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HKZW-SO01 - ZWave

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HKZW-SO01 Smart Plug with two USB ports

This describes the Z-Wave device HKZW-SO01, manufactured by Hank with the thing type UID of hank_hkzws001_00_000.

The HKZW-SO01 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.


Hank Smart Plug is a Z-Wave Switch plugin module specifically used to enable Z-Wave command and control (On/Off) of any plug-in tool. It can report wattage consumption or kWh energy usage. Smart Plug is also a security Z-Wave device and supports Over The Air (OTA) feature for the product's firmware upgrade.

Based on the Z-Wave Plus specification.

Features List:

  1. Supports 1xAC output and 2xUSB outputs;
  2. AC output switch on/off by manual or Z-Wave command;
  3. LED indicates the working status;
  4. Z-Wave plus compatible (500 serials Product);
  5. Supporting power meter;
  6. Supporting repeater role
  7. Supporting firmware OTA

Inclusion Information

Manual Z-Wave network inclusion:

(1) Connect the power supply.

(2) Set the Z-Wave network main controller into learning mode (see Z-Wave network controller operating manual).

(3) Triple click the Z-button

(4) Smart Plug should be recognized and included into the Z-Wave network.


If the LED indicator not blinking when inserting a Plug into a socket, it means the plug was already added in other existing network.

Exclusion Information


To remove Smart Plug from the Z-Wave network:

(1) Insert the Plug into a socket,

(2) Set the Z-Wave network controller into the exclusion mode (see Z-Wave controller operating manual)

(3) Triple click the Z button.


The following table summarises the channels available for the HKZW-SO01 -:

Channel Channel Id Category Item Type
Switch switch_binary Switch Switch
Dimmer switch_dimmer DimmableLight Dimmer
Scene Number scene_number Number
Electric meter (amps) meter_current Energy Number
Electric meter (kWh) meter_kwh Energy Number
Electric meter (volts) meter_voltage Energy Number
Electric meter (watts) meter_watts Energy Number


Switch the power on and off.

The switch_binary channel supports the Switch item and is in the Switch category.


The brightness channel allows to control the brightness of a light. It is also possible to switch the light on and off.

The switch_dimmer channel supports the Dimmer item and is in the DimmableLight category.

Scene Number

Triggers when a scene button is pressed.

The scene_number channel supports the Number item.

Electric meter (amps)

Indicates the instantaneous current consumption.

The meter_current channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (kWh)

Indicates the energy consumption (kWh).

The meter_kwh channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (volts)

Indicates the instantaneous voltage.

The meter_voltage channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (watts)

Indicates the instantaneous power consumption.

The meter_watts channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Device Configuration

The following table provides a summary of the 10 configuration parameters available in the HKZW-SO01. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.

Param Name Description
20 Overload Protection If current exceeds 16.5A over 5 seconds, relay will turn off.
21 Device Status after Power Failure Define how the plug reacts after power failure
24 Notifcation on Load Change Smart Plug can send notifications to association device load state changes.
27 Indicator Modes LED in the device will indicate the state of load
151 Threshold of power report Power Threshold at which to send meter report
152 Percentage Threshold of Power Report Percentage Threshold at which to send meter report
171 Power Report Frequency The interval of sending power report to association device (Group Lifeline).
172 Energy Report Frequency The interval of sending energy report to association device (Group Lifeline).
173 Voltage Report Frequency The interval of sending voltage report to association device (Group Lifeline)
174 Electricity Report Frequency Interval for sending electricity report.
Switch All Mode Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands

Parameter 20: Overload Protection

If current exceeds 16.5A over 5 seconds, relay will turn off. If current exceeds 16.5A over 5 seconds, relay will turn off.

0 - The function is disabled

1 - The function is enabled. Values in the range 0 to 1 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 1.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_20_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 21: Device Status after Power Failure

Define how the plug reacts after power failure Define how the plug reacts after power failure:

0 - Smart Plug returns to previous state after a power failure.

1 - Smart Plug does not memorize its state after a powerfailure.

Connected device will be on after the power supply is reconnected.

2 - Smart Plug does not memorize its state after a power failure.

Connected device will be off after the power supply is reconnected. Values in the range 0 to 2 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_21_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 24: Notifcation on Load Change

Smart Plug can send notifications to association device load state changes. Smart Plug can send notifications to association device load state changes.

0 -Disabled.

1 - Basic report.

2 - Basic report only when Load condition not changed by Z-WAVE Command. Values in the range 0 to 2 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 1.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_24_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 27: Indicator Modes

LED in the device will indicate the state of load After smart plug is included into a Z-Wave network, the LED in the device will indicate the state of load.

0 - The LED will follow the status (on/off) of its load.

1 - When the state of Switch’s load changed, The LED will follow the status (on/off) of its load, but the red LED will turn off after 5 seconds if there is not any switch action. Values in the range 0 to 1 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_27_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 151: Threshold of power report

Power Threshold at which to send meter report Power threshold to be interpreted, when the change value of load power exceeds the setting threshold, the smart plug will send meter report to association device (Group Lifeline).

Available settings: 0 - 65535 (0 - 65535W)

0 - The function is disabled.

Default setting: 50 (50W) Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 50.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_151_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 152: Percentage Threshold of Power Report

Percentage Threshold at which to send meter report Power percentage threshold to be interpreted, when change value of the load power exceeds the setting threshold, the smart plug will send meter report to association device (Group Lifeline).

Available settings: 0 - 255 (0 - 255%)

0 - The function is disabled.

Default setting: 10 (10%) Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 10.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_152_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 171: Power Report Frequency

The interval of sending power report to association device (Group Lifeline). The interval of sending power report to association device (Group Lifeline).

Available settings: 5- 2678400 (5 - 2678400 seconds)

0 -The function is disabled.

Default setting: 30 (30 seconds). Values in the range 5 to 2678400 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 30.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_171_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 172: Energy Report Frequency

The interval of sending energy report to association device (Group Lifeline). The interval of sending energy report to association device (Group Lifeline).

Available settings: 5- 2678400 (5 - 2678400 seconds)

0 -The function is disabled.

Default setting: 300 (300 seconds). Values in the range 5 to 2678400 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 300.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_172_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 173: Voltage Report Frequency

The interval of sending voltage report to association device (Group Lifeline) The interval of sending voltage report to association device (Group Lifeline)

Available settings: 5- 2678400 (5 - 2678400 seconds)

0 -The function is disabled.

Default setting: 0 (disabled). Values in the range 0 to 2678400 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_173_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 174: Electricity Report Frequency

Interval for sending electricity report. The interval of sending electricity report to association device (Group Lifeline).

Available settings: 5- 2678400 (5 - 2678400 seconds)

0 -The function is disabled.

Default setting: 0 (disabled). Values in the range 0 to 2678400 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 0.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_174_4 and is of type INTEGER.

Switch All Mode

Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands.

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Exclude from All On and All Off groups
1 Include in All On group
2 Include in All Off group
255 Include in All On and All Off groups

This parameter has the configuration ID switchall_mode and is of type INTEGER.

Association Groups

Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.

The HKZW-SO01 supports 1 association group.

Group 1: Basic Report

Sends Basic Report at On/Off event Association command class allows Smart Plug to communicate with other Z-Wave devices directly, such as sending BASIC REPORT whenever the smart plug is turn on or off.

Smart Plug supports 1 association grouping.

The max number of associated nodes is 5.

Association group 1 supports 5 nodes.

Technical Information


Endpoint 0

Command Class Comment

Documentation Links

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