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Kristian Løvstrøm loevstroem

@pacmate-aps Aarhus, Denmark

Andre Chandra Putra andrechandra
Software Engineer specializing in front-end development with React and Next.js.

Panin Dai-ichi Life Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Domen Perko perkzen
It's not a bug, It's a feature.


Marcus Hobbs marcus-w-hobbs
GenAI, Edge ML, & Product Engineer. Microtonal scale design and synthesizer creator: Wilsonic, AudioKit Synth One

MML Hermosa Beach, CA

Mohammed-Zr Mohammed-Zrirake
A young software engineer student ,very passionate about technology and development tools .


Igor Belogurov bibblebabl

@zero-plus-x Stockholm

Harsh Raghavani harahraghavani
Web Developer, Photographer, Editor

@Zignuts Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

NABIL nabilify

South Asia / Remote

Matt Scullino sculli-net
Spatial Computing at Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University Western Sydney

KyungHun Jung GHooN99
SJU IME 19. Student. SWEngineer.

Sejong University Seoul, South Korea

Lavrov Mykola gitkola


KimDohyeon kdh379

Gyeonggi-do, Seonganm-si

Kanstantsin Halets byKosta
QA Engineer

Freelancer Słupsk, Poland

Joan Esquivel JoanEsquivel
Quality Assurance Automation Specialist

Costa Rica

Jero Soler jerosoler
💻 Developer & Maker 🤖


Joan León nucliweb
⚡️ Web Performance Consultant | Speaker | Staff Frontend Engineer at @adevinta | Google Developer Expert in #WebTech | @CloudinaryLtd Ambassador

@Adevinta Girona, Spain

Ezra Lazuardy ezralazuardy
guilty beats, have no rhythm 🥀

@lazuardytech Earth, Orion Arm, Milky Way

José Manuel Lucas jmlweb
I love to break and fix things

@freepik Murcia

qonstell qonstell
I am a freelancer and i am passionate about the backend technologies.


Melvin C Jr d3x41
Crackin codes and breakin hearts..

Colorado Springs


@Enlyze Germany

Caio Scalon caioscalon
Sr Software Engineer @ Cobli
Mahmoud Rusty Abdelkader mahmoudimus
Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Fintech and Privacy

United States

Nabil 0nabilbk

Gemography Rabat

pluvrt pluvrt
Enjoyer of @cloudflare workers. Builder of typesafe real-time with @pluv-io.

@pluv-io San Francisco, CA

Mustafa Demirci benmustafademirci

DDA Dijital Dönüşüm Ajansı Karaman / İstanbul

Ginni Vishal Spagestic
GenAI Software Developer | BSc (Hons.) in Mathematics and Statistics | Conc. in Data Science | Minor in Finance

Hong Kong SAR

Md. Shakib Hassan mshakibdev
Software Engineer


Brayan M. Cuenca Mejiabrayan
Coding for me is a form of self-expression
Uros Lates uroslates

Munich, Germany

Rico trebeljahr
programmer, traveler, photographer. not necessarily in that order.

Self-Employed Berlin

Yuki Noda yukinoda
Full Stack Engineer. Background in Robotics and ARVR.

EARTHBRAIN Ltd. United States