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JJavier Alonso JJavier98
Ph.D. student at DaSCI-UGR

DaSCI-UGR Granada-Spain

A MAHIDHAR 2003mahi
Founder NexusHub & Software Engineer | Mentor | Tech Speaker 🔊 | Helping lot of students

Personal AI Newyork

acferriol acferriol
MsC Computer Science, Machine Learning enthusiast, Python Developer.

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas Villa Clara, Cuba

Ignacio Antequera Sanchez Ignacio-Antequera
AI Research Scientist

DaSCI - UGR Granada, Spain

Andrés Herrera Poyatos andreshp
Post-doctoral researcher in AI at the University of Granada. DPhil in Computer Science from the University of Oxford. See link below for my research papers.

University of Granada Granada, Spain

Heberth del Carpio M HeberthDCM
Cristiano, divulgador de ciencias de la computacion, podcaster, programador y data science.

Peru - Arequipa

Marina Hernández Bautista marinahbau
Computer Science Engineer. PhD Student in @ari-dasci. Currently researching AI and computer graphics.

Granada, Spain

Amal amalsu0
Computer Science Student
Alberto AlArgente
Data Scientist. PhD Student at the University of Granada. NLP, Deep Learning

University of Granada Granada

Asst. Prof. at BTU.
Deepu Kumar Deepu1307
Software Engineer at Entiovi Technologies | Fullstack Web Developer | Node.js Developer | React.js Developer | MERN Stack Developer India

Paco Luque fluque1995
AI PhD student at University of Granada, Spain. Interested in computer vision and deep learning


Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Gianluca Boo gianlucaboo
Senior Data Expert

@smallarmssurvey Switzerland

José-Miguel Ibáñez ppmim
Software Engineer at IAA-CSIC

IAA-CSIC Granada(Spain)

Kadir Beytorun kadirbeytorun
Artificial Intelligence Engineer, working on AI based solutions for embedded linux environments


Luis Balderas Ruiz luisbalru
PhD Student in Deep Learning

Universidad de Granada Granada

Carlos Núñez Molina TheAeryan
Postdoc researcher in Artificial Intelligence at University of Granada. Main topics include Neuro-symbolic AI, Automated Planning and Reinforcement Learning.

Universidad de Granada Granada, Spain