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Takagi Tasuku tasuren
A reasonable nerd guy, according to my friend. Maybe a kind one. My personality of 16Personalities is ENTJ-A.

Chiba, Japan

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Myna dmyna
Software Engineer and Neuroscience Student. ⚡ | CEO of @rikagaku


G. T. Q. 42hub
오랜만에 집에서 바 🍌 나 🍌 나 먹었어


Coca Coca162
🦀 ❄️

United Kingdom

ねこかわいい nekok500
ねこです 83B1 BB24 572F F1D4

Tokyo, JP

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Codnia codnia
Hello there my name is codnia I’m a programmer
Marek Grzelak seqre
Hacker and hobbyist Rust developer


Milad Nekofar nekofar
I'm a self-taught Software Developer and a Freelancer.

Freelancer Middle East

Alvaro AlvaroMS25
20 y/o student that likes to code mainly in Rust and Python, but also loves other languages

Alicante, Spain

Fridella fdnt7
May you be smiled upon. Forever, and ever.

@lyra-music Thailand

Jan Z1R343L


Deepak bhardwaj iamdeepak199
C++ | Datastructures & Algorithm | Python | JavaScript | Css | Html | Dbms

vivekananda institute of professional studies New Delhi

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

HTGAzureX1212. HTGAzureX1212
A Rustacean!

HKUST | @TeamHarTex | @USThing | @ZigIDE Hong Kong

Dark Moon wolflunadark
beginner in the world of technology, in love with technologies and arts
Iris Hoffmeyer Arzte
Rust, JavaScript, React/Redux, Python, HTML5, CSS

United States

Riley QPixel
College student who builds high-performance applications and integrated solutions. (@rileyallyn is my professional account)

@VelvoxLabs PNW || California

Fleurs fleursdev
Tell us a little bit about yourself

i forgot the name France, Vitry-Sur-Seine

Baptiste Girardeau baptiste0928
Rust enthusiast. Epitech student.

Bordeaux, France