From 69ccb0ddd4e041ee78994f90c98a2d4ec610e841 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 08:09:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Minor changes to default values and documentation
src/qibochem/driver/ | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qibochem/driver/ b/src/qibochem/driver/
index a5995b4..f17930a 100644
--- a/src/qibochem/driver/
+++ b/src/qibochem/driver/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def __init__(self, geometry=None, charge=0, multiplicity=1, basis=None, xyz_file
# For HF embedding = active #: Iterable of molecular orbitals included in the active space
- self.frozen = None
+ self.frozen = None #: Iterable representing the occupied molecular orbitals removed from the simulation
self.inactive_energy = None
self.embed_oei = None
@@ -341,11 +341,11 @@ def hamiltonian(
if ham_type is None:
ham_type = "sym"
if oei is None:
- oei = self.oei
+ oei = self.oei if self.embed_oei is None else self.embed_oei
if tei is None:
- tei = self.tei
+ tei = self.tei if self.embed_tei is None else self.embed_tei
if constant is None:
- constant = 0.0
+ constant = 0.0 if self.inactive_energy is None else self.inactive_energy
if ferm_qubit_map is None:
ferm_qubit_map = "jw"
From 97965512b5f3119d677634d0a8e33d4afc89e6b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 08:34:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Streamline current HF embedding testing
tests/ | 556 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 276 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e3038b1..d587585 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,280 +1,276 @@
-Test Molecule class functions
-from pathlib import Path
-import numpy as np
-import openfermion
-import pytest
-from qibo import gates, models
-from qibo.hamiltonians import SymbolicHamiltonian
-from qibo.symbols import X, Y, Z
-from qibochem.driver import hamiltonian
-from qibochem.driver.molecule import Molecule
-from qibochem.measurement.expectation import expectation
-def test_run_pyscf():
- """PySCF driver"""
- # Hardcoded benchmark results
- # Change to run PySCF directly during a test?
- h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
- h2_ref_hcore = np.array([[-1.14765024, -1.00692423], [-1.00692423, -1.14765024]])
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
- assert np.allclose(h2.hcore, h2_ref_hcore)
-def test_run_pyscf_molecule_xyz():
- """Pyscf driver with xyz file"""
- file_path = Path("tests", "data", "")
- if not file_path.is_file():
- with open(file_path, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write("2\n0 1\nLi 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 1.2\n")
- lih_ref_energy = -7.83561582555692
- lih = Molecule(xyz_file=file_path)
- lih.run_pyscf()
- assert lih.e_hf == pytest.approx(lih_ref_energy)
-def test_run_pyscf_molecule_xyz_charged():
- file_path = Path("tests", "data", "")
- if not file_path.is_file():
- with open(file_path, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write("2\n \nH 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 0.7\n")
- h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
- h2 = Molecule(xyz_file=file_path)
- h2.run_pyscf()
- assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
-def test_molecule_custom_basis():
- mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))], 0, 1, "6-31g")
- mol.run_pyscf()
- assert np.isclose(mol.e_hf, -7.94129296352493)
-def test_hf_embedding_1():
- mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
- mol.run_pyscf()
- ref_oei = mol.oei
- ref_tei = mol.tei
- mol.hf_embedding()
- embed_oei = mol.embed_oei
- embed_tei = mol.embed_tei
- assert np.allclose(embed_oei, ref_oei)
- assert np.allclose(embed_tei, ref_tei)
-def test_hf_embedding_2():
- mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
- mol.run_pyscf()
- mol.frozen = [0]
- = [1, 2]
- mol.hf_embedding()
- assert mol.n_active_orbs == 4
- assert mol.n_active_e == 2
-def test_fermionic_hamiltonian():
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
- # a^\dagger_0 a_0
- ref_one_body_tensor = np.array(
- [
- [-1.27785301, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- [0.0, -1.27785301, 0.0, 0.0],
- [0.0, 0.0, -0.4482997, 0.0],
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.4482997],
- ]
- )
- assert np.isclose(h2_ferm_ham[()], 0.7559674441714287)
- assert np.allclose(h2_ferm_ham.one_body_tensor, ref_one_body_tensor)
-def test_fermionic_hamiltonian_2():
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7414))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- h2_ferm_ham_1 = h2.hamiltonian("f", h2.oei, h2.tei)
- h2_qub_ham_jw_1 = h2.hamiltonian("q", h2.oei, h2.tei, ferm_qubit_map="jw")
- h2_qub_ham_bk_1 = h2.hamiltonian("q", h2.oei, h2.tei, ferm_qubit_map="bk")
- # h2_mol_ham has format of InteractionOperator
- h2_mol_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
- h2_ferm_ham_2 = openfermion.transforms.get_fermion_operator(h2_mol_ham)
- h2_qub_ham_jw_2 = openfermion.jordan_wigner(h2_mol_ham)
- h2_qub_ham_bk_2 = openfermion.bravyi_kitaev(h2_mol_ham)
- assert h2_ferm_ham_2.isclose(h2_ferm_ham_1)
- assert h2_qub_ham_jw_2.isclose(h2_qub_ham_jw_1)
- assert h2_qub_ham_bk_2.isclose(h2_qub_ham_bk_1)
-def test_parse_pauli_string_1():
- pauli_string = ((0, "X"), (1, "Y"))
- qibo_pauli_string = hamiltonian.parse_pauli_string(pauli_string, 0.5)
- ref_pauli_string = "0.5*X0*Y1"
- assert str(qibo_pauli_string) == ref_pauli_string
-def test_parse_pauli_string_2():
- qibo_pauli_string = hamiltonian.parse_pauli_string(None, 0.1)
- assert str(qibo_pauli_string) == "0.1"
-def test_qubit_hamiltonian():
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
- h2_qubit_ham_jw = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "jw")
- h2_qubit_ham_bk = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "bk")
- ref_h2_qubit_ham_jw = {
- (): -0.04207897647782238,
- ((0, "Z"),): 0.17771287465139918,
- ((1, "Z"),): 0.1777128746513992,
- ((2, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140478,
- ((3, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140478,
- ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z")): 0.17059738328801052,
- ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
- ((0, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
- ((1, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
- ((1, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
- ((2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.17627640804319608,
- ((0, "X"), (1, "X"), (2, "Y"), (3, "Y")): -0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "X"), (1, "Y"), (2, "Y"), (3, "X")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "Y"), (1, "X"), (2, "X"), (3, "Y")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "Y"), (1, "Y"), (2, "X"), (3, "X")): -0.04475014401535165,
- }
- ref_h2_qubit_ham_bk = {
- ((0, "Z"),): 0.17771287465139923,
- (): -0.04207897647782244,
- ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z")): 0.17771287465139918,
- ((2, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140484,
- ((1, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): -0.24274280513140484,
- ((0, "Y"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Y")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "X"), (1, "Z"), (2, "X")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "X"), (1, "Z"), (2, "X"), (3, "Z")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((0, "Y"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Y"), (3, "Z")): 0.04475014401535165,
- ((1, "Z"),): 0.17059738328801052,
- ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
- ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
- ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
- ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
- ((1, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.17627640804319608,
- }
- jw_array = np.array([terms for terms in h2_qubit_ham_jw.terms.values()])
- bk_array = np.array([terms for terms in h2_qubit_ham_bk.terms.values()])
- ref_jw_array = np.array([terms for terms in ref_h2_qubit_ham_jw.values()])
- ref_bk_array = np.array([terms for terms in ref_h2_qubit_ham_bk.values()])
- assert np.allclose(jw_array, ref_jw_array)
- assert np.allclose(bk_array, ref_bk_array)
- # incorrect mapping circuit
- with pytest.raises(KeyError):
- hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "incorrect")
-def test_symbolic_hamiltonian():
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
- h2_qubit_ham = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "jw")
- h2_sym_ham = hamiltonian.symbolic_hamiltonian(h2_qubit_ham)
- ref_ham = (
- -0.0420789764778224
- - 0.0447501440153516 * X(0) * X(1) * Y(2) * Y(3)
- + 0.0447501440153516 * X(0) * Y(1) * Y(2) * X(3)
- + 0.0447501440153516 * Y(0) * X(1) * X(2) * Y(3)
- - 0.0447501440153516 * Y(0) * Y(1) * X(2) * X(3)
- + 0.177712874651399 * Z(0)
- + 0.170597383288011 * Z(0) * Z(1)
- + 0.122933050561838 * Z(0) * Z(2)
- + 0.16768319457719 * Z(0) * Z(3)
- + 0.177712874651399 * Z(1)
- + 0.16768319457719 * Z(1) * Z(2)
- + 0.122933050561838 * Z(1) * Z(3)
- - 0.242742805131405 * Z(2)
- + 0.176276408043196 * Z(2) * Z(3)
- - 0.242742805131405 * Z(3)
- )
- ref_sym_ham = SymbolicHamiltonian(ref_ham)
- assert np.allclose(h2_sym_ham.matrix, ref_sym_ham.matrix)
-def test_hamiltonian_input_error():
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.e_nuc = 0.0
- h2.oei = np.random.rand(4, 4)
- h2.tei = np.random.rand(4, 4, 4, 4)
- with pytest.raises(NameError):
- h2.hamiltonian("ihpc")
-# Commenting out since not actively supporting PSI4 at the moment
-# @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Psi4 doesn't offer pip install, so needs to be installed through conda or manually.")
-# def test_run_psi4():
-# """PSI4 driver"""
-# # Hardcoded benchmark results
-# h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
-# h2_ref_hcore = np.array([[-1.14765024, -1.00692423], [-1.00692423, -1.14765024]])
-# h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
-# h2.run_psi4()
-# assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
-# assert np.allclose(h2.hcore, h2_ref_hcore)
-def test_expectation_value():
- """Tests generation of molecular Hamiltonian and its expectation value using a JW-HF circuit"""
- # Hardcoded benchmark results
- h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
- h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- h2.run_pyscf()
- # JW-HF circuit
- circuit = models.Circuit(h2.nso)
- circuit.add(gates.X(_i) for _i in range(h2.nelec))
- # Molecular Hamiltonian and the HF expectation value
- hamiltonian = h2.hamiltonian()
- hf_energy = expectation(circuit, hamiltonian)
- # assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(hf_energy)
- assert h2_ref_energy == pytest.approx(hf_energy)
-def test_eigenvalues():
- dummy = Molecule()
- # FermionOperator test:
- ferm_ham = sum(
- openfermion.FermionOperator(f"{_i}^ {_i}") + openfermion.FermionOperator(f"{_i} {_i}^") for _i in range(4)
- )
- ham_matrix = openfermion.get_sparse_operator(ferm_ham).toarray()
- assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(ferm_ham), sorted(np.linalg.eigvals(ham_matrix))[:6])
- # QubitOperator test:
- qubit_ham = openfermion.QubitOperator("Z0 Z1")
- ham_matrix = openfermion.get_sparse_operator(qubit_ham).toarray()
- assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(qubit_ham), sorted(np.kron(np.array([1.0, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, -1.0])))[:2])
- # SymbolicHamiltonian test:
- sym_ham = SymbolicHamiltonian(Z(0) * Z(1))
- assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(sym_ham), sorted(np.kron(np.array([1.0, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, -1.0]))))
- # Unknown Hamiltonian type
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- dummy.eigenvalues(0.0)
+Test Molecule class functions
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import openfermion
+import pytest
+from qibo import gates, models
+from qibo.hamiltonians import SymbolicHamiltonian
+from qibo.symbols import X, Y, Z
+from qibochem.driver import hamiltonian
+from qibochem.driver.molecule import Molecule
+from qibochem.measurement.expectation import expectation
+def test_run_pyscf():
+ """PySCF driver"""
+ # Hardcoded benchmark results
+ # Change to run PySCF directly during a test?
+ h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
+ h2_ref_hcore = np.array([[-1.14765024, -1.00692423], [-1.00692423, -1.14765024]])
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
+ assert np.allclose(h2.hcore, h2_ref_hcore)
+def test_run_pyscf_molecule_xyz():
+ """Pyscf driver with xyz file"""
+ file_path = Path("tests", "data", "")
+ if not file_path.is_file():
+ with open(file_path, "w") as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write("2\n0 1\nLi 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 1.2\n")
+ lih_ref_energy = -7.83561582555692
+ lih = Molecule(xyz_file=file_path)
+ lih.run_pyscf()
+ assert lih.e_hf == pytest.approx(lih_ref_energy)
+def test_run_pyscf_molecule_xyz_charged():
+ file_path = Path("tests", "data", "")
+ if not file_path.is_file():
+ with open(file_path, "w") as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write("2\n \nH 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 0.7\n")
+ h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
+ h2 = Molecule(xyz_file=file_path)
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
+def test_molecule_custom_basis():
+ mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))], 0, 1, "6-31g")
+ mol.run_pyscf()
+ assert np.isclose(mol.e_hf, -7.94129296352493)
+def test_hf_embedding():
+ mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
+ mol.run_pyscf()
+ ref_oei = mol.oei
+ ref_tei = mol.tei
+ mol.hf_embedding()
+ embed_oei = mol.embed_oei
+ embed_tei = mol.embed_tei
+ assert np.allclose(embed_oei, ref_oei)
+ assert np.allclose(embed_tei, ref_tei)
+ mol.frozen = [0]
+ = [1, 2]
+ mol.hf_embedding()
+ assert mol.n_active_orbs == 4
+ assert mol.n_active_e == 2
+def test_fermionic_hamiltonian():
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
+ # a^\dagger_0 a_0
+ ref_one_body_tensor = np.array(
+ [
+ [-1.27785301, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, -1.27785301, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, -0.4482997, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.4482997],
+ ]
+ )
+ assert np.isclose(h2_ferm_ham[()], 0.7559674441714287)
+ assert np.allclose(h2_ferm_ham.one_body_tensor, ref_one_body_tensor)
+def test_fermionic_hamiltonian_2():
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7414))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ h2_ferm_ham_1 = h2.hamiltonian("f", h2.oei, h2.tei)
+ h2_qub_ham_jw_1 = h2.hamiltonian("q", h2.oei, h2.tei, ferm_qubit_map="jw")
+ h2_qub_ham_bk_1 = h2.hamiltonian("q", h2.oei, h2.tei, ferm_qubit_map="bk")
+ # h2_mol_ham has format of InteractionOperator
+ h2_mol_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
+ h2_ferm_ham_2 = openfermion.transforms.get_fermion_operator(h2_mol_ham)
+ h2_qub_ham_jw_2 = openfermion.jordan_wigner(h2_mol_ham)
+ h2_qub_ham_bk_2 = openfermion.bravyi_kitaev(h2_mol_ham)
+ assert h2_ferm_ham_2.isclose(h2_ferm_ham_1)
+ assert h2_qub_ham_jw_2.isclose(h2_qub_ham_jw_1)
+ assert h2_qub_ham_bk_2.isclose(h2_qub_ham_bk_1)
+def test_parse_pauli_string_1():
+ pauli_string = ((0, "X"), (1, "Y"))
+ qibo_pauli_string = hamiltonian.parse_pauli_string(pauli_string, 0.5)
+ ref_pauli_string = "0.5*X0*Y1"
+ assert str(qibo_pauli_string) == ref_pauli_string
+def test_parse_pauli_string_2():
+ qibo_pauli_string = hamiltonian.parse_pauli_string(None, 0.1)
+ assert str(qibo_pauli_string) == "0.1"
+def test_qubit_hamiltonian():
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
+ h2_qubit_ham_jw = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "jw")
+ h2_qubit_ham_bk = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "bk")
+ ref_h2_qubit_ham_jw = {
+ (): -0.04207897647782238,
+ ((0, "Z"),): 0.17771287465139918,
+ ((1, "Z"),): 0.1777128746513992,
+ ((2, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140478,
+ ((3, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140478,
+ ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z")): 0.17059738328801052,
+ ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
+ ((0, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
+ ((1, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
+ ((1, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
+ ((2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.17627640804319608,
+ ((0, "X"), (1, "X"), (2, "Y"), (3, "Y")): -0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "X"), (1, "Y"), (2, "Y"), (3, "X")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "Y"), (1, "X"), (2, "X"), (3, "Y")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "Y"), (1, "Y"), (2, "X"), (3, "X")): -0.04475014401535165,
+ }
+ ref_h2_qubit_ham_bk = {
+ ((0, "Z"),): 0.17771287465139923,
+ (): -0.04207897647782244,
+ ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z")): 0.17771287465139918,
+ ((2, "Z"),): -0.24274280513140484,
+ ((1, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): -0.24274280513140484,
+ ((0, "Y"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Y")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "X"), (1, "Z"), (2, "X")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "X"), (1, "Z"), (2, "X"), (3, "Z")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((0, "Y"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Y"), (3, "Z")): 0.04475014401535165,
+ ((1, "Z"),): 0.17059738328801052,
+ ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
+ ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
+ ((0, "Z"), (1, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.16768319457718972,
+ ((0, "Z"), (2, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.12293305056183809,
+ ((1, "Z"), (3, "Z")): 0.17627640804319608,
+ }
+ jw_array = np.array([terms for terms in h2_qubit_ham_jw.terms.values()])
+ bk_array = np.array([terms for terms in h2_qubit_ham_bk.terms.values()])
+ ref_jw_array = np.array([terms for terms in ref_h2_qubit_ham_jw.values()])
+ ref_bk_array = np.array([terms for terms in ref_h2_qubit_ham_bk.values()])
+ assert np.allclose(jw_array, ref_jw_array)
+ assert np.allclose(bk_array, ref_bk_array)
+ # incorrect mapping circuit
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "incorrect")
+def test_symbolic_hamiltonian():
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ h2_ferm_ham = hamiltonian.fermionic_hamiltonian(h2.oei, h2.tei, h2.e_nuc)
+ h2_qubit_ham = hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian(h2_ferm_ham, "jw")
+ h2_sym_ham = hamiltonian.symbolic_hamiltonian(h2_qubit_ham)
+ ref_ham = (
+ -0.0420789764778224
+ - 0.0447501440153516 * X(0) * X(1) * Y(2) * Y(3)
+ + 0.0447501440153516 * X(0) * Y(1) * Y(2) * X(3)
+ + 0.0447501440153516 * Y(0) * X(1) * X(2) * Y(3)
+ - 0.0447501440153516 * Y(0) * Y(1) * X(2) * X(3)
+ + 0.177712874651399 * Z(0)
+ + 0.170597383288011 * Z(0) * Z(1)
+ + 0.122933050561838 * Z(0) * Z(2)
+ + 0.16768319457719 * Z(0) * Z(3)
+ + 0.177712874651399 * Z(1)
+ + 0.16768319457719 * Z(1) * Z(2)
+ + 0.122933050561838 * Z(1) * Z(3)
+ - 0.242742805131405 * Z(2)
+ + 0.176276408043196 * Z(2) * Z(3)
+ - 0.242742805131405 * Z(3)
+ )
+ ref_sym_ham = SymbolicHamiltonian(ref_ham)
+ assert np.allclose(h2_sym_ham.matrix, ref_sym_ham.matrix)
+def test_hamiltonian_input_error():
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.e_nuc = 0.0
+ h2.oei = np.random.rand(4, 4)
+ h2.tei = np.random.rand(4, 4, 4, 4)
+ with pytest.raises(NameError):
+ h2.hamiltonian("ihpc")
+# Commenting out since not actively supporting PSI4 at the moment
+# @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Psi4 doesn't offer pip install, so needs to be installed through conda or manually.")
+# def test_run_psi4():
+# """PSI4 driver"""
+# # Hardcoded benchmark results
+# h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
+# h2_ref_hcore = np.array([[-1.14765024, -1.00692423], [-1.00692423, -1.14765024]])
+# h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+# h2.run_psi4()
+# assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(h2_ref_energy)
+# assert np.allclose(h2.hcore, h2_ref_hcore)
+def test_expectation_value():
+ """Tests generation of molecular Hamiltonian and its expectation value using a JW-HF circuit"""
+ # Hardcoded benchmark results
+ h2_ref_energy = -1.117349035
+ h2 = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ # JW-HF circuit
+ circuit = models.Circuit(h2.nso)
+ circuit.add(gates.X(_i) for _i in range(h2.nelec))
+ # Molecular Hamiltonian and the HF expectation value
+ hamiltonian = h2.hamiltonian()
+ hf_energy = expectation(circuit, hamiltonian)
+ # assert h2.e_hf == pytest.approx(hf_energy)
+ assert h2_ref_energy == pytest.approx(hf_energy)
+def test_eigenvalues():
+ dummy = Molecule()
+ # FermionOperator test:
+ ferm_ham = sum(
+ openfermion.FermionOperator(f"{_i}^ {_i}") + openfermion.FermionOperator(f"{_i} {_i}^") for _i in range(4)
+ )
+ ham_matrix = openfermion.get_sparse_operator(ferm_ham).toarray()
+ assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(ferm_ham), sorted(np.linalg.eigvals(ham_matrix))[:6])
+ # QubitOperator test:
+ qubit_ham = openfermion.QubitOperator("Z0 Z1")
+ ham_matrix = openfermion.get_sparse_operator(qubit_ham).toarray()
+ assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(qubit_ham), sorted(np.kron(np.array([1.0, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, -1.0])))[:2])
+ # SymbolicHamiltonian test:
+ sym_ham = SymbolicHamiltonian(Z(0) * Z(1))
+ assert np.allclose(dummy.eigenvalues(sym_ham), sorted(np.kron(np.array([1.0, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, -1.0]))))
+ # Unknown Hamiltonian type
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ dummy.eigenvalues(0.0)
From 96d5334825f4dc6f0333503898b2a10e2b46a62a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 08:58:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Add code for active argument (only)
src/qibochem/driver/ | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qibochem/driver/ b/src/qibochem/driver/
index f17930a..4079e30 100644
--- a/src/qibochem/driver/
+++ b/src/qibochem/driver/
@@ -264,34 +264,87 @@ def _inactive_fock_matrix(self, frozen):
inactive_fock[_p][_q] += 2 * self.tei[_orb][_p][_q][_orb] - self.tei[_orb][_p][_orb][_q]
return inactive_fock
- def hf_embedding(self, active=None, frozen=None):
+ def _active_space(self, active, frozen):
- Turns on HF embedding for a given active/frozen space, and fills in the class attributes:
- ``inactive_energy``, ``embed_oei``, and ``embed_tei``.
+ Helper function to check the input for active/frozen space and define the default values
+ for them where necessary
active: Iterable representing the active-space for quantum simulation
frozen: Iterable representing the occupied orbitals to be removed from the simulation
+ Returns:
+ _active, _frozen: Iterables representing the active/frozen space
- # Default arguments for active and frozen
+ n_orbs = self.norb
+ n_occ_orbs = self.nalpha
+ _active, _frozen = None, None
if active is None:
+ if frozen is None:
+ # Default active: Full set of orbitals, frozen: empty list
+ _active = list(range(n_orbs))
+ _frozen = []
+ else:
+ # Check that active argument is valid
+ assert max(active) < n_orbs and min(active) >= 0, "Active space must be between 0 and the number of MOs"
+ _active = active
+ # active, frozen arguments both given
+ if frozen is not None:
+ # Check that active/frozen arguments don't overlap
+ assert not (set(active) & set(frozen)), "Active and frozen space cannot overlap"
+ # Frozen space must be occupied orbitals
+ assert max(frozen) + 1 < n_occ_orbs and min(frozen) >= 0, "Frozen orbital must be occupied orbitals"
+ # All occupied orbitals have to be in active or frozen
+ assert all(
+ _occ in set(active + frozen) for _occ in range(n_occ_orbs)
+ ), "All occupied orbitals have to be in either the active or frozen space"
+ # Hopefully no more problems with the input
+ _frozen = frozen
+ # frozen argument not given
+ else:
+ # Default frozen: All occupied orbitals not in active
+ _frozen = [_i for _i in range(n_occ_orbs) if _i not in _active]
+ """
if is None:
- active = list(range(self.norb))
+ _active = list(range(self.norb))
- active =
+ _active =
if frozen is None:
if self.frozen is None:
- frozen = [_i for _i in range(self.nalpha) if _i not in active]
+ _frozen = [_i for _i in range(self.nalpha) if _i not in _active]
- frozen = self.frozen
+ _frozen = self.frozen
# Check that arguments are valid
- assert max(active) < self.norb and min(active) >= 0, "Active space must be between 0 " "and the number of MOs"
- if frozen:
- assert not (set(active) & set(frozen)), "Active and frozen space cannot overlap"
- assert max(frozen) + 1 < self.nelec // 2 and min(frozen) >= 0, (
+ assert max(_active) < self.norb and min(_active) >= 0, "Active space must be between 0 " "and the number of MOs"
+ if _frozen:
+ assert not (set(_active) & set(_frozen)), "Active and frozen space cannot overlap"
+ assert max(_frozen) + 1 < self.nelec // 2 and min(_frozen) >= 0, (
"Frozen orbitals must" " be occupied orbitals"
+ """
+ return _active, _frozen
+ def hf_embedding(self, active=None, frozen=None):
+ """
+ Turns on HF embedding for a given active/frozen space, and fills in the class attributes:
+ ``inactive_energy``, ``embed_oei``, and ``embed_tei``.
+ Args:
+ active: Iterable representing the active-space for quantum simulation
+ frozen: Iterable representing the occupied orbitals to be removed from the simulation
+ """
+ # Default arguments for active and frozen if no arguments given
+ if active is None and frozen is None:
+ _active, _frozen = self._active_space(, self.frozen)
+ else:
+ # active/frozen arguments given, process them using _active_space similarly
+ _active, _frozen = self._active_space(active, frozen)
+ # Update the class attributes with the checked arguments
+ = _active
+ self.frozen = _frozen
# Build the inactive Fock matrix first
inactive_fock = self._inactive_fock_matrix(frozen)
From 801699936ad09515dfefc1a590cfd18b57d3545e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 09:29:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Finish function to define active space rigorously
which hopefully works...
src/qibochem/driver/ | 47 +++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qibochem/driver/ b/src/qibochem/driver/
index 4079e30..63b16b3 100644
--- a/src/qibochem/driver/
+++ b/src/qibochem/driver/
@@ -281,50 +281,41 @@ def _active_space(self, active, frozen):
_active, _frozen = None, None
if active is None:
+ # No arguments given
if frozen is None:
# Default active: Full set of orbitals, frozen: empty list
_active = list(range(n_orbs))
_frozen = []
+ # Only frozen argument given
+ else:
+ if frozen:
+ # Non-empty frozen space must be occupied orbitals
+ assert max(frozen) + 1 < n_occ_orbs and min(frozen) >= 0, "Frozen orbital must be occupied orbitals"
+ _frozen = frozen
+ # Default active: All orbitals not in frozen
+ _active = [_i for _i in range(n_orbs) if _i not in _frozen]
+ # active argument given
# Check that active argument is valid
assert max(active) < n_orbs and min(active) >= 0, "Active space must be between 0 and the number of MOs"
_active = active
- # active, frozen arguments both given
- if frozen is not None:
+ # frozen argument not given
+ if frozen is None:
+ # Default frozen: All occupied orbitals not in active
+ _frozen = [_i for _i in range(n_occ_orbs) if _i not in _active]
+ # active, frozen arguments both given:
+ else:
# Check that active/frozen arguments don't overlap
assert not (set(active) & set(frozen)), "Active and frozen space cannot overlap"
- # Frozen space must be occupied orbitals
- assert max(frozen) + 1 < n_occ_orbs and min(frozen) >= 0, "Frozen orbital must be occupied orbitals"
+ if frozen:
+ # Non-empty frozen space must be occupied orbitals
+ assert max(frozen) + 1 < n_occ_orbs and min(frozen) >= 0, "Frozen orbital must be occupied orbitals"
# All occupied orbitals have to be in active or frozen
assert all(
_occ in set(active + frozen) for _occ in range(n_occ_orbs)
), "All occupied orbitals have to be in either the active or frozen space"
# Hopefully no more problems with the input
_frozen = frozen
- # frozen argument not given
- else:
- # Default frozen: All occupied orbitals not in active
- _frozen = [_i for _i in range(n_occ_orbs) if _i not in _active]
- """
- if is None:
- _active = list(range(self.norb))
- else:
- _active =
- if frozen is None:
- if self.frozen is None:
- _frozen = [_i for _i in range(self.nalpha) if _i not in _active]
- else:
- _frozen = self.frozen
- # Check that arguments are valid
- assert max(_active) < self.norb and min(_active) >= 0, "Active space must be between 0 " "and the number of MOs"
- if _frozen:
- assert not (set(_active) & set(_frozen)), "Active and frozen space cannot overlap"
- assert max(_frozen) + 1 < self.nelec // 2 and min(_frozen) >= 0, (
- "Frozen orbitals must" " be occupied orbitals"
- )
- """
return _active, _frozen
def hf_embedding(self, active=None, frozen=None):
From 0ed41320e40dfb6c98c06c32272cf8b580dd696e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 09:32:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Add tests for new _active_space function
tests/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d587585..c2c4768 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -60,6 +60,36 @@ def test_molecule_custom_basis():
assert np.isclose(mol.e_hf, -7.94129296352493)
+def test_define_active_space():
+ mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
+ mol.nalpha = 2
+ mol.norb = 6
+ # Default arguments: Nothing given
+ assert mol._active_space(None, None) == (list(range(mol.norb)), [])
+ # Default frozen argument if active given
+ assert mol._active_space([1, 2, 5], None) == ([1, 2, 5], [0])
+ # Default active argument if frozen given
+ assert mol._active_space(None, [0]) == (list(range(1, 6)), [0])
+ # active, frozen arguments both given
+ assert mol._active_space([0, 1, 2, 3], []) == (list(range(4)), [])
+def test_define_active_space_assertions():
+ mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
+ mol.nalpha = 2
+ mol.norb = 6
+ # Invalid active argument
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ _ = mol._active_space([10], None)
+ # Invalid frozen argument
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ _ = mol._active_space(None, [100])
+ # active/frozen spaces overlap
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ _ = mol._active_space([0, 1], [0])
def test_hf_embedding():
mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
From 2ef5fd48e9677b32663015d1723ba193895c6cc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 09:49:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Bugfix: Correct hf_embedding function
Oops, forgot to do so and test locally before pushing
src/qibochem/driver/ | 16 +++++++---------
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qibochem/driver/ b/src/qibochem/driver/
index 63b16b3..a9615d5 100644
--- a/src/qibochem/driver/
+++ b/src/qibochem/driver/
@@ -338,22 +338,20 @@ def hf_embedding(self, active=None, frozen=None):
self.frozen = _frozen
# Build the inactive Fock matrix first
- inactive_fock = self._inactive_fock_matrix(frozen)
+ inactive_fock = self._inactive_fock_matrix(self.frozen)
# Calculate the inactive Fock energy
# Only want frozen part of original OEI and inactive Fock matrix
- _oei = self.oei[np.ix_(frozen, frozen)]
- _inactive_fock = inactive_fock[np.ix_(frozen, frozen)]
+ _oei = self.oei[np.ix_(self.frozen, self.frozen)]
+ _inactive_fock = inactive_fock[np.ix_(self.frozen, self.frozen)]
self.inactive_energy = np.einsum("ii->", _oei + _inactive_fock)
# Keep only the active part
- self.embed_oei = inactive_fock[np.ix_(active, active)]
- self.embed_tei = self.tei[np.ix_(active, active, active, active)]
+ self.embed_oei = inactive_fock[np.ix_(,]
+ self.embed_tei = self.tei[np.ix_(,,,]
- # Update class attributes
- = active
- self.frozen = frozen
- self.n_active_orbs = 2 * len(active)
+ # Update other class attributes
+ self.n_active_orbs = 2 * len(
self.n_active_e = self.nelec - 2 * len(self.frozen)
def hamiltonian(
From 5f4a8f4d3101748664bb2f4c61764e907bdfa31f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 07:52:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Simplify hf_embedding test
Change LiH to H2, check removal of all virtual orbitals
tests/ | 23 ++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c2c4768..58a9b6b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -91,21 +91,18 @@ def test_define_active_space_assertions():
def test_hf_embedding():
- mol = Molecule([("Li", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 1.2))])
+ mol = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
- ref_oei = mol.oei
- ref_tei = mol.tei
- mol.hf_embedding()
- embed_oei = mol.embed_oei
- embed_tei = mol.embed_tei
- assert np.allclose(embed_oei, ref_oei)
- assert np.allclose(embed_tei, ref_tei)
- mol.frozen = [0]
- = [1, 2]
- mol.hf_embedding()
- assert mol.n_active_orbs == 4
+ # Remove all virtual orbitals from the active space
+ mol.hf_embedding(active=[0])
+ # Check that the class attributes have been updated correctly
+ assert mol.frozen == []
+ assert mol.n_active_orbs == 2
assert mol.n_active_e == 2
+ # OEI/TEI (in MO basis) for the occupied orbitals should remain unchanged
+ dim = mol.n_active_orbs // 2
+ assert np.allclose(mol.embed_oei, mol.oei[:dim, :dim])
+ assert np.allclose(mol.embed_tei, mol.tei[:dim, :dim, :dim, :dim])
def test_fermionic_hamiltonian():
From 4f1464ae35ab4bbb9d80eb09c657e155b0fa0a58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 09:32:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Add tutorial for HF embedding into docs (draft)
doc/source/tutorials/ansatz.rst | 1 +
doc/source/tutorials/molecule.rst | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorials/ansatz.rst b/doc/source/tutorials/ansatz.rst
index ae3ff31..3352179 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorials/ansatz.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorials/ansatz.rst
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ The following example demonstrates how the energy of the H2 molecule is affected
| 0.2 | 0.673325849299 |
+.. _UCC Ansatz:
Unitary Coupled Cluster Ansatz
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorials/molecule.rst b/doc/source/tutorials/molecule.rst
index 198c21f..4df364f 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorials/molecule.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorials/molecule.rst
@@ -46,9 +46,41 @@ Qibochem offers the functionality to interface with `PySCF `
# Running PySCF
-The default level of theory is HF/STO-3G, and upon executing the PySCF driver for a given molecule, several molecular quantities are calculated and stored in the Molecule class.
+The default level of theory is HF/STO-3G, and upon executing the PySCF driver for a given molecule, several molecular quantities are calculated and stored in the ``Molecule`` class.
These include the:
* converged Hartree-Fock energy
* optimized molecular orbital (MO) coefficients
* one- and two-electron integrals
+Embedding the quantum electronic structure calculation
+In quantum chemistry, most *ab initio* calculations start with a Hartree-Fock (HF) calculation.
+The obtained HF wave function is then used as a starting point to apply post-HF methods to improve upon the treatment of electron correlation.
+An example of a post-HF method that can be run on a quantum computer is the :ref:`Unitary Coupled Cluster method `.
+Unfortunately, the current level of quantum hardware are unable to run these methods for molecules that are too large.
+One possible approach to reduce the hardware required is to embed the quantum simulation into a classically computed environment.
+(see `Rossmanek et al. `_)
+Essentially, the occupancy of the core *1s* orbitals for the heavy atoms in a molecule is effectively constant; the same might hold for higher virtual orbitals.
+As such, these orbitals can be removed from the simulation of the molecule without there being a significant change in the molecular properties of interest.
+The remaining orbitals left in the simulation are then known as the active space of the molecule.
+An example of how to apply this using Qibochem for the LiH molecule is given below.
+.. code-block:: python
+ from qibochem.driver.molecule import Molecule
+ # Inline definition of H2
+ h2 = Molecule([('H', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ('H', (0.0, 0.0, 0.74804))])
+ # Running PySCF
+ h2.run_pyscf()
+ frozen = [0] # The electrons on the 1s orbital of Li in LiH are frozen - removed from the quantum simulation
+ h2.hf_embedding(frozen=frozen)
+The code block above will re-calculate the one- and two-electron integrals for the given active space, and store the result back in the ``Molecule`` class.
+.. Note: Not sure if this is the best place to describe HF embedding? But where else would be good?
From f45545e72338e82364846bb965e15dbd2c20d996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 09:42:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Edit Hamiltonian tutorial for HF embedding
doc/source/tutorials/hamiltonian.rst | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorials/hamiltonian.rst b/doc/source/tutorials/hamiltonian.rst
index 3546cc7..99a6970 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorials/hamiltonian.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorials/hamiltonian.rst
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ Lastly, to carry out quantum simulations of the molecular electronic structure u
-0.107280411608667 - 0.0454153248117008*X0*X1*Y2*Y3 + 0.0454153248117008*X0*Y1*Y2*X3 + 0.0454153248117008*Y0*X1*X2*Y3 - 0.0454153248117008*Y0*Y1*X2*X3 + 0.170182611817142*Z0 + 0.16830546187935*Z0*Z1 + 0.120163790529127*Z0*Z2 + 0.165579115340828*Z0*Z3 + 0.170182611817142*Z1 + 0.165579115340828*Z1*Z2 + 0.120163790529127*Z1*Z3 - 0.219750654392482*Z2 + 0.174043557614182*Z2*Z3 - 0.219750654392482*Z3
By default, the molecular Hamiltonian is returned as a ``SymbolicHamiltonian``, `i.e.` if no arguments are given in :code:`mol.hamiltonian()`.
+In addition, if HF embedding has been applied, the embedded values of the one-/two- electron integrals will be used to construct the molecular Hamiltonian as well.
Otherwise, using the ``"f"``/``"ferm"`` and ``"q"``/``"qubit"`` arguments will return the molecular Hamiltonian as an OpenFermion ``FermionOperator`` and ``QubitOperator`` respectively.
Additional information about the data structure of these two classes can be found `here `_.
From b2831bb1f0a89ecff6a795e36c2b72c8335a9cd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 09:56:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Add tests for code coverage
tests/ | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 58a9b6b..198b45b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ def test_define_active_space():
assert mol._active_space(None, [0]) == (list(range(1, 6)), [0])
# active, frozen arguments both given
assert mol._active_space([0, 1, 2, 3], []) == (list(range(4)), [])
+ # active, frozen arguments both given
+ assert mol._active_space([1, 2, 3], [0]) == (list(range(1, 4)), [0])
def test_define_active_space_assertions():
@@ -91,10 +93,10 @@ def test_define_active_space_assertions():
def test_hf_embedding():
- mol = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))])
+ mol = Molecule([("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ("H", (0.0, 0.0, 0.7))], active=[0])
# Remove all virtual orbitals from the active space
- mol.hf_embedding(active=[0])
+ mol.hf_embedding()
# Check that the class attributes have been updated correctly
assert mol.frozen == []
assert mol.n_active_orbs == 2
From 665138697401b9279ed8d98017be8c0a38415c29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wong Zi Cheng <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 02:34:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Update Molecule API documentation
src/qibochem/driver/ | 15 +++++++++++----
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qibochem/driver/ b/src/qibochem/driver/
index a9615d5..9cba67a 100644
--- a/src/qibochem/driver/
+++ b/src/qibochem/driver/
@@ -363,16 +363,23 @@ def hamiltonian(
- Builds a molecular Hamiltonian using the one-/two- electron integrals
+ Builds a molecular Hamiltonian using the one-/two- electron integrals. If HF embedding has been applied,
+ (i.e. the ``embed_oei``, ``embed_tei``, and ``inactive_energy`` attributes are all not ``None``), the
+ corresponding values for the molecular integrals will be used instead.
ham_type: Format of molecular Hamiltonian returned. The available options are:
``("f", "ferm")``: OpenFermion ``FermionOperator``,
``("q", "qubit")``: OpenFermion ``QubitOperator``, or
``("s", "sym")``: Qibo ``SymbolicHamiltonian`` (default)
- oei: 1-electron integrals. Default: ``self.oei`` (MO basis)
- tei: 2-electron integrals in 2ndQ notation. Default: ``self.tei`` (MO basis)
- constant: For inactive Fock energy if embedding used. Default: 0.0
+ oei: 1-electron integrals (in the MO basis). The default value is the ``oei`` class attribute , unless
+ the ``embed_oei`` attribute exists and is not ``None``, then ``embed_oei`` is used.
+ tei: 2-electron integrals in the second-quantization notation (and MO basis). The default value is the
+ ``tei`` class attribute , unless the ``embed_tei`` attribute exists and is not ``None``, then ``embed_tei``
+ is used.
+ constant: Constant value to be added to the electronic energy. Mainly used for adding the inactive Fock
+ energy if HF embedding was applied. Default: 0.0, unless the ``inactive_energy`` class attribute exists
+ and is not ``None``, then ``inactive_energy`` is used.
ferm_qubit_map: Which fermion to qubit transformation to use.
Must be either ``jw`` (default) or ``bk``