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WILSON O FONSECA wilsonfonseca

Higgs Consultoria São Paulo, BR

Erfan Abedi theerfan
Nothing ever happens.

Los Angeles, CA

Alexandre Dpbm
Hi, I'm Alexandre Aka Dpbm. I'm a Brazilian developer. In love with quantum computers 😍


.NET developer

@vataga-trading Setubal

Senyao Hou senyaoh
Computer Engineering/Mathematics at TU Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin Berlin

Clinch Leatherwood AbdullahKazi500
I do favors for people, and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?


Siddhant Singh siddhantphy
My field of interest is Quantum Information & Quantum Computation and its intersection with Quantum Optics. Focused on quantum networks.

QuTech, TU Delft Delft, Netherlands

Panzerfrank panzerfrank
European Irish Overworked Big Data, Fast Data and Distributed Systems Engineer. Polyglot, History Buff. Favourite Cities Hamburg, Koeln Vienna Damascus

Lavenham England

Antonio Marcos Alberti antonioalberti
Antonio Marcos Alberti is an Associate Professor in Software Engineering at School of Computer Science, University of Leeds

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

Jake Muff JMuff22
Research Scientist @vttresearch, Application Specialist @CSCfi . Working in Quantum Computing.


Yoná Hirakawa yonahirakawa
⚛Physicist and Data Engineer

UNESP Brazil

Renato Passos Santos RenatoPassos

Tribunal Superior Eleitoral Brasil

Jaya Kishan JayaKishan
Mulesoft developer, Frontend Developer and Quantum enthusiast.

Capgemini Bangalore

Maria Gragera Garces grageragarces
Distributed Quantum Computing PhD

University of Edinburgh UK

Marsel Zaripov marselzaripov
Solidity, PHP, Javascript developer

Alter llc

Amr Muhammad amrmuhammad
Muslim. Software Engineer. Interested in Computing and Hardware development.
m0ham3dx m0ham3dx

Seung-Min Han nashorstyle

Korea Univ Korea Univ. 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스 자연관

David R david-err

The Hague, Netherlands

Dueen Eduarda Dueen

Basic-Fit The Netherlands

Matteo Lodi nzpaper
Quantum Algorithms Developer currently working for HQS Quantum Simulations Milan, Italy

Rishabh Singh anonymousr007
Founder @hilbertquantum | Quantum Physics Educator at @QuTLab

@hilbertquantum @QuTLab India

Aritra Sarkar prince-ph0en1x
Senior Researcher @FRIPL-Quantum

Fujitsu Research India Private Limited Bengaluru, India

Miguel S. Moreira MiguelSMoreira
Working with superconducting qubits for quantum information science applications. Also interested in computer architectures and artificial intelligence.

Research Assistant @ MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts