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Nicolas Frey Microwonk
Software & Graphics Developer


Contributor montedev0516
Montedev is a Blockchain | Full stack developer. I mastered at Smart Contract, Front-end and Back-end, Crypto trading bot, Desktop development.

Web2 + Web3 world Blockchain, Software

Priyanshu Singh dev-priyanshu15
Full Stack Developer | Python Developer | Web3 Enthusiast | Learning DevOps | Problem Solver


Soichiro Yamane SoichiroYamane

Kyoto university Kyoto, Japan

尤雨东 ltpp-universe
只要我们为人民的利益坚持好的,为人民的利益改正错的,我们这个队伍就一定会兴旺起来。As long as we persist in what is right for the people's interests and correct what is wrong for the people's intere.

家里蹲公司 China


@spearbit Paris, France

Amr Rady amrrady
Software Development Engineer

Siemens Belgium

Chris Bumgardner cbumg
Healthcare Data Scientist

Children's Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI

Manu Bravo manubravo
siempre happy, nunca unhappy

Spain - England - Germany - Japan

Haitam Bidiouane sch0penheimer
soulless entity, might think of an actual bio later.

Software Engineering Student, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco

Paul M. Kimani pkimani

Digital Wishes Corporation Seattle, WA

Rukshan Seran RukshS
I am an aspiring AI✨ student and a Tech nerd🧑🏾‍💻.

Sri Lanka

Adil Ramadhan adlrmdn

Indonesia, Capital Region

LiuJie laoer536
Life & Code.

China, chengdu

Abhishek K V Animati0n
A growing software developer
Shihabdin شهاب الدين d3j1x
Co-founder of SMRT MRKT X.


obsidrielle obsidrielle
Just for love.

UESTC Chengdu, China

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Alexander Kremeshnoi kremeshnoi
Software Engineer

Sun Finance Riga, Latvia

5pyD3R 3rr0r-505
🎯CyberSecurity Enthusiast | 👨🏻‍💻Tech Nerd | 👾Software Engineer


Jake Chitel jchitel
I love building frontends and the backends that power them. I have an unhealthy obsession with improving things. I deeply enjoy learning and teaching.

Direct Supply Milwaukee, WI, USA

Rahul Rajeev rahulrajeev21
Software Engineer at Microsoft

@microsoft Vancouver, BC

Paolo Pronicio
⚡️ Computer science student.

Efrei Paris France

lemv neolemv

são paulo, brasil