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ang sprider45
:) coder


Lori Karikari LoriKarikari

@ArxusCloud Limburg, Belgium

梦境迷离 jxnu-liguobin
Scala hacker, working on AI algorithm.


Jose Fernandez jmfernandezgl
Jose's Github account

Globant Mexico City

Palestine[/humanity] is in danger hamidb80
are you a human if you kill 40K+ people and call them terrorists?


Hayden hbjydev
DevOps Engineer

a vim buffer near you

Dario A Lencina-Talarico darioalessandro

May Mobility, Security Union Detroit, MI

shyan shyan1

Beijing, China

Ed Duarte EdDuarte
Senior Software Engineer

Zürich, Switzerland

Tom Schroeder jtomschroeder

Disney Streaming Chicago

Josué Daniel Merino Pineda josueMerino
Currently, studying Computer Engineer
Unay Santisteban othercodes
Problem solver​, I love coding, GNU/Linux, synthwave music, and reading Sci-Fi!​

otherCode Gold Coast, Australia

Antonio Vazquez dormantony

Globant, @usatoday-smb, @disney, @disneystreaming Cuautitlan Izcalli, Estado de Mexico

Jules G. julesgdn
Software developer from 🇫🇷


Elie Ben-Shlomo ElieBen-Shlomo
Software Engineer and Maths addict
Horven Tsai horventsai

@hulu Orange County, CA

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Grigory pomadchin

@disneystreaming Philadelphia, PA

Mehmet mehmetcc
i do some fp stuff on jvm


Waranyoo Butsingkorn 50kudos
Make haste slowly


Samuel Sousa OSamuelSousaSASORO
Procurando a primeira vaga como desenvolvedor.

Caxias do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul

Patrick William Haugen pathaugen
Golang apps/automation @disney Studios, @apple Online Store (AOS) and @apple InfoSec plus others such as @Samsung. Owner PMD @productionmediadesign

@productionmediadesign Pasadena, CA USA

Amelia S. Greene BarelyAPrincess
Healthcare Worker, Fiction and Academic Writer, LGBTQ and Women's Rights Activist, Resident Geek, Programmer

@PenoaksDev Kansas City, Missouri

Deepak Bhaskaran dbhaskaran
0.25x Fullstack Developer

San Francisco, CA

Luis Gonzalez gogl92
Information Technologies Engineer.

@inquid Texas + Florida + Mexico

Andrey Lebedev dev-andrey

@disneystreaming @disney

JN Σ jnbdz
Senior Developer with a passion for flying

PID 1 127.0.01

Bert Meeuws bertmeeuws
Scala Developer @ Centrica

Centrica Belgium

Filip Wiechowski filipwiech
Software engineer and architect. Distributed, scalable backend services and cloud-native solutions. Go, Rust, JVM (Java/Kotlin/Scala) developer.

@idemia Europe

Matthieu Labbé matthieulabbe

@hulu Seattle, WA, USA

Alexander Chernov doytsujin
Private Account Toronto, Canada

Yotam Hochman Yotamho
"Happy repos are all alike; every unhappy repo is unhappy in its own way."


Oliver Tosky otosky
Data Engineer

@stubhub New York, NY

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Jérôme Dauge Zouarfi

Necko Technologies Belgium

Hector Flores andaro74
Software architect interested in developing Microservices and full stack applications.

United States

He-Pin(kerr) He-Pin
冲冲冲, Akka/Pekko/Netty/Rust/Scala

@taobao @alibaba Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Denny Yung-Yu Chen dnychennnn
SDE @ AutoScout24


Redion Xhepa rodonal
Software Engineer(Profile under construction)

Camelot Mannheim