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Hadi Prasojo hadiprasojo
PhD student, exploring energy-enviro-econ nexus

IUSS Pavia / UniInsubria Varese, Italy

Adam Amer adamamer20
MSc AI @ Bocconi, Milan

Bocconi University Milan

Juraj Zelman JurajZelman
Quantitative Researcher

Zürich, Switzerland

Jawad Khawaja jawkha

A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

Tom Youngman t-youngman
I am a doctoral researcher exploring how agent-based macroeconomic models can be used to assess the distributional impact of climate mitigation policies.

@INET-Complexity Bristol

Andrea Recine andrerecio

Sapienza University of Rome Italy

PhD student. (Micro)Econometric Theory and applications, Mathematical Economics, Economic Policy.

IMT School for Advanced Studies Italy

Marco Veronese Passarella marcoverpas
Mainly interested in theories of value, macroeconomics, ecological economics, and modelling

L'Aquila University / Leeds University Rome (ITA), Leeds (UK)

Leonardo Rizzo leonardorizzo
PhD candidate in Network and Data Science at Central European University Researcher at Bocconi University

Lyra Analytics Italy

Matteo Valle vallematteo
PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam


Joel Dyer joelnmdyer
Senior researcher in AI, ML, and simulation for decision-making at the University of Oxford (Computer Science & @INET-Complexity)

University of Oxford

PhD Candidate in Economic Sociology at Sorbonne Université - Unimi. Focused on computational methods applied to cryptocurrencies, DeFi and economic exchanges.
Stefano Zeppieri J0ker98
Ph.D. student in Computer Science @ La Sapienza


AlessandroPesare AlessandroPesare
I'm a Computer Science Engineering passionate about the applications of AI and Big Data

TU Wien Vienna

Francesco Fuggitti francescofuggitti

@bancaditalia, ex- MIT-IBM Watson AI

corybaird corybaird
PhD public policy, Macro-Finance, Monetary Policy

University of Maryland

Valeria valinsogna
MSc in Data Science and Scientific Computing @ University of Trieste | Bs in Physics @ University of Milan | NLP

University of Trieste Trieste, IT

Emanuele Ballarin emaballarin
PhD student in (neuro-inspired) Deep Learning. Also: robust / trustworthy / Bayesian DL, kernel methods, computational neuroscience. Overenthusiastic tinkerer.

Dept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society Trieste, Italy

Tommaso Padoan tpadoan
I am an assistant professor (RTDa) in Computer Science at the University of Trieste.
Teodoro Baldazzi TeodoroBaldazzi
Sr. Research Engineer @ Prometheux | Doctoral Researcher @ ART Unit, Banca d'Italia | Ph.D. Student @ Università Roma Tre

Rome, Italy

Marco Favorito marcofavorito
Researcher @ Bank of Italy

@bancaditalia Rome, Italy

Luca Mungo lucamungo
Maths PhD @ INET Oxford


Davide Spallaccini spallas
Machine Learning Engineer

@bancaditalia Rome, Italy

Nathan Shammah nathanshammah
Researcher in solid state quantum electrodynamics.

Unitary Fund

Davide Balice Didotto
Cyber Security student at University of Milan, Italy

Molfetta, Italy

Mārtiņš Liberts djhurio
Chief data scientist at Latvijas Banka, sampling expert for the European Social Survey

@latvijasbanka Latvia