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Sebastian Canulef SebaCanulef
Ingeniero Informático | Desarrollador de Software | Python, JS, React, PHP | Amante de videojuegos y música"

Puerto Montt, Chile

Elayachi Hamrit helayachi1
👋 Hi, I'm Elayachi Hamrit, a self-driven Automation Technician with a keen interest in Web development

Setif, Algeria

Patrick Cuppi patrick-cuppi
fullstack developer

São Paulo - Brazil

Yanzhen Huang YanzhenHuang
ENFJ. Computer Science student. Trainee Developer & tech lover. Goat Village Foundation member.


Chen Yu Ling Yo0GuitarIT
Frontend Engineer | Guitarist


Scott Reinhart scottdreinhart
In general I do NOT use this repository. I may use this repo for the instruction of students and other online mentoring in the future.
JB Villegas johnbhd
Full-Stack Developer | MERN Stack | Next Js

Manila, Philippines

Joaquin Gonzalez jlgok
Web developer

Buenos Aires

Zach Lagden zachlagden
Entrepreneur | Technical Architect | Software Engineer | Founder @Lagden-Development | Co-Founder @DigiGrow-LTD

DigiGrow LTD United Kingdom

Pavan Gupta pavan8858
Student Of Madan Mohan Malviya University Of Technology
Ali Tafakkori ali-tafakkori
Android, Flutter, Nodejs developer. still learning.

@RayaBonyanLotus Tabriz, Iran

Damian Czerwiński damianczer
Full Stack Developer

BTC Software Systems Sp. z oo Poznań, Poland

Jeslor Ssozi jeslor
Jeslor is a software engineer and tech enthusiast, passionate about building solutions for real-world problems. 🚀


Hemang Sidapara HemangSidapara
Flutter | Dart | GetX | BLoC | Provider | Native °Android | NodeJs | ExpressJs | MongoDB
سباج 12nooom
اسالني اجيبك
Marcel Marnek
All bad code is still code. Sure, it doesn’t run, but it could..

Timisoara, Romania

Wilfried gilleswb
All things Alexa

@alexa-samples @alexa London

Pratap Das DevDasPratap
Graduated (B.Tech) in CSE from GCETTB - Software Developer at BCD - Learner | Programmer | Developer Building => kolkata, west bengal, india

Mateo Nunez mateonunez
I create MIT bugs.

@BonusX-Global Italy

Guilherme da Silva Dutra gguillerme
A vida militar me ensinou muitas coisas, ensinamentos esses, muitas vezes difíceis de acessar e absorver, com muito esforço e foco, venci todas as barreiras.

Brazil, Santa Catarina, Florianópolis

Wielant Ratz WRatz

BodenseeMobil e.V. Nördliches Bodenseeufer, Germany

Shravani CodeWithShravani23
I'm a web developer with a focus on the MERN stack. I enjoy building dynamic web applications and am constantly exploring new technologies.
김수연 kimsudang
하루하루 열심히 🌱


halfstack ha1fstack

@toss Seoul, Korea

Pengoose pengooseDev

Seoul, South Korea

Kevin Schmitz Kevin-305

RWTH Aachen University Niederzier, Germany

GiriPurushotam GiriPurushotam
Self-regulated ! life long learner.