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Sergey rustnomicon
infrastructure developer


Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

Moises Meirelles mosesmeirelles
Hi there! I’m a Python developer, card games player enthusiast

Paraná, BR

Roman Avdeev lll-Death-lll
Hi, I'm an aspiring Rust/Go programmer! Feel welcome to look through or contribute to my projects!

Samara, Russia

Per-Inge Eliasson 🇸🇪ᛟᛉᛏ per-ingeeliasson
I love white people. ❤️

Borlänge, Sweden

Misha Gusev haxgun
Little bit of a fullstack developer

Freelance Chusovoy, Russia

Kaem kaem-e
pain and suffering

an oven

cornOfCob cornwithbutter
i do a lil bit of this n that
Thomas Schranz tosh

@lemmings-io Vienna, Europe

Philip Henning shokinn
Just an other geek. Interested in Servers, Networking and everything which is blinking.


JungTae Kwon oxdjww

Soongsil Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Oyo marauder316
Photographer, gamer, and unrepentant caffeine addict.

Saskatoon SK, Canada

Amir HayataSama
Certified Nerd. EE Student at Shahid Beheshti University.

Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran

harlow foxworthy tungstengmd
professional trans idiot
Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

Zhaosheng Pan brglng
Audio DSP Algorithm/Software Engineer


nitro nitrogeo
trying to fix problems in our daily workflows with code, ig
Data Science | Machine Learning | Python | Linux

Nairobi, Kenya

Artin Zareie artinZareie
I am a CSE student in Shiraz University. My main intrest is in C++, but I also like javascript and python. I also like studying Deep Learning.
Avi Sternlieb AviFS
i like elegance, expressiveness and abstraction. i’m interested in languages, notation & interfaces.

University of Edinburgh San Diego, CA

Onur Avan onurvn
Front-End Developer


Excute excute

서울 강동구

Michael Krebs m-krebs
Nice meeting you 👋

Germany, Bavaria

Allen Aharper9917

Grand Junction, CO

JY Li jdcola
An old programmer.
Yuil YuilTripathee
Robots, Racecars and Rust! 🦀

KMUTT Bangkok, Thailand

Wisner WisnerMartinez
Estudiante en Formacion
Hans Fredric Waadeland FredricW
Senior developer @reMarkable

@netlight Oslo, Norway

Maher Beg maherbeg

@renderinc Austin, TX