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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Moein Heidari moeinheidari7829

The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

LQ Rumbling281441
Shenzhen University/major in AI

Shenzhen University Shenzhen University

Zekun Guo drzekunguo
Lecturer at Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Modelling (DAIM) Centre, University of Hull

University of Hull

Arshmah Saeed gitarshmah
CSE'24 Jamia Millia Islamia University Machine Learning and Data Science Enthusiast.
Hadi Babalou Hadi-loo
Computer Engineering student at University of Tehran
ddrEric ddrEricNo1


Edward Cody thisguy726

Cody N Associates

Xudong TANG 唐旭东 XudongTANG1234
Msc student at PolyU

Hung Hom, Hong Kong SAR, China

OmarGalal omargalal20
An aspiring Health Software Engineer

Lake Forest, CA

Mingjie Zhang Zager-Zhang
Mphil Student, HKUST(GZ) | Research Assistant @SYSU-STAR | BEng in School of Electronics and Information, NPU


orlando llv22
Machine learning, macOS

UCSC California, USA

change the world

CASIA Beijing

Leonardo Pérez leoperezz
Applied Mathematics - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru Artificial Intelligence

Lima, Perú

Yiming Shi SKDDJ
undergrad@UESTC -> Pursuing a Ph.D. in Multimodal

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Beijing, China

Howe donahowe
Hi, I'm an undergraduate student from SYSU ;)

SYSU Shen Zhen

J Kendal joekendal
Lorem ipsum


Ahmad Mustafa Anis ahmadmustafaanis
Machine Learning And Computer Vision "Student" Pakistan

Hagay Onn hagayo
Technology & Digital Marketing kind of guy, which loves to practice & invent Kong-FUture Ideas. Specialize in making platforms faster, stable and loved by users

Hagay-Tech Israel

Andrew astral-matrix
software engineer, e/acc, ex- r2 builder