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Ashley ahandy30
Aspiring Cyber Security Analyst
Ammar AmmarElshafey
Computer Science Student (CS)


Rofiat Abdurrazaq Rofiat-Abdurrazaq
Data Analyst | Transforming raw data into actionable insights | Passionate about storytelling through data, finding trends, and driving decisions with analytics
Zeyu Yang yangzeyu23
Undergraduate students in physics.

Tsinghua University


TexasTechUniv Houston

Nguyễn Trọng Nhân nhandev04

Bitas Ho Chi Minh City

Rom Jr RomanchJR
•Freethinker 💭 •I make things 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 •Realizing now that the only thing I can truly commit to - is Git.

JustHuman228 JustHm228
Don't bother me, I'm drinking tea! ☕

Moscow, Russia

Yasmim Roza YasmimRoza
Desenvolvedora Back End

Manaus, AM

Karolina Niessen karniessen
PhD student in cognitive neuroscience at Maastricht University
César SM Cesir72
I like to go out and play sports. I'm very interested in new technologies and I currently work as a maintenance operator. My goal is to work in IT.


Umar(S.A) Umarcomrd
Computer science student Gombe State Nigeria | Web developer/problem solver | UI/UX product Designer.

Gombe State University Nigeria