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KingZuko CuriousCaliBoi
When you hear this music It don't even matter all the other noise don't hit
George_A_DataLab George-Albert

BIFI/ University of Zaragoza Spain

Marat Galiev maratgaliev
Engineering, startups, software, biotech, sports

Toronto, Canada

Trainee Healthcare Scientist in Bioinformatics (Genomics)


Hao snowsky
Engineers / Father / Love to learn interesting stuff!


Chris Passanisi chrispassanisi
Software Developer in Training

Washington D.C.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Puneet M m-puneet
Dark roasted beans and horology

@la-creatours North America

Jonathan Schwartz jtschwar
AI/ML Research Data Scientist at Chan Zuckerberg Imaging Institute

@czimaginginstitute Redwood City, CA

Adam Keefer adakeefer

Grubhub Brooklyn, NY

Marvin Sextro marvinsxtr
Machine Learning for Precision Medicine | PhD Student at BIFOLD & TU Berlin | Data Scientist at Aignostics

@Aignostics Berlin, Germany

Andrea Salati AndreaSalati
PhD student @naef-lab EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland


Santhisenan A santhisenan
"What I cannot create, I do not understand" - Richard Feynman


Emmanuel Barrera BarreraSlzr
Computer Science Engineer Working as Fullstack Engineer. Typescript & React ❤

Former Robert Bosch Software Engineer Guadalajara, México

Arunangshu Debnath arundebnath
Founder, Scientist Quantum physics | AI


Justin Boylan-Toomey justinbt1
Machine Learning Lead at the Wellcome Trust.

@wellcometrust London, UK

Ruihang Du ruihangdu

Some video platform SF Bay Area

Broncio Aguilar-Sanjuan broncio123
PDRA - Bioinformatics Systems Developer

University of Oxford Oxford, England, UK

E ObiwanKenobee

@Guardian-IO Wakanda

Bilal Shaikh bilalshaikh42

@deeporiginbio San Francisco, CA

Mattia Toninelli mtoninel
Computational Biology PhD Student @paganilab

IFOM, The FIRC institute for Molecular Oncology Milan, Italy

Divyansh Goyal divital-coder
Sentient Being, Julia Admirer.
