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Henrique Pereira hpereira1
CIência da Computação - UFSC

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Florianópolis

Wen Shi sw-meteo
PhD student @ THU

Tsinghua University Beijing

Omar Jamil omarjamil

University of Cambridge UK

Jemma Stachelek jsta

Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico, USA

C cindyangelira


Felipe felipealencar
Research Scientist. Ph.D. in Computer Science. Lecturer. Software Engineer. Freesurfer.

Saint Louis University Saint Louis, MO, US

Olivier Bonte olivierbonte
Doctoral researcher @h-cel

Ghent University Ghent, Belgium

Albert Yuang Chen ab-chen
PhD candidate at MIT IDSS. Woking on climate change and air pollution.
Ellen Davenport eldavenport

San Diego, CA

Surbhi Goel surbhigoel77
Working at the intersection of AI and sustainability, I decode the complexities of our environment through the lens of technology.
Calvin Nesbitt CalvinNesbitt
Research Engineer @ TransitionZero with a background in climate science

@transition-zero London

Jiarong Wu jiarong-wu

Courant Institute, NYU

Griffin Mooers gmooers96
Postdoctoral Associate at EAPS Department of MIT
Julien Le Sommer lesommer
Physical Oceanographer using computers.

IGE/CNRS Grenoble, France

Jim Denholm jdenholm

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

George Miloshevich georgemilosh
I am a physicist working on the interface between environmental science, plasma physics and machine learning.

KU Leuven Leuven

Gilles Louppe glouppe
{"Researcher", "Teacher", "Coder"} #ai #ai4science #deeplearning #bayesian

ULiège Belgium

Martin Thomas Brolly mtbrolly
Postdoc in applied maths at the University of Edinburgh.

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh

Ali Aydogdu aydogduali
For the old account please see @alileoalilei

Fondazione CMCC Bologna

Zachary Labe zmlabe
I’m a climate scientist trying to visualize the signal from a lot of noise.

NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Princeton, NJ

Chenxing Luo chazeon
Ph.D. researcher focusing on atomistic simulation for systems under high pressure and temperature, member of @MineralsCloud at @columbia

Columbia University New York, NY

Danny Vargas vargasdanny

Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre, Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI) Hungary