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Pablo RM murapa96
Software Developer with a focus on web development encompassing both Frontend and Backend. Experienced in cross-platform application development.

Nova Industria Galega SL Spain

Jin Jin-559
Aerospace Science and Technology Vehicle Control and Guidance Technology

Northwestern Polytechnical University National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics

Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Yufeng Raine-4

Imperial College London London

Andrés Valdez ar-valdez
Assistant Research Professor at Biomedical Engineering department PennState University. Bridging simulations, models, and experimental observations.

College of Engineering. Department of Biomedical Engineering. The Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania, United States

Sadjad Naderi sadjad-naderi

Imperial College London

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Hafi Hamid 3hafi
Github under 🏗👷‍♂️
Zewen Kong ZewenKong
Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

London, United Kingdom

Andrew Lounsbury A-Lounsbury
Dynamic and results-oriented Business/Data Analyst with a solid foundation in mathematics and data science.

RbM Services, LLC Knoxville, TN

Alex Davidson adavidson1995
Medical Doctor | AI for Health PhD student at Imperial College London

Imperial College London London

Luis Labán Seminario llabans
Physician. Combining medicine, data science, and epidemiology to uncover insights and improve healthcare outcomes. Always happy to keep learning!


Houtan houtan-rocky
Passionate front-end developer and mentor with a focus on React.js, Vue.js, and Next.js. Dedicated to continuous learning and contributing to open-source


Dueen Eduarda Dueen

Basic-Fit The Netherlands

Amed amed

Cologne - Germany

Galina Jönsson galinajonsson

@BiologicalRecordsCentre @ImperialCollegeLondon London, UK

Alberto Di Biase tito21

Imperial College London London, UK

Zhiwei Zhang KZHIWEI

DP Technology London

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sila silardu

Imperial College London

Denis Fouchard denisfouchard
I am a student in data science and computer science at Télécom Paris.

Telecom Paris | Imperial College London, UK