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Daena Global daenaglobal
Intelligent technology that simplifies, streamlines and accelerates the entire Design-to-Print and ecommerce content process for brand owners, retailers

Daena Global LTD Leeds

Julian Kirsch HiImJulien
Hey there!

Bayreuth, Germany

Patrick Lafleur patricklafleur
I'm an iOS & Android full stack developer working with Elixir/LiveView, Ruby on Rails, Java and Node.js. I currently work at @TouchTunes.

TouchTunes / Sentiers Trans Quebec Trails / Sentiers Trans Ontario Trails / Création Objet inc. Montreal, Canada

CHIRAG ichiragkumar

banglore, India

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Sijal Manandhar sam4web
Coding sleek designs and seamless functionality, merging artistry with technical expertise defines me.


Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Dirk Rathje drkrthj
freelancing information designer for screen, print, and people


Yukiko Babikian JimWen

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Mzn mzn
Full Stack Developer Robotics Software Eng.

Mzn Software & Robotics Technologies Istanbul

James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

S. M. Shamir Imtiaz Ivanshamir
Another Software Engineer.


Mohamed Elsheikh slorksmo
👋 Hi, I’m @slorksmo 👀 I’m interested in Python 🐍 🌱 I’m currently learning Programming 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on learning about Python 📫 How to

Nefertoma Aromatherpy Egypt

Estevão Gabriel tevass
Programming is 1% talent and 99% practice, you build your future

@mz-codes São Paulo

Anas Khan theanasify
I'm an Aspiring Software Engineer 🚀 Persuing BTech - CSE AI/ML 🤖 Learning WEB DEV ❤️ INDIA 🇮🇳
Zane ZaneL1u

光和新知 Beijing, China

GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

Swaroop Swaroop-dev
Software Engineer

Betsol Bengaluru

Ahammed Nibras ahammednibras8
Hi there! I’m Ahammed Nibras, a passionate student currently on a journey to master the world of programming through CS50 and Edapt’s TLP.


Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Semih ERDOGAN semiherdogan
Engineering manager, developer

@Teknasyon-Teknoloji Istanbul, Turkey

Equan P. junwatu
⚡️ Indie Hacker 💵 Solopreneur 🏪

Batu, East Java

Keidson Roby keidsondesigner

Brasil - Amazonas/Manaus

Al Riyad Karim RydKrm
Software Engineer @Pakiza-Software-Ltd | Competetive Programmer | Microservice | Golang | TypeScript | Node js | Next js | PostgreSQL | Radis | AWS | RabbitMQ

@Pakiza-Software-Ltd Dhaka, Bangladesh

entrepeneur4lyf entrepeneur4lyf
Technology Entrepreneur and developer

Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence Kannapolis, NC

Subhranshu Sekhar Choudhury subhranshuchoudhury
- ❤️ Coding - 👒 Ethical Hacker - 📚 Learner - 🔨 Smart Skill - 🍝 Foodie - 🎤 Singer

@codex-iter ODISHA, IN

Francesco Calicchio fres-sudo
so far so good

Self Employed Italy

Kamensky Andrey Kamensky124
Software developer | Node.JS | Typescript | React | Redux | REST API | Apps Script | AppSheet | SQL | Python
JunYong hillfolk
Software Engineer

@geeks-lab-com South Korea

Mark Makuno makunomark

@microsoft Tromsø, Norway

Brad Anderson Cyburstud
Passionate with technological development, experiences, and even philosophical concepts on technology, data structure, and data analytics.

Dallas, TX