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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Saulo Meirelles saulomeirelles
Download my thesis at

MetOcean Solutions

Gibies George Gibies
Scientist E, NCMRWF, MoES, India Domain expertise includes Data Assimilation, Seasonal Prediction and Monsoon Dynamics


Brandon Corfman bcorfman

Havre de Grace, Maryland

Manuel G. Marciani manuel-g-castro
Second year PhD student working at Barcelona Supercomputer Center. Bachelor in Applied Mathematics with interest in computer aided development.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Spain

Zhang Ziwei Zaviaz
Now a PhD students in ECNU & Exeter Uni.
Geomatics and Land surveying Engineer, passionate about Geo-computing and ML.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II - IAVH II Rabat, Morocco

Christopher Bennage bennage
observing → reasoning → acting

@microsoft Tallahassee, FL

Jess Robertson jesserobertson
Interests: ('geo' + x for x in ['science', 'spatial', 'physics', 'logy']) Chief Sci & AI @

NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) Wellington, NZ

Ian L. ilaflott
Scientific software dev working for NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)

SAIC / NOAA-GFDL United States

Carlos Frederico Bastarz cfbastarz

INPE Cachoeira Paulista/SP, Brasil


@MetOffice London, UK

Wang Dapeng perillaroc
An operations engineer for meteorological information at CEMC/CMA.

CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre (CEMC) Beijing, China

Data Scientist for The Climate Data Factory

The Climate Data Factory

Sun Cong Suncol
You will never know unless you try

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei,China

Daniel Vinciguerra dvinciguerra
Software Engineer Tech Leader, Perl, Ruby, JS and C, vegetarian, @carolschmitt husband, ADHD, geek, hacker

@ResultadosDigitais Florianópolis - Brazil

Michael Rosenberg PLBRM
Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Mojo


Mahmoud Rusty Abdelkader mahmoudimus
Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Fintech and Privacy

United States

Bruno P. Kinoshita kinow
From Casa Verde, São Paulo—Brazil. Based in Barcelona—Spain, São Paulo—Brazil, or Auckland—New Zealand.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona, Spain

Brian Blaylock blaylockbk

Monterey, CA