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Huayi Zhou hnuzhy

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Ayush Ayush-Pujari-07
In Search of

Chandapura, Bangalore

Yuhao Wang wyh196646
Phd in USTC, major in AI4H & AI4B

University of Science and Technology of China Suzhou


Shanghaitech University

张 Xealong A-FK369
生物->动物科->灵长类; Human beings, on the other hand, are reeds that can think


TemetNosce 0TemetNosce0
与其路难行 不如马上前行


C# Python Data Science, ML, Information Communication Engineer , I'm here to learn and explore .
Xuefen Sprinter1999
Ph.D. student@Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing, China

Zexin Li ZexinLi0w0
Current Ph.D. Student @ UCR, B.S. @ SUSTECH

University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA

Pegasi Assocation BlackBoyZeus
The time travel Association on behalf of.
code monkey zredMonkey
Interested in Java | Go | Python etc.


xyMAO Hectormxy
Ph.d. student at RPAI Lab. CUHK.
김기휘 kimgihwi

@Fliption Seoul, Republic of Korea

Shen Chen(陈燊) chenshen03
Researcher in computer vision

Tencent YouTu Lab Shanghai, China

Charlie Cheng-Jie Ji CharlieJCJ
Data Curation @bespokelabsai | @gorilla-llm | UC Berkeley 25' CS + DS | Research Assistant @ucbsky | Ex AWS, Tencent AI, TA @DS-100

Berkeley, CA

Qingmei Wang qingmeiwangdaily
Many things are only trivial once you know them.

Ph.D. student at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China Beijing

Jiaxiong Yang JamesYang568
A Vision-Language Detector Zone-YOLO will coming soon!

TongJi University China

Xudong Cai Master-cai
Ph.D student in Renmin University of China. Interested in Visual localization, image matching and 3D vision.

Renmin University of China beijing, China

xraymr vissul
