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Jay DeLuca jaydeluca
SRE & Software Engineer. Observability and Telemetry nerd.

Pawtucket, RI

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Wesley wesleyalgorama

@Algorama SP, Brazil

Wong Ban Korh bankorh
I am a programmer, but it's okay. I have a wonderful life.

@doooobe Penang, Malaysia

Justin Grothe grothej
DevOps + Fullstack-Engineer

adesso SE Berlin

Jiahe Jiahe17
信息像糖一样上瘾,持续学习 他以前是个网工HCIE,but单纯的网工已经混不下去了


Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Tech Crawler 🤖

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Gabriel SS GabrielSSGitb
Young brasilian man interested in the world of proggraming🤘🖖

Betim MG

Songlin Zhu SylvanJu
Student Majoring in Cryptology.

Nankai University

What the FOUC?!

Freelancer Czech Republic

Marcus Rônney Marcusronney
Administrador de Redes.

3F - Fechaduras e Cadeados Nova Friburgo - Brazil

Ritesh Kumar rtshkmr
I shall change the world bit by bit.


NB imkk000
Cat Coder


Xiaowei Song dawnsong
Robust, Machine learning, Big data, Healthcare, MRI, cryoEM

GDIT + NIDA, NIH Maryland

Marco Breveglieri marcobreveglieri
👨‍💻 Software Developer at @ablsteam | 👨‍🏫 Trainer and Consultant | 🎥 Tech Content Creator | 💜 Community lover

ABLS Team Snc (@ablsteam) Reggio Emilia

Natália Granato nataliagranato
Kubernetes Contributor | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native | DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer | DevSecOps | Observability | Infra as Code | Plataform Engineer

Magalu Cloud Belo Horizonte, MG

Trust no one
Jayprakash sharma-jayprakash
ngl, i hate humans


Jesús Jiménez lozano sins921
por favor alguien que me explique

apichi gadalajara

MCK olimck

OMCK Berlin

Haruna Umar EngUH01
A Professional Electrical Engineer and Smart Grid Professional with excellent analytical and problem solving skills, proffer sustainable solutions to problems

TCN Nigeria

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Kelver Arruda kelverarruda
Software Developer proficient in various technologies, including Java (Spring Boot), TypeScript (Node.js), and Dart (Flutter)

Rootcore DGS Chapecó

Simon SCTCoding
I am a technologist, Macintosh System Administrator, tinkerer, and generally odd guy.


ali sharifi alisharify7
Just a Normal Developer :)) @free-programmers and flask-captcha2 and others

Treata Software IRAN Alborz Karaj

Cristian Chiticariu chiticariu07
BA in Sociology, MA in Data Science. Passionate about societies, individuals, data, and how to develop engineering to understand all of them.

- Timisoara, Romania