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AKASH PATEL akashpatelknit
Full-stack developer with a passion for crafting efficient and user-friendly experiences. 1+ years of experience building robust web applicatiopns.

Flabs New Delhi

Aviral Jain aviralj02
Full Stack Developer | Building cool stuff with a smile 🧑‍💻
Arnav Sharma arnnvv
Just playin' with 0s & 1s

IIT Roorkee Earth

Lakshy Gupta lakshygupta
Pushing bugs🪲 in production

New Delhi, India

Dhwaj Gupta dhwaj1902
Co-Founder @flabs-in | SDE Intern @Zomato | Tech Head @thomso23 | @MLH-Fellowship | Student @IITR

Flabs Delhi, India