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Egor Didenko egordidenko
Frontend engineer
François Michaud fmichaud
An enthusiast 😃 and cool ☮️ tech (dev&ops 🧠). French contractor 🇫🇷 👽 ! Computer science teacher at the University of Cergy #CYU 🇫🇷

Tamia Paris

Anderson Altair Tomkelski anderson-tomkelski
M.Sc. candidate in Computer Science at UFCG.

UFCG Campina Grande - PB

Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Colin McCrae colinmccrae
Blockchain Analyst, Ethereum Developer, Process Engineer and Co-Founder of and

@avalone-consultants, @edgefund Liverpool, UK

Robert Nowotniak rnowotniak
Engineer, PhD in Computer Science. I'm interested in cybersecurity, data privacy, self-hosting, high-performance computing, automation Europe

#022UGDW213 022UGDW213
Driven by a passion for Computer Science and CyberSecurity. Proficient in HTML, CSS, Python, and AI. Enthusiastic gamer and Linux aficionado.

none New York

Muhammad Arifin Habibi arifinhabibi
Website Developer

PT. Argasolusi Technologies Jakarta

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


日向花和 HanawaHinata

@nebulaSoftwareStudio & @EpicGames Shandong Jinan,China.

Ricardo Olsen riclolsen
I am an independent open-source developer. I design and develop SCADA/EMS and related systems for the power sector since 1998.

Porto Alegre - Brazil

fan ltinerary

lab zhejiang

BXDMAN BarwSirati


Refactoring the World with Code.

Unknown Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Stuart Bishop, Ph.D. stu-bishop
"the most dangerous of all sharks" -Jacques Cousteau on the oceanic whitetip shark.

Kill Devil Hills, NC

Christoph pocki

pock-programming Austria

Vincent Berg gvb84
That tall guy over there.

Anvil Secure @anvilsecure Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Isaac Fernandes Eyezuhk
Eternal learner.

Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Vineet Kumar Vineet011235
CSE 3st Year at IIT Roorkee
Md Mustafizur Rahman Sayem rahmancoder
Computer Science & Engineering Student. Interested in Software Development as well as AI/ML/DL/AR/VR/Robotics/Networking

Military Institute of Science and Technology | | American International University-Bangladesh Bangladesh

Corvo rf-peixoto
Threat & Malware Research


Souvik Karmakar souvik-13
B.TECH student at IITR Passionate for software development

IIT Roorkee

ICAZA icaza
Software Engineer