layout | title |
documentation |
FGWPB-121 - ZWave |
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This describes the Z-Wave device FGWPB-121, manufactured by Fibargroup with the thing type UID of fibaro_fgwpb121_00_000
The device is in the category of Power Outlet, defining Small devices to be plugged into a power socket in a wall which stick there.
The FGWPB-121 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.
FIBARO Wall Plug is a universal, Z-Wave Plus compatible, remotely controlled outlet adapter.
To add the device to the Z-Wave network:
- Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.
- The LED ring will glow red signalling not being added (reset or remove the device otherwise).
- Set the main controller in (security/non-security) add mode (see the controller’s manual).
- Quickly, triple click the B-button located on the casing.
- Wait for the adding process to end.
- Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.
To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:
- Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.
- The LED ring will glow green signalling being added (removing is not necessary otherwise).
- Set the main controller into remove mode (see the controller’s manual).
- Quickly, triple click the B-button located on the casing.
- Wait for the removing process to end.
- Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.
The following table summarises the channels available for the FGWPB-121 -:
Channel | Channel Id | Category | Item Type |
Switch | switch_binary | Switch | Switch |
Electric meter (kWh) | meter_kwh | Energy | Number |
Electric meter (watts) | meter_watts | Energy | Number |
Alarm (system) | alarm_system | Switch | |
Alarm (power) | alarm_power | Door | Switch |
Switch the power on and off.
The switch_binary
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Switch
Indicates the energy consumption (kWh).
The meter_kwh
channel supports the Number
item and is in the Energy
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
Indicates the instantaneous power consumption.
The meter_watts
channel supports the Number
item and is in the Energy
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
Indicates if a system alarm is triggered.
The alarm_system
channel supports the Switch
item. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if a power alarm is triggered.
The alarm_power
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
The following table provides a summary of the 21 configuration parameters available in the FGWPB-121. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.
Param | Name | Description |
2 | Power Failure | Remember device status before the power failure. |
3 | Overload | Overload safety switch. |
11 | Reporting | Power reporting. |
12 | Reporting | Energy reporting threshold. |
13 | Reporting | Periodic power reporting. |
14 | Reporting | Periodic energy reporting. |
15 | Consumption | Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself. |
21 | Up Value | Upper power threshold. |
22 | Down value | Lower power threshold. |
23 | Controlling | Controlling 3rd association group devices. |
24 | Switch On | Command frame sent to devices in 2nd group. |
25 | Switch Off | Command frame sent to devices in 2nd group. |
26 | Threshold Up. | Command frame sent to the devices in 3rd group. |
27 | Threshold Down. | Command frame sent to the devices in 3rd group. |
30 | Active Alarms | Network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond. |
31 | Response to alarm frames. | Wall plug response to alarms. |
32 | Alarm state duration. | Specifies the duration of the alarm state. |
40 | Power load for violet color. | Maximum active power to flash the LED frame Violet. |
41 | LED frame color ON. | LED frame color when controlled device is on. |
42 | LED frame color OFF. | LED frame color when controlled device is off. |
43 | LED frame color Z-Wave. | Z-Wave alarm illumination. |
Remember device status before the power failure. This parameter determines how the Wall Plug will react in the event of power supply failure (e.g. power outage or taking out from the electrical outlet). After the power supply is back on, the Wall Plug can be restored to previous state or remain switched off. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Switched OFF. |
1 | Restore State. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
(Restore State.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_2_1
and is of type INTEGER
Overload safety switch. **** - function inactive (default).
10-18000 - (1.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W) - power threshold.
This function allows to turn off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power. Controlled device can be turned back on via button or sending a control frame. By default this function is inactive. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 18000 -:
Value | Description |
0 | Overload Disabled. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Overload Disabled.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_3_2
and is of type INTEGER
Power reporting. **** - power reports inactive.
1-100 - power change in percent; default 15%.
This parameter determines the minimum percentage change in active power consumption (in relation to the previously reported) that will result in sending new power report. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 100 -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disables power reporting. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 15
This parameter has the configuration ID config_11_1
and is of type INTEGER
Energy reporting threshold. **** - energy reports inactive.
1-500 - (0.01-5kWh, step 0.01kWh) - threshold; default 10 (0.1kWh). The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 500 -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disables energy reporting. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 10
This parameter has the configuration ID config_12_2
and is of type INTEGER
Periodic power reporting. **** - periodic reports inactive.
30-32400 - In seconds; default 3600 (1h).
This parameter defines time period between independent reports sent when changes in power load have not been recorded or if changes are insignificant. By default reports are sent every hour. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 32400 -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disables reporting. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 3600
This parameter has the configuration ID config_13_2
and is of type INTEGER
Periodic energy reporting. **** - periodic reports inactive.
30-32400 - In seconds; default 3600 (1h).
This parameter defines time period between independent reports sent when changes in power load have not been recorded or if changes are insignificant. By default reports are sent every hour. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 32400 -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disables reporting. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 3600
This parameter has the configuration ID config_14_2
and is of type INTEGER
Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself. This parameter determines whether power metering should include the amount of power consumed by the Wall Plug itself. Results are being added to the value of power consumed by controlled device. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disables energy consumption. |
1 | Enables energy consumption. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Disables energy consumption.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_15_1
and is of type INTEGER
Upper power threshold. [UP value - "On/Off (Power)" association group (3) .]
100-18000 - (10.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W); default 500 (50W).
Upper power threshold, used in parameter 23. UP value cannot be lower than a value specified in parameter 22. Values in the range 100 to 18000 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 500
This parameter has the configuration ID config_21_2
and is of type INTEGER
Lower power threshold. [DOWN value - "On/Off (Power)" association group (3).]
0-17900 - (0.0-1790.0W, step 0.1W); default 300 (30W).
Lower power threshold, used in parameter 23. DOWN value cannot be higher than a value specified in parameter 21. Values in the range 0 to 17900 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 300
This parameter has the configuration ID config_22_2
and is of type INTEGER
Controlling 3rd association group devices. [Controlling "On/Off (Power)" association group (3).]
This parameter defines the way that 3rd association group devices are controlled. Depends on the actual measured power (according to parameters 21 and 22 settings). The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
1 | Power Exceeded. |
2 | Power Dropped. |
3 | Power Dropped or Exceeded. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 3
(Power Dropped or Exceeded.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_23_1
and is of type INTEGER
Command frame sent to devices in 2nd group. ** [SWITCH ON value - "On/Off (Button)" association group (2).]**
1-99 - forcing level of associated devices.
The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associated in 2nd group "On/Off (Button)" when turning the device ON using the button. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 255 -:
Value | Description |
0 | OFF. |
255 | Last State/ON. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 255
(Last State/ON.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_24_2
and is of type INTEGER
Command frame sent to devices in 2nd group. [SWITCH OFF value - "On/Off (Button)" association group (2).]
1-99 - forcing level of associated devices.
The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associated in 2nd group "On/Off (Button)" when turning the device OFF using the button. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 255 -:
Value | Description |
0 | OFF. |
255 | Last State/ON. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_25_2
and is of type INTEGER
Command frame sent to the devices in 3rd group. [THRESHOLD UP value - "On/Off (Power)" association group (3).]
1-99 - forcing level of associated devices.
The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associated in 3rd group "On/Off (Power)" if power exceeded value of parameter 21. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 255 -:
Value | Description |
0 | OFF. |
255 | Last State/ON. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 255
(Last State/ON.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_26_2
and is of type INTEGER
Command frame sent to the devices in 3rd group. ** [THRESHOLD DOWN value - "On/Off (Power)" association group (3).]**
1-99 - forcing level of associated devices.
The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associated in 3rd group "On/Off (Power)" if power dropped below value of parameter 22. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 255 -:
Value | Description |
0 | OFF. |
255 | Last State/ON. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_27_2
and is of type INTEGER
Network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond. Define Z-Wave network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
1 | General. |
2 | Smoke. |
4 | Carbon Monoxide. |
8 | Carbon Dioxide. |
16 | High Temperature. |
32 | Flood. |
63 | All Alarms (default). |
The manufacturer defined default value is 63
(All Alarms (default).).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_30_1
and is of type INTEGER
Wall plug response to alarms. 5-50 (0.5-5.0s, step 0.1s) - cyclically change device state with set period.
This parameter defines how the Wall Plug will respond to alarms (device’s status change). In case of values 1 or 2 the Wall Plug is operating normally and LED frame signals an alarm through time defined in parameter 32 or until the alarm is canceled. In case of values 5 to 50 the Wall Plug does not report status change, power changes, ignores BASIC SET command frames. After time defined in parameter 32 or after the alarm cancellation, connected device is set to the previous state. The following option values may be configured, in addition to values in the range 0 to 50 -:
Value | Description |
0 | No Reaction. |
1 | ON. |
2 | OFF. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(No Reaction.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_31_1
and is of type INTEGER
Specifies the duration of the alarm state. 1-32400 (in seconds).
600 (default).
This parameter specifies the duration of alarm state. If a device sending an alarm frame through the Z-Wave network sets alarm duration as well, this settings are ignored.
NOTE: The alarm may be canceled by pressing and holding the button. Values in the range 1 to 32400 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 600
This parameter has the configuration ID config_32_2
and is of type INTEGER
Maximum active power to flash the LED frame Violet. 1000-18000 (100.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W).
18000 (1800W; Default).
This parameter determines maximum active power value, which when exceeded, causes the LED frame to flash violet. Function is active only when parameter 41 is set to 1 or 2. Values in the range 1000 to 18000 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 18000
This parameter has the configuration ID config_40_2
and is of type INTEGER
LED frame color when controlled device is on. When set to 1 or 2, LED frame color will change depending on active power and parameter 40.
Other colors are set permanently and do not depend on power consumption The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disable Illumination. |
1 | Active Power (Smooth). |
2 | Active Power (Steps). |
3 | White. |
4 | Red. |
5 | Green. |
6 | Blue. |
7 | Yellow. |
8 | Cyan. |
9 | Magenta. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
(Active Power (Smooth).).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_41_1
and is of type INTEGER
LED frame color when controlled device is off. This parameter defines the illumination color after turning off. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disable Illumination. |
1 | Last Measured Load. |
3 | White. |
4 | Red. |
5 | Green. |
6 | Blue. |
7 | Yellow. |
8 | Cyan. |
9 | Magenta. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Disable Illumination.).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_42_1
and is of type INTEGER
Z-Wave alarm illumination. This parameter defines the illumination color in case of Z-Wave alarm. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disable Illumination. |
1 | No change in color. |
2 | Red/White/Blue. |
3 | White. |
4 | Red. |
5 | Green. |
6 | Blue. |
7 | Yellow. |
8 | Cyan. |
9 | Magenta. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 2
This parameter has the configuration ID config_43_1
and is of type INTEGER
Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.
The FGWPB-121 supports 3 association groups.
The Lifeline association group reports device status to a hub and is not designed to control other devices directly. When using the Lineline group with a hub, in most cases, only the lifeline group will need to be configured and normally the hub will perform this automatically during the device initialisation. Reports the device status. 1st Association Group – “Lifeline” (for root, endpoint 1 and 2) reports the device status and allows for assigning single device only (main controller by default).
Association group 1 supports 1 node.
On or off when relay status is changed using the button. 2nd Association Group – “On/Off (Button)” (for root and endpoint 1) devices in this group will be switched on or off when relay status is changed using the button (uses Basic command class).
Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.
Switched On/Off based on the current load of plugged device. 3rd Association Group – “On/Off (Plug power)” (for root and endpoint 1) devices in this group will be switched on or off depending on the current load of plugged device (uses Basic command class).
Association group 3 supports 5 nodes.
Command Class | Comment |
Command Class | Comment |
Command Class | Comment |
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