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Lavindu Hewage lauwwa
Graduated at NSBM Software Engineering (Plymouth). BSc. Hons Software Engineering (3rd Class)

sri lanka

RAVL Perera (Ranasingha Perera) Vitz224
DLE name Ranasingha Perera 10899656
Sahindu Gayanuka SahiDemon
🌟 Pixel-Pushing coder by day, gaming hero by night!

Sahindu Gayanuka Sri Lanka

HBUI Senarath isurusenarath1
Hello there! I'm Isuru, an enthusiastic undergraduate student studying at Plymouth University in United Kingdom . Passionate about software development

Undergraduate at University of Plymouth Sri Lanka

D L Sinel Nemsara DLSNemsara
Computer Science Undergraduate at University of Plymouth

Sri Lanka

Darren Victoria DarrenVictoria
A Software Engineer by profession and an Industrial Tech Trend Analyst by Hobby...

NSBM Green University

Jayasundara jayasundara ZERO-DAWN-X
The only way to do great work is to love what you do 💖

Graduated at Plymouth University UK

Hapuarachchi H G W HGWhappuarachchi
I am an Undergraduate Software Eng: willing not to do One thing, loves to learn many things.


Jayamuni Rashminda Rashminda121
Software Engineering Undergraduate | Developer | UI/UX Designer | Full Stack Developer

CR GROUP Homgama

Hasala Perera hasalaperera
Software Engineering Undergraduate
Navishka Malalage Navishh
Full Stack Dev | UI/UX Designing

University of Plymouth | @fossnsbm Sri Lanka

Chanaka Eshan chanakaeshan
Full-Stack Developer

Sri Lanka

Tom tb991
I write software for free. If you need something fairly simple made and are able to describe it well, then I am interested. contact info pending

Truro, UK

Viraj Tharindu VirajTharindu
🌐 Skilled in Flutter, React, Node.js, and SQL for creating impactful applications.
Magdalena Okon maxokon
University of Plymouth student
Jim Toogood JimToogood
University of Plymouth Student - Computer Science. Personal / Fun account linked below.
Luka Wilson-Green LukaWG
University of Plymouth undergraduate


Koshila Sandaru Koshiz
A self motivated enthusiastic person who's very interested in learning new things and to learn how to do things in a easier way.
Tamara Cossins Tamara-Cossins
2nd Year Computer Science (Software Engineering) student on placement! 🐸

Plymouth, United Kingdom

Sahansa Jayawardhana methjaya
Project Manager | UI UX Engineer | BSc. (Hons)Software Engineering Plymouth University (UK)
Dileepa Widanagama Arachchi zueDS
Developer | UI/UX Engineer | Software Engineering Undergraduate

Plymouth University UK Matara - Sri Lanka

Shaun Hennedige ShaunHennedige
I am a final year Software Engineering Undergraduate awaiting results, with 18 months of experience in the IT industry. I have a strong passion for coding.

Freelancer Colombo