Conventional programming languages are growing ever more enormous, but not stronger. Inherent defects at the most basic level cause them to be both fat and weak...
— John Backus
The second order lambda calculus or System F of Girard and Reynolds is an extension of the simply typed lambda calculus that adds an additional level of lambda abstraction and type application.
In GHC Core's language the identity function is implemented precisely in this
form, with the only exception being that it uses the backslash for both the
value-level and type-level lambda. The distinction is that that a @ t
) while a
\ (@ t) (x :: t) -> x
So for some examples:
Identity function:
In System F notation:
In GHC Core Notation:
id :: forall a. a -> a
id = \ (@ a) (x :: a) -> x
Compose function:
In System F notation:
In GHC Core Notation:
compose :: forall a b c. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
compose =
\ (@ b) (@ c) (@ a)
(f :: b -> c) (g :: a -> b) (x :: a)
-> f (g x)
Previously when working with our Hindley-Milner type system we've had to "bolt on" the primitive datatypes into the language itself. Now in System F primitive datatypes are actually definable.
System F is strictly more general than our previous Hindley-Milner type system, in the sense that every term can be expressed in System F. Implicitly though we've made an assumption about the position of qualifiers can only occur at the front of the type signature in the prenex position. So under this restriction we can't write a function which takes a polymorphic function as an argument or returns a polymorphic function as a result.
Normally when Haskell's typechecker infers a type signature it places all quantifiers of type variables at the outermost position such that that no quantifiers appear within the body of the type expression, called the prenex restriction This restrict an entire class of type signatures that are would otherwise expressible within System F, but has the benefit of making inference tractable.
-- Allowed
a :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a -> a
a f x = f x
-- Forbidden
a :: (forall a. a -> a) -> b -> b
a f x = f x
-- Forbidden
a :: a -> (forall b. b -> b)
a x = (\x -> x)
-- Forbidden
a :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (forall b. b -> b)
a x = x
The concept of polymorphism rank falls out of this notion. Simply put the level of nesting for the qualifier inside the type specifies the rank of the type signature.
- Rank 0:
- Rank 1:
forall a. a -> t
- Rank 2:
(forall a. a -> t) -> t
- Rank 3:
((forall a. a -> t) -> t) -> t
The term rank-n polymorphism indicates the type systems polymorphism of any arbitrary rank, allow the qualifier to appear anywhere exposing the entire expressible space of System F types.
In GHC's implementation a lambda-bound or case-bound variable the user must
provide an explicit annotation or GHC's type inference will assume that the type
has no forall
's in it and must have a principal Rank-1 type which may not
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- No annotation: cannot unify Bool with Char
example1 f = (f True, f 'c')
-- Type checks!
example2 :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (Bool, Char)
example2 f = (f True, f 'c')
The language extension -XRankNTypes
loosens the prenex restriction such that
we may explicitly place quantifiers within the body of the type. The bad news is
that the general problem of inference in this relaxed system is undecidable in
general, so we're required to explicitly annotate functions which use
or they are otherwise inferred as rank-1 and may not typecheck at
As noted before to fully implement the dictionaries for monad typeclasses we
will need at least rank-2 polymorphism so that the functions specified in the
DMonad m
can be instantiated at arbitrary types for a
and b
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data DMonad m = DMonad
{ return :: forall a. a -> m a
, bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
bindMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
bindMaybe (Just x) f = f x
bindMaybe Nothing f = Nothing
returnMaybe :: a -> Maybe a
returnMaybe x = Just x
-- Maybe monad explicit dictionary.
maybe :: DMonad Maybe
maybe = DMonad
{ bind = bindMaybe
, return = returnMaybe
Categories of types
- Rho-types
$\sigma$ - Polytypes
$\rho$ - Monotypes
Categories of type variables
- Meta type variables:
$\tau_1, \tau_2$ - Bound type variables:
$a, b$ - Skolem type variables
Up until now we've been writing our own binding implementation. There is however a better way to automate writing a lot of the substitution boilerplate.