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João Victor fonteeboa
Turning challenges into solutions with secure, innovative, and bug-free digital experiences.
Hnin Pwint Cho hninpwintcho

Golden TMH Telecom Yangon

Andres Leon Rangel aleon1220 DevOps Engineer. Goals = Jenkins, containers, more automation DevOps. Loves what he does.

Auckland, New Zealand

Abhishek Prakash AbhishekPrakash5
Undergaduate at SRMIST (2018-2022)

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

jiasheng55 jiasheng55
love coding, love life.

New Zealand

Arjun Mane ArjunMane110
Azure Infrastructure Engineer
Israr Suleman i-suleman

Sykehuspartner Oslo

kim 801sanae

Seoul, South Korea

Honorarac.Org honorarac-web

Honorarac.Org Beograd

Mason Torres MasonTorres

Microsoft Redmond, Washington

Xihai Ren RyanRen2023
Experienced software engineer, specializing in Java and web development.
Srikanth Velpuri SrikanthVelpuri
Love to work in field of AI.
Alfredo hernandes 190488 San Luis De La paz Guanajuato, San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, 37900, MX

Dennis Appiah dennisappiah
SE | Networking | Infrastructure | Cloud

Accra, Ghana

GTM_Sazzad SazzadHossain38
System Engineer

株式会社はばたーく Miyazaki, Japan

Student Python - Bsc Informatics and Master Big Data with Python.

Sabadell - Catalunya - España

Ygor Gomes Rocha YgorGdev
Developer Full Stack at CAOA CHERRY


BEN ABT BenjaminAbt
Cloud - Azure - .NET - Sustainability || Microsoft MVP .NET/ASP.NET || Hosts @AzureStuttgart, @AzureSaturday, @mycsharp

@SchwabenCode Germany