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Maria Vanegas MariaVanegasM
Student and enthusiastic programmer.


CS & Linguistics @ UIUC. I'm an aspiring software engineer who wants to use CS for social impact!

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois

Danial Toor danialtoor
Software Engineer | CS @ WGU | .NET, React, Go, C++

Chicago, IL

Vishruth Raj VishruthR
CS + Linguistics @ UIUC. Passionate about making technology to improve people's lives.


Wei weic6
Looking for a 25 New Grad Software Engineering full-time role

Champaign, Urbana

Lauren Hyde lrhyde
uiuc cs | incoming swe intern @apple | dev @hack4impact-uiuc
Raihan Rahman raihanrahman2023

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL

Ammar Hoque aihoque2
I studied Physics and Econ at UIUC and I like to code.

San Diego

Olivier Page opage

@Sfeir @Sokoobo

product design @ hack4impact uiuc

hack4impact illinois

Mikita Slabysh Stat1c-Null
Game Developer/ Web Developer/Python Enthusiast

ScanSource Alpharetta,GA

Owen Cushing opcushing
CS + Music @ Illinois
Khush Makadia KhushMakadia4
CS @illinois | Software Developer @hack4impact-uiuc

Greater Chicago Area

Jamie Rollison jamieRollison
SWE @stripe | CS @illinois | former tech lead @hack4impact-uiuc

@hack4impact-uiuc nyc

Pete Stenger reteps
0.1x developer, uiuc mcs 25

@PrairieLearn University of Illinois

Shiv Trivedi shiv213
Learn by doing | You are amazing ❤️

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ellie Popoca exrlla
moving bytes and pieces @codedex-io

Codédex Chicago, IL