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Tim O'Guin timoguin
Who the hell is interrupting my Kung Fu?


Hayeong Yang yyeongha
🤖 AI Engineer | 🌍 GeoAI Enthusiast |🌐 Geospatial Data Scientist | 📊 GEE & Remote Sensing | 🗺️ GIS Analyst | Turning data into actionable insights! 🚀

DroMii Seoul, Korea

Anatolii Tsyplenkov atsyplenkov
Scientist-Geomorphologist and Research Software Engineer, fond of all things geospatial

@manaakiwhenua Palmerston North, New Zealand

Víctor Velarde VictorVelarde
Software Engineer | Core Tech Lead at Tinybird | Former @CartoDB and @IHCantabria *Hey ho, let's code!*

Tinybird Santander, Cantabria

Jonathan Healy jonhealy1
Software developer. Geospatial. Web3. Stacchain.

@stacchain Hong Kong

Jessica Burnett trashbirdecology

@nasa Washington, D.C., USA

Crypto Warrior DefiCryptoWarrior
I'm just looking to learn what I can and move forward.

UM6P University -Rabat Campus- Rabat

JuancarlosMH jcmontesherrera
Exploring the convergence of Marine Biology, Remote Sensing, and Ethnobotany

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Ala AlaBahrami
Earth Science Enthusiastic

Global Institute for Water Security | University of Saskatchewan Canada

Arif Cem Gundogan cemgundogan
All things climate change, AI/ML, Earth Observation, Embedded Electronics, Ethical Hacking and Quantum Computing. Long live FOSS.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development London

Aman amanahuja

Fenris Madison, WI

Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer rschiffer
Geospatial software engineer @treely Klagenfurt, Austria

Troy Schmidt TroySchmidtTech
Director of Emerging Technologies @Niyamit

NiyamIT Inc

magazinkrisso 13inccc

[email protected] sofia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dave Bunten d33bs
Research Software Engineer with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Anschutz Denver, CO

Jakub Cierocki jcierocki
Senior ML Engineer @ graduated MSc Statistics @ KU Leuven Poland

Han scheehan
typical person interests to explore the unknown


Cai Jing CaiJing-SH

@Autumn-Drunken-Pomelo Shanghai

Prayag pt20


Hey there! Cartography and GIS software enthusiast. I'm always searching the best way to represent and communicate geographic topics.

Turin, IT

Daniel Sparing danielsparing

Goudappel Rotterdam, Netherlands

Andy Jacobs funwhilelost
Full-stack developer, serial entrepreneur and co-operative enthusiast

Pullman, WA

Myles McManus mylesmc123
Water Resources Engineer, Data Wrangler, Python Coraller, JavaScript Mangler, Geospatial Cowboy.

NOAA NCEI / The Water Institute Tulsa

Clément KM Justclemax
No Data , No AI . The first step in any machine learning project is to understand the data. If it’s available, dive in; if not, start by collecting it


Peter buke2016
MSc. Student in Computer Science | Civil Engineer | Program Manager | Geospatial | Data Science.
Saad_dev SaadAnna
Front-end Developer | HTML, CSS, JavaScript & React.js | Building modern web experiences🚀

morocco kenitra

Dimitris Tsirantonakis DimitrisTsi
Physicist, MSc, Doctoral researcher;    Earth Observation and Urban Climate;   Geospatial data engineering.

FORTH Chania Greece

Timur Berk timurberk
🎓Istanbul Univ. Elecronics Engineering (BSc), 🚛foreign trade, speaks Crimean Tatar, Turkish, English, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Russian, ♟️chess, 🚶‍♂️‍➡hiking

Nergiz Cable Istanbul, Turkey