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Lübbe Onken luebbe

Karlsruhe, Germany

ERDesigns - Ernst Reidinga erdesigns-eu
I am a passionate developer with a deep love for Delphi, alongside extensive experience in TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C, C++ among others..

ERDesigns Belgium

Edwin Yip edwinyzh Guangning, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China

Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno gcarreno
I program for fun. For profit was gone with my depression :-P


Denis Denon ddenon

NETSide Sistemas Brazil

Josimar Alves josimaralves
Developer and civil engenier. Hobby developer since 1984 with experience in Basic, Clipper, Cobol, VB, Delphi, C, C++, Java, JS and database servers SQL, MySQL.
Ramon Souza RamonSouza96
Just an ordinary developer
Cihad KOCAŞAHAN cihadkocasahan
Delphi, | .Net Developer


Vinícius Felipe Botelho Barbosa viniciusfbb
Senior Software Engineer | Embarcadero MVP and Tech Partner | Delphi, C/C++, Python, SQL

iPub Brazil

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
Formateur et développeur freelance. MVP Embarcadero. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France