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ZW098 - ZWave

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ZW098 LED Bulb

This describes the Z-Wave device ZW098, manufactured by AEON Labs with the thing type UID of aeon_zw098_00_000.

The device is in the category of Light Bulb, defining Devices that illuminate something, such as bulbs, etc..

ZW098 product image

The ZW098 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.


Aeon Labs LED Bulb is a switch multilevel device based on Z-wave enhanced 232 slave library of V6.51.06. Its bulb has the Smart RGB LEDs in, which can be used for adding colour to your home, the bulb has 5 main colour channels available for you to adjust: Red, Green, Blue, Warm white and Cold white. You can configure its indication colour according to your favour.

The LED Bulb can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.

The LED Bulb is a security Z-Wave device, so a security enabled controller is needed for take full advantage of all functionally for the LED Bulb. It also supports the Over The Air (OTA) feature for the product’s firmware upgrade. 

Inclusion Information

Non-secure inclusion:

  1. Power on your LED Bulb.
  2. Set the primary controller into inclusion mode (If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to its manual).
  3. Turn off the LED Bulb and then turn on.
  4. If the inclusion is failed, please repeat the process from step 2. 

Secure inclusion:

  1. Power on your LED Bulb.
  2. Set the primary controller into inclusion mode (If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to its manual).
  3. Turn off the LED Bulb and then turn on it on 3 times within 2 seconds.
  4. If the inclusion fails, please repeat the process from step 2.

Note: If LED Bulb has been successfully included into your Z-Wave network, its warm white LED will be solid. If the linking was unsuccessful and the LED Bulb continues to be active with a colourful gradient. 

Exclusion Information

  1. Power on your LED Bulb.
  2. Set the primary controller into exclusion mode (If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to its manual).
  3. Turn off the LED Bulb and then turn on 3 times within 2 seconds.
  4. If the exclusion fails, please repeat the process from step 2.

Note: If LED Bulb has been successfully excluded from your Z-Wave network, its warm white LED will be active with a colourful gradient. If the exclusion was unsuccessful and the LED Bulb continues to be solid. 


The following table summarises the channels available for the ZW098 -:

Channel Channel Id Category Item Type
Dimmer switch_dimmer DimmableLight Dimmer
Color Control color_color Color
Color Temperature color_temperature ColorLight Dimmer


The brightness channel allows to control the brightness of a light. It is also possible to switch the light on and off.

The switch_dimmer channel supports the Dimmer item and is in the DimmableLight category.

Color Control

The color channel allows to control the color of a light. It is also possible to dim values and switch the light on and off.

The color_color channel supports the Color item.

Color Temperature

The color temperature channel allows to set the color temperature of a light from 0 (cold) to 100 (warm).

The color_temperature channel supports the Dimmer item and is in the ColorLight category.

Device Configuration

The following table provides a summary of the 14 configuration parameters available in the ZW098. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.

Param Name Description
32 Toggle send report on color change Toggle send report on color change
34 Allow external switch to toggle bulb Allow external switch to toggle bulb
35 Allow external switch to change color Allow external switch to change color
36 Control color mode Reboot/save/exit Colorful mode
37 Colour Residence Time Colour Residence Time
37 Colour Change Speed Colour Change Speed
37 Cycle count Cycle count
37 Color transitions (Value 1 MSB) see Overview Value 1 (MSB) see Overview
38 Color index configuration for multi mode (1,2) Color index configuration for multi mode (1,2)
38 Color index configuration for multi mode (3,4) Color index configuration for multi mode (3,4)
38 Color index configuration for multi mode (5.6) Color index configuration for multi mode (5,6)
38 Color index configuration for multi mode (7,8) Color index configuration for multi mode (7,8)
80 Enable notifications set send notifications type for Group 1
252 Lock configuration Enable/disable the ability to configure the device.
Switch All Mode Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands

Parameter 32: Toggle send report on color change

Toggle send report on color change Enable/disable to send out a report when the color is changed.
1=Hail CC.
Others=ignore. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 disable color updates
1 send HAIL CC

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (disable color updates).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_32_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 34: Allow external switch to toggle bulb

Allow external switch to toggle bulb Enable/disable the function of using External Switch to turn
on/off the bulb.
Others=ignore. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (disabled).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_34_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 35: Allow external switch to change color

Allow external switch to change color Enable/disable the function of using External Switch to changes
the bulb’s color.
Others=ignore. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

The manufacturer defined default value is 1 (enabled).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_35_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 36: Control color mode

Reboot/save/exit Colorful mode Reboot/save/exit Colorful mode.
0==Un-reboot Colorful mode.
1==Reboot Colorful mode.
2==Exit Colorful mode.
3==Save the current Colorful mode value and then exit The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 reboot normal mode
1 boot into color programming
2 exit color programming
3 save and exit color programming

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (reboot normal mode).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_36_1_wo and is of type INTEGER. This is a write only parameter.

Parameter 37: Colour Residence Time

Colour Residence Time 0-254 : Corresponds from 0 to 25.4 seconds.

255 : no change Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_000000FF and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 37: Colour Change Speed

Colour Change Speed Colour Change Speed (8 bits)
This field specifies the transition speed when one colour changes to another.

0 is slowest adn 254 is fastest.  255 will have no effect. Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_0000FF00 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 37: Cycle count

Cycle count

The Cycle Count is used to define the number of repetitions/cycles displayed by your LED Bulb in Colour
Display Cycle before stopping.

0 = Unlimited

1-254 = cycle this number and then stop

255 = no change to setting

For example:

When the Bulb is in Rainbow mode, the colour change from red to pink (Red Orange Yellow Green
Cyan Blue Purple Pink), going through the colours is regarded as 1 cycle. Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_00FF0000 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 37: Color transitions (Value 1 MSB) see Overview

Value 1 (MSB) see Overview scroll to bottom for examples.

bits 7 and 6 for colour transition style

bits 5 and 4 are reserved (always 0)

bits 3,2,1,0 are colour display

colour display options are:

0 single colour mode

1 Rainbow Mode(red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet,pinkish)

2 Multi Colour Mode(colours cycle between selected colours)

3 Random mode

15 Inactive (keep current mode)

Single colour mode: The Bulb is solid with one colour in this mode. If you want to change its current
colour, you need to turn the Bulb off and on 2 times via wall switch within 1 second, the Bulb will enter
into colour change status. During this time, turning the wall switch off when your desired colour appears,
will be used as the colour of the bulb when it is on.

Rainbow mode: The Bulb has 8 colours to display and will change through a range of colors (Red
Orange Yellow Green Cyan Blue Violet pinkish).
Multi-colour mode: The Bulb can change between multiple colours according to the colour index which
is configurable through configuration parameter 38, see the configuration table of parameter 38 below.

Random mode: The Bulb’s colour will be displayed randomly.

Colour Transition Style (2 bits)

0 Smooth transitions

1 Fast/Direct transition

2 Fade out/Fade in

3 Inactive (keep current configuration)


Default is 00 single color mode with smooth color transitions. 

Set to 01 for rainbow mode with smooth color transitions

Set to 02 for multi color mode with smooth color transitions

Set to 03 for random mode with smooth color transitions

Set to 64 for single color mode with direct color transitions

Set to 65 for rainbow color mode with direct color transitions

Set to 66 for multi color mode with direct color transitions

Set to 67 for random color mode with direct color transitions

Note: The four modes below are available to the bulb, but not currently available in openHAB.

Set to 128 for single color mode with fade out/fade in transitions

Set to 129 for rainbow color mode with fade out/fade in transitions

Set to 130 for multi color mode with fade out/fade in transitions

Set to 131 for random color mode with fade out/fade in transitions The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 single color mode with smooth color transitions (default)
1 rainbow mode with smooth color transitions
2 multi color mode with smooth color transitions
3 random mode with smooth color transitions
64 single color mode with direct color transitions
65 rainbow color mode with direct color transitions
66 multi color mode with direct color transitions
67 random color mode with direct color transitions
128 single color mode with fade out/fade in transitions
129 rainbow color mode with fade out/fade in transitions
130 multi color mode with fade out/fade in transitions
131 random color mode with fade out/fade in transitions

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (single color mode with smooth color transitions (default)).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_7F000000 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 38: Color index configuration for multi mode (1,2)

Color index configuration for multi mode (1,2) The colour will be changed from index 1 to index 8 circularly when your bulb is in Multi colour mode.

This value controls indexes 1 and 2

Values are additive.  The smaller numbers control index 1, and the larger control index 2. 


You want to have the 1st color be red and the 2nd color switched to to be blue.  Set this value to 97 (1+96)

The colors are:

1,16 = red

2,32 = orange

3,48 = yellow

4,64 = green

5,80 = cyan

6,96 = blue

7,112 = violet

8,128 = pinkish (Aeon's term) Values in the range 0 to 136 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_38_4_000000FF and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 38: Color index configuration for multi mode (3,4)

Color index configuration for multi mode (3,4) The colour will be changed from index 1 to index 8 circularly when your bulb is in Multi colour mode.

This value controls indexes 3 and 4

Values are additive.  The smaller numbers control index 3, and the larger control index 4. 


You want to have the 3rd color be red and the 4th color switched to to be blue.  Set this value to 97 (1+96)

The colors are:

1,16 = red

2,32 = orange

3,48 = yellow

4,64 = green

5,80 = cyan

6,96 = blue

7,112 = violet

8,128 = pinkish (Aeon's term) Values in the range 0 to 136 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_38_4_0000FF00 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 38: Color index configuration for multi mode (5.6)

Color index configuration for multi mode (5,6) The colour will be changed from index 1 to index 8 circularly when your bulb is in Multi colour mode.

This value controls indexes 5 and 6

Values are additive.  The smaller numbers control index 5, and the larger control index 6. 


You want to have the 5th color be red and the 6th color switched to to be blue.  Set this value to 97 (1+96)

The colors are:

1,16 = red

2,32 = orange

3,48 = yellow

4,64 = green

5,80 = cyan

6,96 = blue

7,112 = violet

8,128 = pinkish (Aeon's term) Values in the range 0 to 136 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_38_4_00FF0000 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 38: Color index configuration for multi mode (7,8)

Color index configuration for multi mode (7,8) The colour will be changed from index 1 to index 8 circularly when your bulb is in Multi colour mode.

This is value 1, the MSB.  It controls indexes 7 and 8

Values are additive.  The smaller numbers control index 7, and the larger control index 8. 


You want to have the 7th color be red and the 8th color switched to to be blue.  Set this value to 97 (1+96)

The colors are:

1,16 = red

2,32 = orange

3,48 = yellow

4,64 = green

5,80 = cyan

6,96 = blue

7,112 = violet

8,128 = pinkish (Aeon's term) Values in the range 0 to 136 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_38_4_7F000000 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 80: Enable notifications

set send notifications type for Group 1

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disable
1 Hail
2 Basic

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (Disable).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_80_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 252: Lock configuration

Enable/disable the ability to configure the device.

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (disabled).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_252_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Switch All Mode

Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands.

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Exclude from All On and All Off groups
1 Include in All On group
2 Include in All Off group
255 Include in All On and All Off groups

This parameter has the configuration ID switchall_mode and is of type INTEGER.

Association Groups

Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.

The ZW098 supports 2 association groups.

Group 1: Group 1

Association group 1 supports 5 nodes.

Group 2: Group 2

Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.

Technical Information


Endpoint 0

Command Class Comment

Documentation Links

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