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documentation |
MH-P311 - ZWave |
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This describes the Z-Wave device MH-P311, manufactured by McoHome Technology Co., Ltd with the thing type UID of mcohome_mhp311_00_000
The device is in the category of Wall Switch, defining Any device attached to the wall that controls a binary status of something, for ex. a light switch.
The MH-P311 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.
Wall Dimmer Switch
INCLUDING the device into Z-Wave network:
- Set the controller into INCLUSION mode. Follow instructions provided by controller manufacturer.
- Press the key on the panel 3 times in quick succession (within approx 1.5sec).
Note: Check the controller or gateway to see whether inclusion is successful.
EXCLUDING the device from Z-Wave network:
- Set the controller into EXCLUSION mode. Follow instructions provided by controller manufacturer.
- Press the key on the panel 3 times in quick succession (within approx 1.5sec).
Note: Check the controller or gateway to see whether exclusion is successful. The exclusion will delete all association data.
The following table summarises the channels available for the MH-P311 -:
Channel | Channel Id | Category | Item Type |
Dimmer | switch_dimmer | DimmableLight | Dimmer |
Scene Number | scene_number | Number |
The brightness channel allows to control the brightness of a light. It is also possible to switch the light on and off.
The switch_dimmer
channel supports the Dimmer
item and is in the DimmableLight
Triggers when a scene button is pressed.
The scene_number
channel supports the Number
The following table provides a summary of the 19 configuration parameters available in the MH-P311. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.
Param | Name | Description |
1 | State Saved? | Dimmer state saved or not when power down |
2 | Beep | Beep |
3 | LED Backlit Brightness Level | LED Backlit Brightness Level |
5 | Minimum brightness level | Minimum brightness level |
6 | Maximum brightness level | Maximum brightness level |
7 | Single dimming step time(Manual) | Single dimming step time(Manual) |
8 | Single dimming step size(Manual) | Single dimming step time(Manual) |
9 | Single dimming step time (Auto) | Single dimming step time (Auto) |
10 | Single dimming step size (Auto) | Single dimming step size (Auto) |
11 | Timer function (Auto-off) | Timer function (Auto-off) |
13 | One click of S1 | One click of S1 |
14 | Double click of S1 | Double click of S1 |
15 | Switch1 to Association Group 2 & 3 | Operation report from Switch1 to Association Group 2 & 3 |
16 | Switch1 to Association Group 2 | Operation report from Switch1 to Association Group 2 |
19 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when one click of S1 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when one click of S1 |
20 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when double click of S1 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when double click of S1 |
21 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when hold S1 | Scene ID sent to AG1 when hold S1 |
255 | Factory setting | Factory setting |
Switch All Mode | Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands |
Dimmer state saved or not when power down 0x00 not saved,Dimmer will be off
when powered again
0x01 saved,Dimmer will keep the same
state when powered again Values in the range 0 to 1 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_1_1
and is of type INTEGER
Beep 0x00 Beep disabled
0x01 Beep enabled Values in the range 0 to 1 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_2_1
and is of type INTEGER
LED Backlit Brightness Level 0x00 LED disabled
0x01~0x0A Min level-Max level Values in the range 0 to 10 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 10
This parameter has the configuration ID config_3_1
and is of type INTEGER
ALL ON/ALL OFF 0x00 forbid ALL ON, forbid ALL OFF
0x01 forbid ALL ON, allow ALL OFF
0x02 allow ALL ON, forbid ALL OFF
0xFF allow ALL ON, allow ALL OFF Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 255
This parameter has the configuration ID config_4_1
and is of type INTEGER
Minimum brightness level 1~98 percentage brightness level
The max level should always higher than min level Values in the range 1 to 98 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_5_1
and is of type INTEGER
Maximum brightness level 2~99 percentage brightness level
The max level should always higher than min level Values in the range 2 to 99 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 99
This parameter has the configuration ID config_6_1
and is of type INTEGER
Single dimming step time(Manual) Max 2.55s, in 10ms steps
Manual control realized by holding external 8 button Values in the range 1 to 2550 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 3
This parameter has the configuration ID config_7_2
and is of type INTEGER
Single dimming step time(Manual) Single dimming step size(Manual) Values in the range 1 to 99 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_8_1
and is of type INTEGER
Single dimming step time (Auto) Max 2.55s, in 10ms steps
Auto control
realized by:
one click;
double click of
external button;
- send Z-Wave CC Values in the range 1 to 2550 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 3
This parameter has the configuration ID config_9_2
and is of type INTEGER
Single dimming step size (Auto) Auto control
realized by:
one click;
double click of
external button;
- send Z-Wave CC Values in the range 1 to 99 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_10_1
and is of type INTEGER
Timer function (Auto-off) 0x00 function disabled
0x00010x00FF 1s255s
Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_11_2
and is of type INTEGER
One click of S1 0x00 switch between Off and last saved
brightness level
1~99 percentage value
switch between Off and the set value Values in the range 0 to 99 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 99
This parameter has the configuration ID config_13_1
and is of type INTEGER
Double click of S1 0x00 function disabled
0x01 reach max brightness level Values in the range 0 to 1 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_14_1
and is of type INTEGER
Operation report from Switch1 to Association Group 2 & 3 bit 6:0
0x00 report all operation to AG2&3
0x01 only report when switching OFF
0x02 only report when switching ON
bit7 (valid for AG3 during dimming only)
0 not report during dimming
1 report during dimming Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_15_1
and is of type INTEGER
Operation report from Switch1 to Association Group 2 0x00 When sent Basic Set On,
carried Value is 0xFF
0x01 When sent Basic Set On, carried
Value is Current Dimmer Value Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
This parameter has the configuration ID config_16_1
and is of type INTEGER
Scene ID sent to AG1 when one click of S1 0 Scene Activation disabled
1~255 send Activation CC to AG1 with
specified Scene ID Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_19_1
and is of type INTEGER
Scene ID sent to AG1 when double click of S1 0 Scene Activation disabled
1~255 send Activation CC to AG1 with
specified Scene ID Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_20_1
and is of type INTEGER
Scene ID sent to AG1 when hold S1 0 Scene Activation disabled
1~255 send Activation CC to AG1 with
specified Scene ID Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_21_1
and is of type INTEGER
Factory setting 0x55 restore factory setting Values in the range 85 to 85 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 85
This parameter has the configuration ID config_255_1_wo
and is of type INTEGER
This is a write only parameter.
Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands.
The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Exclude from All On and All Off groups |
1 | Include in All On group |
2 | Include in All Off group |
255 | Include in All On and All Off groups |
This parameter has the configuration ID switchall_mode
and is of type INTEGER
Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.
The MH-P311 supports 3 association groups.
The Lifeline association group reports device status to a hub and is not designed to control other devices directly. When using the Lineline group with a hub, in most cases, only the lifeline group will need to be configured and normally the hub will perform this automatically during the device initialisation. 1st AG: reports device’s dimming state. It supports only one Node ID. A controller/gateway SHOULD be associated to this AG.
Association group 1 supports 1 node.
Basic Set Command 2nd AG: to control the associated devices synchronously. When S1’s state changes, it will send “Basic Set Command” to these devices. It supports upto 5 Node IDs.
Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.
AG: to control the associated devices synchronously. When S1’s state changes, it will send
“Multi-level Set Command” to these devices. It supports upto 5 Node IDs.
Association group 3 supports 5 nodes.
Command Class | Comment |
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