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Mohamed Allaoui Muhamedall
Full stack developer </>


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Burak Savaş hburaksavas
Computeer Engineer

Yapıkredi Teknoloji Turkey/Istanbul

Solomon Yeboah modelMaestroSolo
Software Engineer. Experienced Data Scientist. Passionate about Decision intelligence technologies. I help companies move from data to optimal decisions.

turntabl Accra, Ghana

Gregori Marzio gregmarzio

@gregmarziomedia Cape Town, South Africa

Peter BroProgramerWeb3
💁✨I'm a web Brogrammer🧑‍💻
Aya Mostafa ayafe11
I'm front-end developer who enjoy all aspects of my job. egypt

Kevin van der Schans KevinVanDerSchans
Front-end Developer with a passion for continuous learning, tackling new challenges and collaborating on projects. Interested in paddle and running!


Fransérgio de Amorim Mota FransergioDev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e apaixonado por tecnologia.

codebit Franca-SP

Un humilde pre-junior :)
Duong Van Quang Quangdv99
ERP Software Engineer, IT Help Desk/ System

Arito VietNam

Aldair Avelino AldairAvelino
Tech enthusiast skilled in crafting innovative solutions for web and mobile. Adaptable and always leveling up. 🚀



North Carolina

bruce bruce-ws
plain people


Valentin Delaye jonesbusy
Senior DevOps Engineer, GSoC mentor, Governance Board member for @jenkinsci

@jenkinsci contributor Lausanne, Switzerland

Md Abdul Ahad Linkon linkon63
Experienced with Software Engineering, Skilled in Web Applications, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, and Database(SQL, NoSQL) Specialize in MERN

Softzino Technologies Dhaka Bangladesh

Carolina Vero Ferreira carolinavero
Front-end Developer

Montes Claros, MG


Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari boumedine algeria

Amandeep Singh singhAmandeep007
Full Stack Engineer


lianjianjie LPicker

Xi'an China

Peter Reinboth preinboth
ABAP developer since 2010. professionell endless loop creator :-) Opensource makes the world better

Berlin, Germany

Jay aelbore
Frontend Developer, Javascript, Typescript, Nodejs and Rust


Frank frankpengau

Sydney, Australia

Antonio Júnior AntonioJuniorD3v
Software Engineer, currently working with ReactJS and TypeScript.

@loft-br Brasil

They Call Me Wolf theycallmewolf
coder + designer

they call me <wolf /> Lisbon

Jesus Graterol jesusgraterol
Web Developer with experience in building scalable web applications and REST-based APIs.

El Yaque, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Juan Diaz juan-oliva
web developer § visuals enthusiast

Deloitte Guadalajara, Mexico