  output?: string | object;
  tokenUsage?: Partial<TokenUsage>;
  cached?: boolean;
export interface TestResult extends jest.CustomMatcherResult {
   * a number between 0 and 1.
  score: number;
   * any other information that should be persisted.
  extras?: Record<string, unknown> & {
    // these are automatically set by the framework
     * true if API call to run tool/agent failed.
    api_error?: boolean;
     * true if API call returned an empty output.
    empty_output?: boolean;
     * true if call for evaluation failed.
    evaluation_error?: boolean;

Metrics supported by the test framework:

  1. Model assisted metrics from promptfoo
    1. llm-rubric - checks if the LLM output matches given requirements, using a language model to grade the output based on the rubric.
    2. model-graded-closedqa - similar to the above, a "criteria-checking" eval which specifies the evaluation prompt as checking a given criteria. Uses the prompt from OpenAI's public evals.
    3. model-graded-factuality - a factual consistency eval which, given a completion A and reference answer B evaluates whether A is a subset of B, A is a superset of B, A and B are equivalent, A and B disagree, or A and B differ, but difference don't matter from the perspective of factuality. Uses the prompt from OpenAI's public evals.
    4. cosine-similarity - uses embeddings model to calculate similarity score of a given output against a given expected output.
  2. Non model based metrics
    1. levenshtein - edit distance
    2. bert -
    3. meteor -
    4. rouge -
    5. os_query_eval - eval function specifically used to compare PPL/SQL query results

Python based metrics are stored under packages. Each package should contain a requirements.txt and at least one python file that can be called with python "output" '{"expected":"value","additional_fields":"value"}'. The call should output a score to standard output that can be one of true, false, a float number from 0 to 1, or a JSON string with a score key.

2.3. Override build input

Some tools like the PPL tool requires extra fields in addition to the question, and other tools might be using a different field (e.g. input instead of question). The runner can override buildInput and pass in additional keys to context. For the agent framework provider, the API will be called as

  method: 'POST',
  path: `/_plugins/_ml/agents/${agentId}/_execute`,
  body: JSON.stringify({ parameters: { question: prompt, ...context?.vars } }),

For example, if a tool want to pass in { "input": <spec.question>, "index": <spec.index> } as the parameters, the function should be

protected buildInput(spec: T) {
  return {
    prompt: undefined,
    context: { vars: { input: spec.question, index: spec.index } },

2.4. Examples

The test runner can be defined in src/runners or as anonymous classes.

// src/tests/api/cat.test.ts
const runner = new (class CatIndicesRunner extends QARunner {
  rougeMatcher = new PythonMatcher('rouge/');

  protected async beforeAll(clusterStateId: string): Promise<void> {
    // create indices in the index group that matches the clusterStateId
    await OpenSearchTestIndices.init();
    await OpenSearchTestIndices.create(clusterStateId, { ignoreExisting: true });

  public async evaluate(received: OpenSearchProviderResponse, spec: QASpec): Promise<TestResult> {
    // calculates cosine similarity
    const result = await matchesSimilarity(received.output || '', spec.expectedAnswer);
    // calculates rouge scores
    const rougeScores = await this.rougeMatcher.calculateScore(
      received.output || '',
      { rouge: ['rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rouge3', 'rougeL'] },
    // cosine similarity score is used to determine if test passes
    // rouge scores are added to `extras` that will be saved in the test result for reference
    return {
      pass: result.pass,
      message: () => result.reason,
      score: result.score,
      extras: { rougeScores: rougeScores.scores },
})(ApiProviderFactory.create());[path.join(__dirname, 'specs', 'olly_cat_eval.jsonl')]);
Click for more examples
/* Sample Rouge Usage */
const runner = new (class CatIndicesRunner extends QARunner {
  rougeMatcher = new PythonMatcher('rouge/');

  public async evaluate(received: OpenSearchProviderResponse, spec: QASpec): Promise<TestResult> {
    const rougeScores = await this.rougeMatcher.calculateScore(
      received.output || '',
      { rouge: ['rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rouge3', 'rougeL'] },
    );`Received: ${received.output}`);`Expected: ${spec.expectedAnswer}`);`Rouge scores: ${JSON.stringify(rougeScores.scores, null, 2)}`);
    return {
      pass: rougeScores.score >= 0.8,
      message: () => `Compared test score ${rougeScores.score} to threshold 0.8`,
      score: rougeScores.score,
      extras: { rougeScores: rougeScores.scores },

/* Sample Bert Usage */
const runner = new (class CatIndicesRunner extends QARunner {
  bertMatcher = new PythonMatcher('bert/');

  public async evaluate(received: OpenSearchProviderResponse, spec: QASpec): Promise<TestResult> {
    const bertScores = await this.bertMatcher.calculateScore(
      received.output || '',
    );`Received: ${received.output}`);`Expected: ${spec.expectedAnswer}`);`Bert scores: ${JSON.stringify(bertScores.scores, null, 2)}`);
    return {
      pass: bertScores.score >= 0.8,
      message: () => `Compared test score ${bertScores.score} to threshold 0.8`,
      score: bertScores.score,
      extras: { bertScores: bertScores.scores },

/* Sample Meteor Usage */
const runner = new (class CatIndicesRunner extends QARunner {
  meteorMatcher = new PythonMatcher('meteor/');

  public async evaluate(received: OpenSearchProviderResponse, spec: QASpec): Promise<TestResult> {
    const meteorScore = await this.meteorMatcher.calculateScore(
      received.output || '',
    );`Received: ${received.output}`);`Expected: ${spec.expectedAnswer}`);`Meteor score: ${meteorScore.score}`);
    return {
      pass: meteorScore.score >= 0.8,
      message: () => `Compared test score ${meteorScore.score} to threshold 0.8`,
      score: meteorScore.score,

3. Create the test file

The test file should be a .test.ts file under src/tests/<skill-name>, used to run a test suite for a skill. It should instantiate the API provider and pass in at least one spec file to create the runner instance. Here is a minimal example

const provider = ApiProviderFactory.create();
const runner = new (class CatIndicesRunner extends QARunner {})(provider);[path.join(__dirname, 'specs', 'olly_cat_eval.jsonl')]);

Note that by default the agent framework provider will look for the agent id under ROOT_AGENT_ID, this can be defined when creating the provider like this:

const provider = ApiProviderFactory.create(undefined, { agentIdKey: 'MY_AGENT_ID' });

And make sure to set MY_AGENT_ID instead in the environment variables.