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Johannes johannes-bln
Swift is my native language!


Roberto Machorro RobertoMachorro
A widower dad, software developer, wanderer, reader, foodie and so on.

Child Rescue Coalition, Inc. Palm Beach County, FL, US

Ngo xhiew
 Apple Developer

Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Francisco Bretal franciscobretal
I'm a Software Engineer interested on architecture, performance, optimization and reliability.

@inditex A Coruña

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Vaidik Dubey thevaidik
"iOS Developer | Founder @LuxSwipe | Google Summer of Code '24 , @ XMPP Standards Foundation
Raffe Yang RaffeYang

Kunming, China

Adam Hill 🦿 adamhill
Mobile App Dev | Xamarin / MAUI & WPF Strong | .NET Generalist | SwiftUI Enthusiast | GameDev & Graphics Adjacent | XR Explorer | Symbolist Plenipotentiary

Wonderous Toys Plano, Texas

Shadrach Mensah codesworth
Compiler Enthusiast

Codesworth Slovenia

Liang HuuLiang

MYQ Hang Zhou

iOS / macOS Developer

Beijing China

Muhammad Hanif Sugiyanto hanifsgy
iOS 🤟🏻 sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick 🤯

Stockbit Indonesia

Zach Norris znorris

@ScoreVision Sacramento, CA

Raúl Gallego kontroldev
Desarrollador iOS con Swift y SwiftUI.

Barcelona, Spain

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.

01.AI Beijing

Jaden Nation designerGenes

Designer Jeans Dallas, TX

Mudassir Asghar MudassirAsghar22
Hi There !!! I am a software engineer developing applications for the  Apple Platform with agile methodologies.

Purelogics Lahore

Banghua Zhao banghuazhao
Senior iOS Engineer at MEGA The Privacy Company | Ph.D. Candidate in AAE at Purdue University

MEGA The Privacy Company @meganz Auckland, New Zealand

Jiha Kim kim-jiha95
is Engineer 


Yoichiro Tanaka lemo-nade-room
Server-Side Swift Lover

Nextbeat Japan Tokyo

Aleksey Pleshkov AlekseyPleshkov
Swift Engineer (iOS, macOS, backend)


Christopher Jr Riley MasterJ93

@mountainpaw Toronto, Canada

Adolfo fitomad
iOS Software Designer @ Globant

Globant Madrid, Spain

Balogun Kayode Fredrick Kayz-mann
Software Developer

Open to Collaborate Lagos, Nigeria

Kerry Knight kerryknight

@ButterflyNetwork Carolina Beach, NC

Jerwin Pastoral JerwinPRO
website & mobile dev @ daytime | loving daddy @ nighttime

Makati City, PH

侠客老王 xxwang

China (中国)

thecb4 thecb4
expressed_opinions(mine) Lover of technology. Busy bee at a large company. Husband. Father. Coder: #swift #iOS #macOS

The CB4 Atlanta

Jay jayjson
iOS engineer who loves combining imagination, logic, and rigor

SF Bay Area

Patrick Suzuki patricksuzuki
Desenvolvedor Web/ Mobile
Josh Nies joshnies
JESUS IS EVERYTHING <3 // Founder of @Vivian-Technologies

@Vivian-Technologies Tampa, FL

Kerem Demir keremdemirios
iOS Developer

Izmir / Turkey

Jorge Costa jorgefrazaocosta
iOS developer, Porto, Portugal

Zoog Porto, Portugal