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FErArg FErArg
Informático de sociabilización débil @FErArg

@FErArg Valencia, Spain

Sik' sikelio
Young DevOps trusting Open Source

@FrApp42 France

Alexey Alexeygersh
I only know one thing that I know nothing.
Ronan EmotionalRonan
write a code, change the world

Shaanxi Xi'an

SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate, the sneakiness.
Lasse Lang Lasse-Tom-Lang
Student and Programmer 🏳️‍🌈

Sinsheim, Germany


Emporium code

Zine Eddine Zinoujoker
Algerian 🇩🇿 Gaming 🎮 & Tech Enthusiast 🧑‍💻


axty axty666
My makeup may be flaking. But my smile still stays on

@GuangChangZhen Hengshui, Hebei, China

Aaron Covrig Doom4535

Walla Walla University

David Akopov dav23r
Interested in OSS software. Fiddles in Linux, Networking, low-level stuff.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Pão paodelonga
i like computers, programming & lower_case. reach me anywhere at handle @paodelonga. pull-stack developer (pull everything from the internet)

São Luís, Brasil

Joda Stößer SimJoSt
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions Working on, learning with and bootstrapping #BuildInPublic

@codersfail Remote, based in Germany

Izuki izawaizuki
just a little shrimp
Meadow MarshMeadow
Heyo! I am Meadow/Neko404 <33 (DEV), I am the error, the art, the blood, the silence, a nothing, the non-existents. Who loves to eat coding cookies & tea..


David Williston david-williston

Williston Technical Inc. Canada

7ndr4 Indra2004id
Peace With Love


Em Rusz emrusz
Just bodging things together, really.

Rochester, NY

Sylvain sylvansab
« We condemn a mistake all the more strongly for having been caught in it. » Edmund Gustav Husserl (Avatar : Śiva)

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France