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ZW121 - ZWave |
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This describes the Z-Wave device ZW121, manufactured by AEON Labs with the thing type UID of aeon_zw121_00_000
The device is in the category of Light Bulb, defining Devices that illuminate something, such as bulbs, etc..
The ZW121 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.
Aeotec LED Strip has been crafted to power connected lighting using Z-Wave Plus. It is powered by Aeotec’s Gen5 technology. The LED Strip is a multi-colored LED Strip which allows control (on/off/dim/color change) via Z-Wave commands.
Note that configuration parameters 37 and 39 only apply when the strip is in color transition mode. Color transition mode is entered when a change to parameter 37 or 39 is submitted. Color transition mode is exited when a change to any of the channels is submitted.
- Set your Z-Wave controller into pairing mode.
- Press the Action Button located on the back of the LED Strip's white controller box once (The network LED will blink green as an indication it is pairing insecurely, please refer to section "Enabling Security Encryption" in the Advanced Function section of the manual to pair it securely).
- If the LED Strip has been successfully added to your Z-Wave network, its Network LED will become solid. If the pairing was unsuccessful, the red LED will be on for 2 seconds and then remain a colorful gradient, repeat the instructions above from step 1.
- Set your Z-Wave controller into device removal mode.
- Press the Action Button located on the back of the LED Strip's white controller box once.
- If the LED Strip has been successfully removed from your Z-Wave network, its Network LED will remain colorful gradient. If the removal was unsuccessful, the Network LED will still be solid, repeat the instructions above from step 1.
The following table summarises the channels available for the ZW121 -:
Channel | Channel Id | Category | Item Type |
Dimmer | switch_dimmer | DimmableLight | Dimmer |
Scene Number | scene_number | Number | |
Color Control | color_color | Color | |
Color Temperature | color_temperature | ColorLight | Dimmer |
Configuration Parameter 37 | meter_current | Energy | Number |
The brightness channel allows to control the brightness of a light. It is also possible to switch the light on and off.
The switch_dimmer
channel supports the Dimmer
item and is in the DimmableLight
Triggers when a scene button is pressed.
The scene_number
channel supports the Number
The color channel allows to control the color of a light. It is also possible to dim values and switch the light on and off.
The color_color
channel supports the Color
The color temperature channel allows to set the color temperature of a light from 0 (cold) to 100 (warm).
The color_temperature
channel supports the Dimmer
item and is in the ColorLight
Indicates the instantaneous current consumption.
The meter_current
channel supports the Number
item and is in the Energy
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following table provides a summary of the 12 configuration parameters available in the ZW121. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.
Param | Name | Description |
37 | Color Change Speed Level | Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In |
37 | Time Base of Color Change Speed | Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In |
37 | Cycle Count | Defines the number of repetitions of the color transition cycle |
37 | Brightness | Brightness when in color transition mode |
37 | Color Display Cycle | Defines the mode for determining colors used in color transitions |
37 | Color Change Speed Option | Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In |
37 | Color Transition Style | Defines how the strip transitions between colors |
39 | Multi Color, Single Color or Random Mode - Byte 4 | todo |
39 | Multi Color, Single Color, or Random Mode - Byte 3 | todo |
39 | Multi Color, Single Color, or Random Mode - Byte 2 | todo |
39 | Multi Color, Single Color, or Random Mode - Byte 1 | todo |
80 | Notifications for Association Group 1 | Send notifications about strip state changes to association group 1 |
Switch All Mode | Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands |
Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In Value 0 means constant speed. Value 1-30 sets the speed to accelerate/decelerate. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 30 -:
Value | Description |
0 |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_0000001F
and is of type INTEGER
Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In Amount of time spent to transition between colors. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Time base is 1s |
1 | Time base is 10ms |
2 | Time base is 100ms |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Time base is 1s).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_000000E0
and is of type INTEGER
Defines the number of repetitions of the color transition cycle When the end is reached the strip turns off. Values in the range 0 to 254 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_0000FF00
and is of type INTEGER
Brightness when in color transition mode Note that this setting only affects the brightness when in color transition mode. Use the "Brightness" channel to set the brightness outside of color transition mode. Values in the range 1 to 99 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 99
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_00FF0000
and is of type INTEGER
Defines the mode for determining colors used in color transitions Note that "Single Color Mode" does not select a constant single color (as the "Color Control" channel does), but instead cycles through a single color. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Inactive (keep the current configuration value) |
1 | Rainbow mode |
2 | Multi color mode (colors cycle between selected colors) |
3 | Random mode |
4 | Single color mode |
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
(Rainbow mode).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_07000000
and is of type INTEGER
Applies only when the Color Transition Style is set to Fade Out/In
The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Fade in for 1/2 second and fade out for 1/2 second |
1 | Fade in for 5ms and fade out for 5ms |
2 | Fade in for 50ms and fade out for 50ms |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Fade in for 1/2 second and fade out for 1/2 second).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_38000000
and is of type INTEGER
Defines how the strip transitions between colors Note that "Smooth Color Transition" will lead to invisible transitions when "Color Display Cycle" is set to "Single Color Mode". The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Smooth color transition |
1 | Fade out fade in transition |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Smooth color transition).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_37_4_40000000
and is of type INTEGER
Values in the range 0 to 5 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_39_4_000000FF
and is of type INTEGER
Values in the range 0 to 5 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 3
This parameter has the configuration ID config_39_4_0000FF00
and is of type INTEGER
Values in the range 0 to 0 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_39_4_00FF0000
and is of type INTEGER
Values in the range 0 to 5 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 3
This parameter has the configuration ID config_39_4_7F000000
and is of type INTEGER
Send notifications about strip state changes to association group 1
The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | No notifications |
1 | Hail CC |
2 | Basic CC report |
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
(Hail CC).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_80_1
and is of type INTEGER
Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands.
The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Exclude from All On and All Off groups |
1 | Include in All On group |
2 | Include in All Off group |
255 | Include in All On and All Off groups |
This parameter has the configuration ID switchall_mode
and is of type INTEGER
Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.
The ZW121 supports 2 association groups.
The Lifeline association group reports device status to a hub and is not designed to control other devices directly. When using the Lineline group with a hub, in most cases, only the lifeline group will need to be configured and normally the hub will perform this automatically during the device initialisation. Notification group for strip state changes Use configuration parameter 80 to define what notifications this group receives.
Association group 1 supports 5 nodes.
Retransmit commands to associated nodes Forward the Basic Set, Switch Binary Set, Switch Multilevel Start Level Change, Switch Multilevel Stop Level Change, Switch Multilevel Set, Scene Activation Set to associated nodes in this group when the LED Strip receives the Basic Set, Switch Binary Set, Switch Multilevel Start Level Change, Switch Multilevel Stop Level Change, Switch Multilevel Set, Scene Activation Set commands from the main controller.
Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.
Command Class | Comment |
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