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FGFS101 - ZWave

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FGFS101 Flood Sensor

This describes the Z-Wave device FGFS101, manufactured by Fibargroup with the thing type UID of fibaro_fgfs101_03_002. This version of the device is limited to firmware version 3.2

The device is in the category of Sensor, defining Device used to measure something.

FGFS101 product image

The FGFS101 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is unable to participate in the routing of data from other devices.

The FGFS101 does not permanently listen for messages sent from the controller - it will periodically wake up automatically to check if the controller has messages to send, but will sleep most of the time to conserve battery life. Refer to the Wakeup Information section below for further information.


FIBARO Flood Sensor is a universal, Z-Wave Plus compatible, flood
and temperature sensor. The device has a built-in
visual LED indicator and an acoustic alarm.
In addition, the sensor is equipped with a tilt sensor reporting tilt or
movement to the main controller e.g. when someone has taken the
Sensor from its original location.
FIBARO Flood Sensor is sink-proof, which means it drifts on the water
surface and keeps on sending alarm signal in case of substantial
inundation of water.

Inclusion Information

  1. Open the cover.
  2. Place the Sensor within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.
  3. Set the main controller in (security/non-security) add mode (see the controller’s manual).
  4. Quickly, three times press the TMP button.
  5. Wait for the adding process to end.
  6. Successful adding will be confrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

Exclusion Information

  1. Open the cover.
  2. Place the Sensor within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.
  3. Set the main controller into remove mode (see the controller’s manual).
  4. Quickly, three times press the TMP button.
  5. Wait for the removing process to end.
  6. Successful removing will be confrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.

Wakeup Information

The FGFS101 does not permanently listen for messages sent from the controller - it will periodically wake up automatically to check if the controller has messages to send, but will sleep most of the time to conserve battery life. The wakeup period can be configured in the user interface - it is advisable not to make this too short as it will impact battery life - a reasonable compromise is 1 hour.

The wakeup period does not impact the devices ability to report events or sensor data. The device can be manually woken with a button press on the device as described below - note that triggering a device to send an event is not the same as a wakeup notification, and this will not allow the controller to communicate with the device.

Single click TMP button


The following table summarises the channels available for the FGFS101 -:

Channel Channel Id Category Item Type
Temperature Sensor sensor_temperature Temperature Number:Temperature
Tamper Alarm alarm_tamper Switch
Flood Alarm alarm_flood Door Switch
Battery Level battery-level Battery Number

Temperature Sensor

Indicates the current temperature.

The sensor_temperature channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Tamper Alarm

Indicates if the tamper alarm is triggered.

The alarm_tamper channel supports the Switch item. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch item type -:

Value Label
ON Alarm

Flood Alarm

Indicates if the flood alarm is triggered.

The alarm_flood channel supports the Switch item and is in the Door category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch item type -:

Value Label
ON Alarm

Battery Level

Represents the battery level as a percentage (0-100%). Bindings for things supporting battery level in a different format (e.g. 4 levels) should convert to a percentage to provide a consistent battery level reading.

The battery-level channel supports the Number item and is in the Battery category.

Device Configuration

The following table provides a summary of the 17 configuration parameters available in the FGFS101. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.

Param Name Description
1 Alarm cancellation delay Time in seconds that the flood state is retained after flooding event
2 Select alarm type (visual/acoustic) This parameter allows for deactivation visual and acoustic alarm.
7 Requested dimming level to 2nd assoc. group “On” level to be sent to devices from 2nd association group on flood event
9 Device off and alarm cancellations Enable/disable device off/alarm cancellation updates to 2nd/3rd assoc groups
10 Temperature measurement interval Seconds between consecutive measurements of battery level/temperature
12 Temperature measurement hysteresis Minimum change in temperature value for report to be sent to controller
50 Low temperature alarm threshold Temperature value below which visual indicator blinks
51 High temperature alarm threshold Temperature value above which visual indicator blinks
61 Low temperature alarm indicator colour Parameter stores RGB colour value.
62 High temperature alarm indicator colour Parameter stores RGB colour value.
63 Visual temperature indicator Enable or disable visual temperature indicator via device's LED
73 Temperature measurement compensation Offset to current temperature to account temperature difference
74 Alarm frame for movement/tamper Movement/tamper alarm sent to 1st & 4th assoc. group
75 Alarms signalization duration Turn off alarm after given timeout
76 Alarm signalization reactivation period Time period after which an alarm will be turned back on
77 Flood sensor functionality turned off Allows the internal flood sensor to be turned off.
78 Associations in Z-Wave network security mode Defines whether commands are sent as secure or non-secure
Wakeup Interval Sets the interval at which the device will accept commands from the controller
Wakeup Node Sets the node ID of the device to receive the wakeup notifications

Parameter 1: Alarm cancellation delay

Time in seconds that the flood state is retained after flooding event Determines time period (in seconds) by which a Flood Sensor will retain the flood state after the flooding itself has ceased. The sensor will keep on reporting flooding to the main controller. This parameter setting does not affect acoustic and visual ala Values in the range 0 to 3600 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_1_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 2: Select alarm type (visual/acoustic)

This parameter allows for deactivation visual and acoustic alarm. This parameter allows for deactivation visual and acoustic alarm.

Available settings:

0 – acoustic and visual alarms inactive

1 – acoustic alarm inactive, visual alarm active

2 – acoustic alarm active, visual alarm inactive

3 – acoustic and visual alarms active

Parameter allows for increasing a battery life. Setting changes will not affect the sensor’s communication with the main controller – commands to association groups, alarms and reports will still be sent. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Acoustic and visual alarms inactive
1 Acoustic alarm inactive, visual alarm active
2 Acoustic alarm active, visual alarm inactive
3 Acoustic and visual alarms active

The manufacturer defined default value is 3 (Acoustic and visual alarms active).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_2_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 7: Requested dimming level to 2nd assoc. group

“On” level to be sent to devices from 2nd association group on flood event Requested dimming level / roller blind opening level when sending turn on / open command to 2nd association group devices.

Available settings:
1-99 – requested level
255 – turn a device on

Determines the requested “on” level to be sent to devices from 2nd association group upon flood event. The value of 255 allows for turning a device on. In case of a Dimmer it means turning it on with the last memorized state, e.g. Dimmer set to 30% and turned off, turned on again using 255 command is turned on with last state i.e. 30%. Values in the range 1 to 255 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 255.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_7_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 9: Device off and alarm cancellations

Enable/disable device off/alarm cancellation updates to 2nd/3rd assoc groups Deactivate turning off devices in 2nd association group & alarm cancellation in 3rd group

This setting decides whether device turn off commands and alarm cancellation notifications will be sent to devices in 2nd and 3rd association groups (respectively).

Setting the parameter’s value to 0 disables sending these two commands to associated devices. This means that these devices WILL NOT be informed when the flooding has ceased. It is still possible to cancel alarms in 3rd association group by choosing second (green) menu position.

Available settings:
**** – alarm (flooding) cancellation inactive
1 – alarm (flooding) cancellation active The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Alarm (flooding) cancellation inactive
1 Alarm (flooding) cancellation active

The manufacturer defined default value is 1 (Alarm (flooding) cancellation active).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_9_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 10: Temperature measurement interval

Seconds between consecutive measurements of battery level/temperature Time interval (in seconds) between consecutive measurements of battery level and temperature (done by built-in temperature sensor). If the temperature differs from previously reported by a value determined in parameter 12, it will be reported to the Z-Wave controller. In battery mode more significant battery level changes will be reported. Short time intervals mean more frequent communication, which results in shortened battery life. After consecutive FAILED and SUCCESSFUL communication attempts, the Sensor will go to standby mode. Values in the range 1 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 300.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_10_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 12: Temperature measurement hysteresis

Minimum change in temperature value for report to be sent to controller Determines a minimum temperature change value (insensitivity level), resulting in a temperature report being sent to the main controller, according to the Parameter 10 settings.

Available settings: 1 – 1 000 (each 0.01°C)
Default setting: 50 (0.5°C)
Parameter size: 2 [bytes] Values in the range 1 to 1000 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 50.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_12_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 50: Low temperature alarm threshold

Temperature value below which visual indicator blinks The parameter stores a temperature value, below which visual indicator blinks with a colour determined by a parameter 61 settings. By default the visual indicator blinks blue.

Available settings: -10 000 to +10 000 (each 0.01°C)
Default setting: 1 500 (15.00°C)
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]

The main controller does not interpret negative numbers as decimals. That’s why read value may be different than entered. Negative numbers are coded in U2 standard. Values in the range -10000 to 10000 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 1500.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_50_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 51: High temperature alarm threshold

Temperature value above which visual indicator blinks Available settings: -10 000 to +10 000 (each 0.01°C)
Default setting: 3 500 (35°C)
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]

The parameter stores a temperature value, above which visual indicator blinks with a colour determined by the parameter 62 settings. By default the visual indicator blinks red.

The main controller does not interpret negative numbers as decimals. That’s why read value may be different than entered. Negative numbers are coded in U2 standard. Values in the range -10000 to 10000 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 3500.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_51_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 61: Low temperature alarm indicator colour

Parameter stores RGB colour value. A main controller interprets colours as a sum of it component colours value. Each colours value is a number from 0 to 255.


Indicated colour = 65536 * RED value + 256 * GREEN value + BLUE value Values in the range 0 to 16777215 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 255.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_61_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 62: High temperature alarm indicator colour

Parameter stores RGB colour value. Parameter stores RGB colour value.

Available settings: 0 – 16777215
Default setting: 16711680 (red 0x00FF0000)
Parameter size: 4 [bytes]

A main controller interprets colours as a sum of it component colours value. Each colours value is a number from 0 to 255.

Indicated colour = 65536 * RED value + 256 * GREEN value + BLUE value Values in the range 0 to 16777215 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 16711680.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_62_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 63: Visual temperature indicator

Enable or disable visual temperature indicator via device's LED Parameter determines visual indicator’s operation. Setting to 0 turns the temperature LED indication off, saving battery life.

Available settings:
**** – visual indicator does not indicate the temperature
1 – visual indicator indicates the temperature (blink) every Temperature Measurement Interval (parameter 10, constant current and battery) and Wake Up Interval (battery mode)
2 – visual indicator indicates the temperature continuously, only in constant power mode
Default setting: 2
Parameter size: 1 [byte] The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Visual indicator does not indicate the temperature
1 Indicator at every temperature measurement and wake up
2 Visual indicator indicates the temperature continuously

The manufacturer defined default value is 2 (Visual indicator indicates the temperature continuously).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_63_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 73: Temperature measurement compensation

Offset to current temperature to account temperature difference Available settings: -10 000 to +10 000
Default setting: **** (0.00°C)
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]

Parameter stores a temperature value to be added to or deducted from the current temperature measured by internal temperature sensor in order to compensate the difference between air temperature and temperature at the floor level. Values in the range -10000 to 10000 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_73_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 74: Alarm frame for movement/tamper

Movement/tamper alarm sent to 1st & 4th assoc. group Available settings:

**** – tamper alarms inactive
1 – button tamper alarm active
2 – movement tamper alarm active
3 – button and movement tampers alarm active
Default setting: 2
Parameter size: 1 [byte]

The device is able to report tamper alarms resulting from sensor’s tilt/movement or TMP button state change (e.g. taking off the top cover). The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Tamper alarm inactive
1 Button tamper alarm active
2 Movement tamper alarm active
3 Button and movement tampers alarm active

The manufacturer defined default value is 2 (Movement tamper alarm active).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_74_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 75: Alarms signalization duration

Turn off alarm after given timeout The device is capable of automatically turning off alarm signalization after a certain amount of time. Long lasting alarm may reduce battery life, when constantly signalized.

Available settings:
**** – alarms active indefinitely
1-65535 – time in seconds
Default setting: ****
Parameter size: 4 [bytes]

The parameter determines time after which alarm will become “quiet” – still active but the device will go into battery saving mode. Visual or acoustic alarm will be reactivated after time specified in the parameter 76. When alarm status ceases, alarm will be turned off immediately.

The value of 0 means visual and acoustic alarms are active indefinitely. In battery power mode the Sensor will never go to sleep which may shorten battery life significantly.

The parameter is ignored when Parameter 2 is set to 0. Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_75_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 76: Alarm signalization reactivation period

Time period after which an alarm will be turned back on Parameter determines a time period after which an alarm will be turned back on (in case it was turned off by parameter 75 setting). It will also resend commands to 2nd and 3rd association groups as if the alarm was detected again.

Available settings:
**** – alarm reactivation inactive
1-65535 – time in seconds
Default setting: ****
Parameter size: 4 [bytes]

In case a time period set in parameter 76 is shorter than the one specified in parameter 75, the device will not quiet the alarm, it will remain active. Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_76_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 77: Flood sensor functionality turned off

Allows the internal flood sensor to be turned off. Allows to turn off the internal flood sensor. Tamper and built in temperature sensor will remain active.

Available settings:
**** – Default flood sensor operation (flood detection, reactions)
1 – Built-in flood sensor TURNED OFF (does not change its state in the main controller, does not send alarm notifications nor turn on/off commands to 2nd/3rd association groups with flood state changes. Always visible in the main controller as turned off)
Default setting: ****
Parameter size: 1 [byte] The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Default flood sensor operation (flood detection, reactions)
1 Built-in flood sensor TURNED OFF

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (Default flood sensor operation (flood detection, reactions)).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_77_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 78: Associations in Z-Wave network security mode

Defines whether commands are sent as secure or non-secure This parameter defines how commands are sent in specified association groups: as secure or non-secure. Parameter is active only in Z-Wave network security mode. It does not apply to 1st “Lifeline “group.

Available settings:
**** – none of the groups sent as secure
1 – 2nd group ”Control” sent as secure
2 – 3rd group ”Alarm” sent as secure
4 – 4th group „Tamper” sent as secure
Default setting: 7
Parameter size: 1 [byte] The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 None of the groups are sent as secure
1 2nd group ”Control” sent as secure
2 3rd group ”Alarm” sent as secure
3 4th group "Tamper” sent as secure

The manufacturer defined default value is 7.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_78_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Wakeup Interval

The wakeup interval sets the period at which the device will listen for messages from the controller. This is required for battery devices that sleep most of the time in order to conserve battery life. The device will wake up at this interval and send a message to the controller to tell it that it can accept messages - after a few seconds, it will go back to sleep if there is no further communications.

This setting is defined in seconds. It is advisable not to set this interval too short or it could impact battery life. A period of 1 hour (3600 seconds) is suitable in most instances.

Note that this setting does not affect the devices ability to send sensor data, or notification events.

This parameter has the configuration ID wakeup_interval and is of type INTEGER.

Wakeup Node

When sleeping devices wake up, they send a notification to a listening device. Normally, this device is the network controller, and normally the controller will set this automatically to its own address. In the event that the network contains multiple controllers, it may be necessary to configure this to a node that is not the main controller. This is an advanced setting and should not be changed without a full understanding of the impact.

This parameter has the configuration ID wakeup_node and is of type INTEGER.

Association Groups

Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.

The FGFS101 supports 4 association groups.

Group 1: Lifeline

The Lifeline association group reports device status to a hub and is not designed to control other devices directly. When using the Lineline group with a hub, in most cases, only the lifeline group will need to be configured and normally the hub will perform this automatically during the device initialisation. Reports the device status and allows for assigning single device only (main controller by default)

Association group 1 supports 1 node.

Group 2: Flood Control

Devices in this group will be switched on or off when flood status changes (done via BASIC SET command frames)

Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.

Group 3: Flood Alarm

Assigned to the device status – devices in this group will receive notification about flood detection or cancellation. Useful for devices that can trigger alarms.

Association group 3 supports 5 nodes.

Group 4: Tamper Alarm

Assigned to the TMP button and tilt sensor – devices in this group will receive a notification when the sensor is moved or the cover is taken off (which normally holds the button). Useful for devices that can trigger alarms. Functionality can be altered b

Association group 4 supports 5 nodes.

Technical Information


Endpoint 0

Command Class Comment

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