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Conrad Mearns ConradMearns
how am I supposed to get organized with all this dang entropy around
Ryan Randall ryan-p-randall
Instructional Designer and Tinkerer informed by Cultural Studies, Humanities, and Library & Information Studies approaches

Boise, ID

Price Smith pricesmith
Mid-level jack of all trades.
Suai suais
Code & Design


Gundo Sifhufhi SanHacks
FullStack and In Love With Building Cool Stuff.

South Africa

Souen Mazouin SouenMazouin
Observability Engineer @scaleway

@scaleway Bordeaux, France

Jesse Wright jeswr
@solid Lead @theodi | PhD Candidate @OxfordHCC

University of Oxford Oxford, England

Glenn Y. Rolland glenux
Loving distributed systems, poetry & chaos. Supporter of #education #basicIncome & #humanitarianTech Co-founder of BOLDCODE_ , DATA TRANSITION, etc.

@Boldcode Lille, France

Tim Berners-Lee timbl

@inrupt Boston MA USA

Michał Poręba michalporeba
Photo by Tiana Lea (@tnlphotos)

Swansea, Wales

Casey Gollan caseyg

Engineering Manager @IBM New York, NY

Tyler T. Procko PR0CK0
Software engineer turned ontologist turned GAI researcher

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Irem Acildi Demir iremacildi
Computer Engineer. Software Developer.

Istanbul, Turkey

aha hah nerdfiles
there is not (just) no spoon.


Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Ragnor Comerford ragnorc
data scientist at Q Bio • 📈 probabilistic models & ML | 🌱 synthetic biology | 🧬 comp bio | 🚀 startups | languages 🌍

University of Cambridge / Francis Crick Institute London

Kostyantyn Didenko kdidenko
Experienced developer, researcher, and entrepreneur passionate about blockchain technology and DeFi projects.

«™» Lviv, Ukraine