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Omer GOKSOY omergoksoy

Notus.Network Turkiye / Istanbul

Pilar pilarcode
I am passionate about innovation and enjoy working with AI teams to make a positive impact on global problems.⚡

GFT Spain

Rafaela Azevedo rafaelaazevedo
TechWomen100 Award Winner 2023 🏆Google Expert, STEM Ambassador and STEM Women Member. Test Automation, Devops, Java, Javascript, C#, Python, QA

The Chaincademy London, UK

codeninja819.eth codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

Coder Polyglot CoderPolyglot
Coder of new Meta-Life and Global AI
Bogdan Sivochkin sivo4kin
distributed systems and blockchain engineer
David M. Golembiowski dmgolembiowski
"Mathematicians, go forth and multiply" -Steve Wozniak
Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive