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Yuning Xia yuninxia
PhD Student at Rice CS

Rice University Houston, TX

Tushar Jain tushar994
Just someone who loves to build things with code and wants to make change
Naqeeb-ur-Rehman sbsoft100
Web Developer Blockchain Developer (Loading.......)

sabasoft games studio Lahore,Pakistan

Matt mengtaojob
I used to be a back-end programmer, now I'm a front-end programmer

iflytek Anhui Hefei

0xSimulacra 0xsimulacra
Solertia deest (nunc fere acquisita), sed vincit qui patitur; dum spiro, spero.


近藤 晴輝 HarukiKondo


webstar Osub
Kevin xwwkk
Back End | Blockchain


Damba Paul d8paul
A Blockchain, Solidity, and Web3 Developer passionate about building decentralized web and mobile applications (dApps) and smart contracts.

DevLorde Africa

Dayeneris Dayeneriss
Web3, blockchain, solidity, React, Javascript, python,
Mentem Deus MentemDeus
smart contract developer and security researcher, defi investor.