If you'd like to contribute to scunpacked, then first of all, THANK YOU!
Pull requests are always welcome, please make sure that each PR is tightly focussed on making a specific change. This will make it much easier for me to evaluate and merge.
I develop on Windows 10 with the following tools:
Visual Studio Code
NVM for Windows
- Install the tools listed above.
- Install
to install the most recent LTS version of node. Eg:
nvm install 12.18.3
- Install the Angular CLI globally:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- In the folder where you've cloned
npm install
There is a VSCODE workspace called scunpacked.code-workspace
, use this to launch VSCODE:
vscode scunpacked.code-workspace
The website is build using Angular and can be launched from the Windows command line like this:
ng serve
This will fire up the development server on port 4200, so you can browse the website at http://localhost:4200. By default it connects to the live API at https://scunpacked.com/api.
Find me as @stony on the hardpoint.io Discord.