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Maximilian Arnold maxonary
Software Engineering at CODE University and Stanford

@porscheofficial Stanford

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Stefan Halbritter stefanhalbritterpdg
Senior Software Engineer @ Porsche Digital

Porsche Digital GmbH Ludwigsburg

Mohbs mohbs

Europe/North Africa

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

JoséMiguel Marte musikito

Martech Media Providence, Rhode Island

SangHun Lee ApexCaptain
Cloud Engineer

Seoul, South Korea

Tad Ericson fornevercollective

fornevercollective Portland, OR

Tim Wibiral twibiral
Passionate about excellent software, interpretable machine learning, and the future of AI.

Corey cbaker6
Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering. Director of the @netreconlab

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

Vertino dvstudio
Creative Professional.
senni senni-huemwang
photographer, audiophile, motorcyclist| Translator (ENG -> THAI) @ubuntu @Vanilla-OS


Cemal Toprak Galoğlu ToprakGaloglu
Stundent of Computer Engineering


Salvatore D'Agostino iToto
Engineering leader & entrepreneur. Currently EM @github Previously: co-founder & CTO @wingocard, EM @InVisionApp, Engineer @cloudflare

@GitHub YUL / SRQ / SFO

Dominik Seger dominikseger

@softwaregarage-de Frankfurt am Main, Germany

vasilii iatiuc mad-zephyr

Endava Moldova, chisinau

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Artur Mizera arturmiz
Software Developer


Dominik Reiner dreiner-pdg
Data Scientist

Porsche Digital GmbH Stuttgart

Giacomo Mazzucchi gmazzucchi
SW for work, HW for passion


Simone Ruffini simoneruffini
Embedded Dev. Koenigsegg AB, Master CE-Embedded @ PoliTO, Embedded Dev @squadracorsepolito, C,STM32 ❤️, Linux Enjoyer


Francesco Imparato fraimparato
Embedded systems, PoliTO; Electronics and IT @policumbent; Competitive Programming, @CPPoliTO

@policumbent Italy

Emma A emmaalecrim
Software go brrrr

FSE@PDE-Communities/ Kenower Barcelona

Isac Petinate ipetinate
Software Engineer at @alice-health

@alice-health São Paulo, Brazil

Berbardo Beraldo BernardoBeraldo
Student: mechatronics engineering university : puc-pr scout ⚜️ nationality : Brazil
Terra Field RainofTerra
Staff Platform Engineer, Pronouns: she/her

San Francisco, CA

Degraft Frimpong richod1
Am a full stack computer programmer who loves create unexiting projects.Made with love....

Ghana,WR Takoradi

schaefchen schaefchenn
Automotive Engineering Student, with focus on chassis
Ben McGinty ben-mcginty
my code comes out of an italian restaurant

The Earth

Remshi duodraigen
Random developer, photographer and sandwich crafter


Gopher GopherTheCoder
Just a Rookie.

@Ubisoft Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Michael King MichaelwaveOfficial
My body is a machine that turns aspartame into software.

Candy Mountain

Kai Szybiak kaiszybiak
Software Engineer based in Hanover ,Germany.

Freelancer Hanover, Germany

Javascript & chai. Now buidling for a more decentralized web.

Nairobi, Kenya

Moritz MoMMde
howdy 🤠
