Incrementalist is designed to optimize build processes in large .NET solutions by intelligently determining which projects need to be rebuilt based on changes in your Git repository.
flowchart TD
A[Your Git Changes] --> B[Incrementalist]
B --> C{Analyze Changes}
C -->|Solution-wide changes| D[Build All Projects]
C -->|Specific changes| E[Build Affected Projects]
style B fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR
A[Git Changes] --> B[Check Files]
B --> C{Solution-wide?}
C -->|Yes| D[Full Build]
C -->|No| E[Project Analysis]
E --> F[Find Dependencies]
F --> G[Generate Build List]
subgraph "Solution-wide Changes"
J[.sln files]
H --> C
I --> C
J --> C
flowchart TD
A[Incrementalist Command] --> B{Analysis Type}
B -->|Project List| C[List Affected Projects]
B -->|Folder List| D[List Affected Folders]
B -->|Run Command| E[Execute dotnet Commands]
C --> F[Save to File]
D --> F
E --> G[Build/Test Projects]
style A fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
- Compares your current changes against a target branch (e.g.,
) - Identifies all modified files
- Determines if changes require a full solution build
- Understands your project dependencies
- Identifies which projects are affected by your changes
- Ensures all necessary projects are included in the build
Incrementalist can produce two types of outputs:
Project Lists (default):
Folder Lists (with
When running commands against affected projects, Incrementalist:
- Analyzes your changes to determine affected projects
- Executes specified
commands against each project - Can run commands in parallel for faster processing
- Provides configurable error handling
The output can be integrated with various build systems:
- CI/CD pipelines
- Build scripts (e.g., FAKE, CAKE, etc.)
- Custom build tooling
For detailed build instructions and setup, see Building Incrementalist.