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muhammad Nazir MuhammadNazir786
i am front-end developer
z的x次方 Hub-wen
Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Sandi Miftah sundeeseeyou
Front-end Developer who loves Javascript.

Triviteam Tangerang, Indonesia

Konstantin W. kdev
Just a dev from Germany doing things while breaking stuff. Currently studying applied computer science.

@LEDBrain, sometimes @LSS-Manager Düsseldorf, Germany

Melanie Sigrid Arellano Baratto melaniesigrid
Front-End Developer. Current favourite technologies: React, Redux, JavaScript, Node.js, Ruby, Rails, Bootstrap, SASS, WebPack.

@falkon_technologies Toronto, ON

Douae ALAMI douaealami
💻 IT Engineering Student
Marcel Rojas marcelrojas

Lecheria, Anzoategui, Venezuela

Marcelo André Robin mnibor
Desarrollador Full Stack con experiencia en Node.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, React y Next.js. También desarrollador de Django.

@Synergy2Devs Buenos Aires - Argentina

Brian Burns bburns
Interested in psychology and open source.

Austin, TX

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Frequency of Bachelor/BSc in INFORMATICS Engineering @ University of Minho & Portuguese Open University.


Jeff Fox luck7
love sports

@north-wood FoxTeam Beijing China

Soumyendu Das s0umy3ndudas
Javascript | Typescript Developer React | Node | Next | Soldity | RUst

@ai-kyam Kolkata

Angel Sabadell asabadell

Barcelona, Catalonia

gefercan gefercan
Trying to learn, eager to learn.
David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

D̷e̵v̷G̸l̶i̸t̷c̸h̶ DevGlitch
Making a difference, one line of code at a time...

@WildTrackAI San Francisco Bay Area

HX2227CG hx2227cg
Front-End Web Development M.S., Medicinal Chemistry B.S., Biochemistry (ACS)

United States

Hrihorii Ilin Frikadellios
Multifunctional Ukraine

Adel M. Dawood proadel
Physician MBBS | CISCO+ | webDev | DevOps | CEH ||!_ | mMBA = "else"Yemeni Service provider ; i support users & customers Remotely ! For Smart Devices and Web

Umbrella Corporation _drAdelDawood Sana`a-Yemen

Bejago bejago

@bejago Brisbane, Australia

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Jayce Jaycelab
Self-taught developer based in Orange County, CA

@hackforla California

Jorge Ferreira jorgeifj
Passionate about computing, who loves to understand and overcome the challenges faced throughout the Software Development Life Cycle! :)

Itaú Unibanco Brazil, Campinas - SP

karen bustamante Somax711
Senior Technical Student Analyst Programmer and Web-Developer


Rebhe Ibrahim rebhi-2002
👨‍💻 Front-End Developer | ⚛️ ReactJs | ⚙️ JavaScript Developer 🚀

./void/unemployed Palestine - Gaza

Rifian Fernando RifianFernando
From IoT Developer @ Samsung Research Indonesia | from Software Developer @ Bina Nusantara IT Division

Samsung Research Indonesia

Marcel wolfdex


Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

DP Tech Info dptechinfo
I'm passionate about IT (programming languages, databases, web frameworks, etc) and I write stories of various technologies I find interesting and worth sharing


Anjali A P Anjali331997
Software professional with expertise in MERN technology. I look forward to joining an organization that allows constant learning and development.

Masai Kerala,Thrissur

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea