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leo_the_lawyer lawdlgleo
Lawyer guy learning coding bit by bit. This stuff is tough, but I'm enjoying the challenge.
Turquoise Sound TurquoiseSound
Wisdom Tech: Organizational Behavior, Computational Policy, AI Public Goods, MAS/IDM Governance: Ethics, Decision Making, Economic Modelling

Institute of Wise Innovation


cypresslaw Louisiana

HOLabs realworldready
Lillia || Attorney || Metro-Detroit

The House of Law Detroit

The Fibonacci Fox FibonacciFox888


Matthew Waddington MatthewWaddington
Legislative drafter interested in "Rules as Code"

Legislative Drafting Office, States of Jersey Jersey (original, not New)

Danella quirksalot

Vintage Vohara Pennsylvania

Divay Dua divaydua
Currently a Msc student studying Advanced Computer Science at Swansea University

Swansea University Swansea

Maria Inés InPen
Cloud Engineer | Hufflepuff

@Slalom | @ResilientCoders Boston

Rens Jansen romjansen
🔮 Developing pan-European legal research solutions at @moonlit-ai

Deloitte Netherlands

Mike MikeG112
Machine learning engineer interested in environmental and social justice applications.

Milky Way

Sam Glover samglover

@SuffolkLITLab Minneapolis, MN

Taylor Arnold Tarnold4
Suffolk Law School J.D. Candidate 2024 Legal Innovation and Technology Clinic
Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Troy A. Stefano, PhD troystefano
Professor, consultant, researcher, & entrepreneur. Founder of Health Copilot AI. Passionate about AI in healthcare, education, & personal/faith development.

Health Copilot AI | FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine | Roseman University of Health Sciences | International Institute of Catholic Leadership | SVDP Wellington, FL

James Langridge james-langridge

Orbit Software Laboratories Hamburg

Fullstack Legal Engineer - back-end, front-end and NLP
Jonathan Maye-Hobbs instagrim-dev
Proficient with YAML!



@StateSupport St. Paul, MN