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vfive fivejjs
ML Engineer, DS and software engineer

Data scientist and engineer Sydney Australia

JioCreators JioCreators
Weβ™₯️ Creators. @JioCreators


Kevin Hannon kannon92
Kubernetes Developer at Red Hat

Red Hat Cleveland, Ohio

Karun Agarwal singhalkarun
Building 0 to 10 Tech Products

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Matthew Evan Eichler aventinesolutions
Avid coder and precision developer with a keen eye on the developer pipeline continuously pushing robust solutions to the outermost edge.

Aventine Solutions Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Artem Grigorev grigorevart
πŸ‘‹ Hi, I'm Artem! πŸ”§ Site Reliability Engineer

Bangkok, Thailand

Lucas Burigo burigolucas

Red Hat Frankfurt, Germany

Florian Kromer fkromer
System architect, software architect/DevSecOp/developer, startup accelerator... swiss army knife.

ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg

Gustavo Duso gduso
debugging the life

Plenatech Caxias do Sul - RS

Musa Baloyi kurhula

Madyondza Consulting Johannesburg

Eyal Edri eedri

Red Hat Israel

Lia Gelder lgelder

Grand Rapids, MI

Carlos Salinas Gancedo carlos-salinas
Cloud Product Manager

Mendix Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Stuff & Things
Lucas Bacciotti bacciotti
Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat

Red Hat Portugal

Paco Garcia M41doror
- DevSecOps / SRE - Tech Writer - Cloud architecture - Malware analyzes - Pentesting


sean conroy seanconroy2021
🏑 Ireland


<MLOps Engineer | AWS | Azure | All-things Kubernetes | 🐍 Python Developer | SRE | GitOps | DevOps Engineer />
itsKayWat itsKayWat
πŸ‘‹ I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Luis Felipe Ariza Vesga lfarizav
Previously, I worked on RF IC design and Frequency Domain methodologies in OpenAirInterface5G.


manupanand manupanand
Mechanical engineer turned coder, merging hardware finesse with software flair on GitHub|Fullstack|MERN|Python|Go|DevOps|AWS


early worms get eaten


Stephen Kidson skidson Seattle, WA

Adam Roper roperscrossroads
Linux | Kubernetes | AI | CICD | Infra Platforms & Infrastructure Specialist

Augusta, Georgia, USA

gunk1n gunk1n

Voronezh, Russia

Lin Zhang myhere
Hello World

Alibaba HangZhou

Nikita Syzrantsev nsyzrantsev
Bioinformatics developer

@BostonGene Yerevan, Armenia

Igor Bartsch rib-reply

Comsysto Reply Berlin