JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-25262 | [hbase-thirdparty] Update jetty version in hbase-thirdparty | Major | dependencies, hbase-thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-25319 | [hbase-thirdparty] Add JerseyFlowSubscriber to ignoreClass in maven enforcer plugin | Blocker | build, hbase-thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-25270 | [hbase-thirdparty] Generate CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md for 3.4.1 | Major | thirdparty |
HBASE-25269 | [hbase-thirdparty] Set version as 3.4.1 in prep for first RC | Major | thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-25265 | [hbase-thirdparty] Bump dependencis in hbase-thirdparty | Major | dependencies, hbase-thirdparty |
HBASE-25264 | [hbase-thirdparty] Update jersey version in hbase-thirdparty | Major | dependencies, hbase-thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24858 | [hbase-thirdparty] Builds without a `clean` phase fail on hbase-shaded-jetty | Minor | thirdparty |
HBASE-24798 | [hbase-thirdparty] Ignore module-info and SubmissionPublisher in enforceBytecodeVersion rule | Major | build, thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24785 | [hbase-thirdparty] Generate CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md for 3.4.0 | Major | thirdparty |
HBASE-24784 | [hbase-thirdparty] Set version as 3.4.0 in prep for first RC | Major | thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24860 | [hbase-thirdparty] Bump copyright year in NOTICE | Trivial | thirdparty |
HBASE-24820 | [hbase-thirdparty] Add jersey-hk2 when shading jersey and bump jetty to 9.4.31 | Major | dependencies, hbase-thirdparty |
HBASE-24801 | [hbase-thirdparty] Remove assembly plugin for generating src tarballs | Major | thirdparty |
HBASE-24782 | [hbase-thirdparty] Bump dependencis in hbase-thirdparty | Major | dependencies, thirdparty |
HBASE-19256 | [hbase-thirdparty] shade jetty | Major | dependencies, thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24149 | Bump netty version to 4.1.48.Final | Major | thirdparty |
HBASE-23790 | Bump netty version to 4.1.45.Final in hbase-thirdparty | Major | hbase-thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24279 | Fix thirdparty-3.2.0 release notes | Trivial | thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-23750 | [hbase-thirdparty] Add nexus-staging-maven-plugin to apache-release profile | Major | . |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-24259 | [thirdparty] Update Protobuf to 3.11.4 | Major | thirdparty |
HBASE-24216 | Add .idea directory to Gitignore in hbase-thirdparty | Trivial | thirdparty |
HBASE-24241 | [hbase-thirdparty] Bump the dependencies for hbase-thirdparty | Major | hbase-thirdparty |
HBASE-24214 | Update Apache POM to version 23 for hbase-thirdparty | Minor | thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-23718 | [hbase-thirdparty] Update libs; pb from 3.9 to 3.11, etc. | Major | . |
HBASE-23717 | [hbase-thirdparty] Change pom version from 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT | Major | thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-23132 | Squash hbase-thirdparty-3.1.0; was compiled w/ jdk10 so "NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.*" | Major | . |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-23088 | [hbase-thirdparty] Upgrade the dependencies for hbase-thirdparty | Major | hbase-thirdparty |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
HBASE-23052 | hbase-thirdparty version of GSON that works for branch-1 | Blocker | dependencies |